Honeymoon Cuckold

By amenarimix. I’ve always thought of myself as straight. I’ve attempted to hook up with pretty girls, but I’ve never been successful. I put this down to my thin build, pale skin, long, untidy blonde hair, and the fact that I didn’t go through puberty until I was almost 18 years old, which left me with practically no body hair. However, what made me feel bad about myself was something no girl had ever witnessed before college. I despised myself

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There’s a Whore in my House 2

By Subone1. I was lonely, perpetually horny, and basically a Loser. Enter Mallory, the not-so-dumb 18-year-old next door. She had been kicked to the curb by her parents when she turned 18 and was now a legal adult. In a weak moment, I agreed to let her move in with me ‘temporarily’ while she saved up some money to get her place. In a matter of days, however, she had discovered all my sexual perversions, locked up my little dick,

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There’s a Whore in my House 1

By Subone1. I’ve got it bad, always have. I’ve been pussy whipped my entire life. I have always been in awe of anything and everything feminine. Hair, makeup, perfume, clothes, you name it. And don’t get me started on ladies’ lingerie! I’m that 6’2”, 200-pound guy that always turns into a bowl of babbling mush around pretty girls. Subservience to the female gender always seemed natural to me, the way society should be. The trouble is, I’ve had to keep

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Extended Stay (Sissy/forced Bi Sex)

By charmer949. I’m still pissed off because we must stay here for a month. It’s day thirteen, and I’m stuck–well, we’re stuck–at the Common Inn, a less-than-ideal extended-stay motel on the edge of Smallville. If my blowhard husband knew how to properly do his job, we’d have been home last week. He needs someone to come along in his life who will put him in his place. Mr. All High and Mighty. Ham–I call him behind his back. He’s gone

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A Wimp in her Closet

By flickofthedick. After a year abroad, Amy returned to a mix-up with the apartments. She found a vacant room in a dorm for a few weeks through sheer luck until the situation could be resolved. Still, life as a dormitory resident was quite a transition after the freedom and independence of exchange studies. Still, the dorm was a blessing in disguise because that’s where she met Andy. It didn’t take long to notice something about him worthy of deeper investigation.

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Asian Guy and Cheating Girlfriend

By FreshFire. My name is Justin and I am dating a girl called Anna. We met in college and started our relationship as we graduated and started working. She is a rather conservative asian girl: 5’4 (165cm) tall, slim waist, small b-sized breasts and long black hair. I am also asian, 5’11 (180cm) tall and muscular. People often say our looks and physiques compliment each other. The relationship was a lot of fun at first, and we had sex regularly.

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Her Independence

By atlflirt. For the remainder of the Antigua trip, Jackie did not want to spend time with Greg or Nancy and did her best to limit seeing them. Tension had formed between her and them after she gave Greg a blowjob in front of us on the beach. The few times we saw them, Jackie would only politely greet them in passing as if they were mere acquaintances instead of the couple closest to us for many years. Once we

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That One Friend

By TheBlackStallion. Years ago I met the perfect girl. She was cute, honest, fun and innocent. Lizzie was a homeschool girl which made her very shy and a little naive. We met at the very beginning of our college years. She was about 5’5 putting her a few inches shorter then me. She was slim but had nice perky c-cup tits. An extremely cute face with long auburn shoulder length hair. We met in orientation and quickly started dating. Being

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The Perfect Fit

By eviltwin52. I watched them dancing together. Him, tall, well built, handsome. Even at 40 his thick and wavy black hair was full and well groomed. Tinges of gray on his temples gave him an air of sophistication. Cindy’s eyes were lit up and anyone watching could see that she was enjoying herself with him. That became painfully obvious when I heard a woman at a near-by table tell her escort, “Don’t they make a beautiful couple?” “Shhh. Her husband

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Pool Cuck

By CuckBoi6. I’ve known Sadie for a few months now. We work alongside each other at the Museum downtown. She is about blonde, 5’5 tall, and has a small frame. However, that’s all I can ever tell about her figure, as she tends to wear oversized attire. Sadie nudged me with her elbow as I printed out entry tickets for a family of 3. “Hey, Jack! Guess what? I have an interview for the new lead attendant position in a

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