Dignity Dash: Session 01
By username55.

The premise of the game is that you have awoken on a beach on the other side of town, completely naked and now must streak all the way back home. Along the way, you’ll encounter situations that will embarrass and humiliate you. Each player is given 15 DP (Dignity Points) to start with.
You lose DP when you get caught naked or otherwise make a fool of yourself, but you can gain DP when you go unnoticed or otherwise make yourself or your nudity look good. You get through these situations by rolling a dice, with the number you get determining how successful you are in getting through it.
Think if it like rolling for initiative in DnD. Complete with some event cards coming with a critical failure or even a critical success condition. Everything you’re about to read is directly based on what happened when I played the game myself as Diego and Rina. All the scenarios and how they got through it, is based on that game session.
A few creative liberties were taken such as the framing device, but otherwise everything is based on how it went.
Diego and Rina woke up, dazed and confused.
“Where are we?” she asked.
“I’m not sure, all I remember is us sitting down to play some dumb board game and now here we are.”
They both looked around, everything looked plastic including the ground they were walking on. They appeared to be on a beach but all of it looked fake and flat. The sea was just a unmoving blue piece of cardboard. That’s when Rina started to snicker.
“What’s so funny?”
She just pointed down and he saw that he was completely naked from head to toe. He screamed and covered himself as he realized that his clothes were gone.
“Hehehehe, I didn’t do a thing, guess wherever we are, your clothes didn’t make the trip with you.”
As she laughed, Diego started to chuckle as well. “You really want something to laugh at, look down.”
She did so and wouldn’t you know it, she was naked too.
Diego laughed at her panicked reaction until he remembered that they were both stuck, naked, in some weird place.
Suddenly he noticed something on his hand. It was a display that had the number 15 on it.
“What in the world is this?”
All of a sudden, a pair of dice blocks appeared over his head like it was Mario Party. That’s when he realized where they were.
“Rina, we’re trapped in that stupid board game you bought!”
“What!? How?”
“No clue. Where did you even get it!?”
“Some weird woman was selling it in an alleyway. She did say something about how the game was very immersive and how it was guaranteed to make your fantasies come true. I just thought it would be funny to get a board game about public nudity.”
…”None of that raised ANY red flags!? The fact she was selling a board game in an alley alone would have made me go, “Yup, that’s a cursed game.””
“Ugh…well it appears to be my turn so lets go.”
Upon hitting the dice with his fist he saw a series of colored circles. He walked forward 7 spaces and landed on a blue one. A card appeared in front of him. “Breezy Gust”
All of a sudden, both he and Rina felt a massive gust of wind blow them backwards. Diego went back two spaces but Rina, having not started yet, just hit an invisible wall. With her body pressed against it like it was clear window, she screamed, “MAKE IT STOP!”
The wind died down. Causing her to flop to the floor. “Well, that wasn’t fun.” That’s when she saw the number on her hand, it also said 15 but then dropped to 13. “Diego! What’s this number thing?”
He looked as his hand and noticed his number also went down to 13. “Not sure…I don’t think we want it to hit zero.”
Diego picked himself off the floor and saw another card appear in front of him. “Drone Disaster”
A small drone with a camera on it started to take pictures of him from every angle as he tried to run and cover. One six-sided die appeared on above his head, he hit it and got a 3.
The die disappeared and the drone kept flying around him, it blinded him with the flash on the camera and then stayed there, flying close by. The flash caused the number on his hand to drop to 11.
The dice then appeared over Rina’s head. “You have fun over that way, cutie. I’m going this way instead.”
“Be careful, I’m not sure what’s going to happen.”
“Relax, I’m much luckier than you. You know that.
She then rolled a ten and went towards the middle path. Downtown. “It’s the shortest path. I’m gonna beat you there.”
“Pff…good luck.” he said dismissively.
As she landed on a green space a card appeared in her hand. “Streaking Scramble”
Suddenly she saw someone coming towards her. She panicked and tried to hide. The dice appeared above her head and she hit it.
A 3. As she hid behind a lamppost, she prayed that he wouldn’t see her. Unfortunately, her biggest asset was completely exposed. “Woah…look at that! Nice ass, cutie!”
She turned around and saw a plastic man. Looked almost like a plastic army guy. But he was in a business suit rather than army fatigues. She screamed and ran off hiding behind a dumpster. She saw her number drop to 11!
“Oh yeah, that looked real lucky on your part!” screamed Diego from a distance.
“Heh…yeah sure.” he said, with the dice appearing over his head.
“My turn again huh? Alright.” He rolled. Moving to a red space. “The Nature Lover”
As he wondered what a red space meant he bumped into a plastic woman holding a protest sign.
She turned around and saw him immediately. He screamed. She screamed, but hers was a scream of joy. “Oh boy, is this the place?” she asked
“…the place for what?”
“The big protest, against people who wear fur.”
…”People still wear fur? Like real animal pelts?”
“They sure do! Though I swore they told me the protest was tomorrow.”
“Uh….I thought I’d get an early start? Skinning animals is wrong and you know, no time like the present to declare your dislike of all fur based clothes. Heh.” he said, blushing as he tried not to cover himself.
“Are you livestreaming your protest?”
“Livestreaming?” that’s when he remembered the drone that was still following him. “Oh yes, this thing is capturing every second of my protest so no one will forget to not wear fur and to go vegan and all that jazz.”
“I’m glad to see a guy so devoted to the cause. I’ll be sure to tell everyone about you.”
She then walked off, or rather hopped off as her legs were solid plastic. “Thank you.”, he said waving at her as she did so.
As she hopped out of sight, he added “Phew. Oh thank god…”
But then he looked at his hand, the number jumped back to 13.
“Huh…that went well” he said.
“See, Rina. I can get lucky sometimes!” he said before another card appeared. “Surfboard Wipeout”
A massive surf contest was underway and he had very few places to hide, so he booked it into the ocean. Despite being made of cardboard, he sunk down into the “water”. It even felt wet. This place must be able to change based on whatever was happening at the moment.
That’s when one of the judges saw him. “Hey you!”
He tried to hide further under the water but no dice. “You with the black hair!”
…”Yes?” he asked.
“Where’s your board? The contest is about to begin.”
“…I…lost it?”
The judge scoffed and then tossed him a board. “There. Now get to it, you’re up next.”
“Wait, you want me to surf!?”
“Yeah…you are a surfer, aren’t you?”
As he stalled he heard Rina cackling at him. “Surf’s up, cutie! Time to hang 10 and a half!” she said, while wiggling her pinky
He growled and said, “Yes. I am a surfer.”
He then heard someone announce, “Ok, up next is a fresh newcomer, Diego!”
The water around him started to swell and the dice appeared above his head. Just before the waves got near him, he hit it. A 2.
He tried to hop on the board, only remembering that he wasn’t wearing trunks at that exact moment. But he wasn’t exposed for long as he immediately got flung from the board. Far enough that none of the spectators saw his nudity.
Landing in another stretch of ocean and washing up on shore, he at least took solace in that no one saw him. Though if only he could’ve kept that board. He checked his number and it went down to 12.
“Hehe…I’d have given you perfect 10s across the board for that. If only for your choice in swimwear.”
“Just roll already.”
She did and landed on a red space. “Your Sibling’s Best Friend”
…”Wait, I’m an only child.”
Nevertheless, she bumped into a little plastic girl. She looked her up and down and then pointed and laughed. “Oh wow. Rina’s all nakey! Hehehe.”
“Shhh…please be quiet. Someone could hear you.”
“Someone is gonna hear you. I can’t wait to tell [insert name of sibling] about you running around with your boobies out!”
Despite the empty threat, Rina still didn’t want to lose any more of that number. Whatever it was, she was trailing behind Diego currently. She tried to convince her to keep quiet. “Look, if you keep quiet I promise to get you a new toy or something. Please?” she looked pleadingly at this little plastic girl.
The dice appeared above her head and she hit it. A 4.
The little plastic girl looked at Rina and without saying another word, quickly whipped out her phone and took a picture of Rina. “Yeah, no…good luck nakey girl. Hehehehe!”
She then hopped off leaving Rina blushing at the fact her imaginary sibling was going to never let her live this down. She then looked at her number, it dropped to a 9.
Diego was losing his mind laughing at her. “Having fun in downtown, “Nakey girl?” ”
“SHUT UP!” she said angrily, cursing her luck. But that’s when another card appeared. “Unexpected Supportive Rally”
A whole bunch of plastic people started to hop by her. She noticed that some of them were naked too. A bunch of them on the sidelines had signs cheering her on. That’s when she looked up and saw that it was charity run. A clothing optional run to end homelessness.
Rina started to jog as she kept pace with the others who lauded her with praise at her selfless act, not knowing that she didn’t sign up for this at all. She crossed the finish line and hid in an alleyway. This made her number go back to 11.
She did a little pose as she taunted Diego. “Hehe, jealous? I’m pretty charitable, aren’t I?
“Oh yeah, you’re charitable. In the sense that you’re gonna give me the win!” he said, now invested in this competition. He rolled and got “Unexpected Supportive Rally”
“Wait, what?” (Authors note: no joke, same card, different deck. I couldn’t make that up if I tried.)
Sure enough, he too went through the cheering and boosting of morale that comes with running naked for charity. His number went up to 14.
“Well, either this charity thing was town wide or all those spectators were not very genuine. Your turn, nakey girl!”
“STOP CALLING ME THAT!” she said fuming.
She rolled and then landed on a gray space. “The Blanket”
“What does gray mean?”
Just then she saw blue and red flashing lights. A police cruiser pulled up beside her. She covered herself as tightly as she could as she stood petrified of these two plastic officers.
As she shivered like a leaf on a tree, she mustered up her best smile and said, “Good day officers…w-what seems to be the trouble?”
The two officers approached her. Diego looked on in the distance, scared of what could happen to her. At which point one of the officers asked, “Are you alright, miss?”
“Did someone strip you naked and leave you here?”
She stammered, scared out of her mind.
One of the officers went back to the cruiser and brought her…a blanket. They threw it on top of her. She quickly bundled herself with it. “T-thank you, officer. I swear this was an accident I-”
“Don’t fret miss, public nudity isn’t illegal here. Just be careful, alright. Now you take care. Ok?”
…”Y-yes sir.”
The both got back in their cruiser and drove off. As they sped off into the distance Rina got another card. It was a blanket. “Avoid losing two DP per event.”
“DP?” asked Diego.
“I assume it means dignity points.”
“My guess would’ve been Deadpool, but that makes more sense.”
Another card appeared in front of her. “The Mannequin.”
As she walked forward with her blanket, she noticed a clothing store. All the mannequins were wearing clothing that kind of looked like blankets. That’s when she saw that plastic guy from earlier. He had a few of his buddies with him. “I swear, she was around here somewhere. She’s a sexy little thing. Had the biggest and palest ass I’ve ever seen.”
She ran inside and immediately posed as one of the mannequins. How convenient that they all wore blanket like clothing. That’s when they all stood in front of the window. She stayed stock still as they stared at the mannequins.
The dice appeared above her head. She didn’t want to move to roll it, but then a plastic woman hopped by. She looked like a barbie doll and briefly took the attention away from her as the plastic man and his friends ogled her, This gave her the chance to hit the dice. A 4.
“What’s with all the stupid 4s!?” Rina screamed internally as she tried her hardest not to move. With their plastic eyes all on her as she stood stock still, she realized that the blanket the cops gave her, was sort of dusty.
Her nose tickled and though she tried to hold in her sneeze, she failed. “AAAAACHOOO!”
Her sneeze blew up a bunch of dust as the plastic man yelled out, “I knew it! See, that was her! Oh man, now I get to see her again!”
But as the dust cleared, Rina was gone. She ran through the store and out the back. She looked at her hand, it went down by two. But then her blanket started to glow and it went back up. Keeping her DP at 11.
“You know. You truly make that blanket work.”
“Hehe, thanks Diego.” she said, winking at him.
He meant that sarcastically, but honestly, he realized that she does. He blushed a bit as it was his turn to roll.
He moved and got a card. “Streaking Scramble.”
“That’s the card Rina got at the start.”
He was currently close to downtown and was on a boardwalk. He saw a plastic woman in a bikini, hopping towards him.
He really didn’t not want his own version of the plastic man chasing him around. He ducked behind a lamppost and tried to cover up. This time learning from Rina’s mistake and not sticking his butt out from the pole. The dice was rolled and it was…a 6!
She hopped on by not giving him even a passing glance. He breathed a sigh of relief, which apparently translated into his DP going up by 1. It was now 15.
“Ok, that was bullshit! How are you doing so well!?”
“Heh…maybe my luck is better to board games rather than real life.”
She looked ahead, not only was Diego winning in points, but he was closer than she was to the end. She stomped her foot and rolled the dice. It was a 7. With one dice being a 1 and the other being a 6. The 6 caused her blanket to glow.
“I wonder what that means?” Asked Diego as Rina walked unashamed with that blanket on her person.
As she walked, confident that her blanket would save her from what ever would come next, she felt it get ripped off by something. It was that plastic girl, zooming by on a skateboard.
She stood there, stunned at what just happened with her arms to her side. She saw countless, plastic figures gasp and of course that plastic man and his buddies salivating over her form.
She blushed as she heard the wolf whistles of the crowd. She then screamed, wrapped her arms around herself and booked it to the space that she was going to.
She hid behind a trash can. She saw her DP go down to 9. She screamed in frustration.
“Wow, that little girl seemed familiar, didn’t she? A girl who comes out of nowhere, takes pictures of some innocent unclothed person and humiliates them in front of an entire town. Now where have I heard that before?” he said, absolutely overcome with schadenfreude.
She was seething at this point, but she made it to her next space. It was a purple space. Two paths were in front of her. She’d have to choose one on the next turn. But for now, her card appeared. “Dog Leash Tangle”
She stepped on something. It was a discarded sandwich. She then heard a bunch of dogs running towards her. Being dragged along behind them was a plastic guy quite literally being dragged, sliding on his face as the dogs charged toward Rina.
He let them go, and they all converged on her. The dice appeared above her head and she hit it. A 6!
Thinking quickly, she took the sandwich that was underfoot and threw it at the dogwalker.
The dogs took the bait and ran towards him. As she ran back to hide, she heard him trying desperately to keep them from licking the sandwich off of him.
“Phew…that was a close one.” she checked her DP. No change.
“Guess, not every card awards DP for beating it, just prevents you from losing it.”
It was Diego’s turn. He rolled a 10 and went 7 spaces before stopping. Why?
Rina’s eye twitched. How could this be possible? She sighed and said, “Oh well, GG, I guess.”
“At least we can finally get out of here.” he said, proud of himself.
But neither of them were out. “Why aren’t we done? I won. Game over, right?”
That’s when the dice went back to Rina.
“No! NO! Why am I trapped in this plastic hell!?”
“I guess everyone has to finish. Keep going, I’ll cheer you on, from first place.” he said, laughing as Rina had to continue.
She grumbled, rolled the dice and got a card. “Tricky Atelier”
She looked in a nearby shop and saw a piece of cloth, unguarded. She snuck in to get it but was caught by a seamstress.
“And just what do you think you’re doing!?”
“Uh….well, I kind of need something to wear…as you can see. Please, I’ve been through so much. Could you please just show me any kind of kindness?”
She rolled a 4.
Rina was desperate. At this point she was about to burst into tears. It didn’t matter that everyone seemed to be plastic. It all still felt so real. But the seamstress then smiled and handed her the fabric. “Go on, sweetie. I feel your pain.”
She got the roll of fabric it disappeared, then reappeared on her like a makeshift toga. She then got another card. “Sheet of Fabric” “Avoid losing two DP per event”
“See, things are looking up.”
“I don’t need your sympathy, ok Diego?”
She rolled once more. It was a 7. As she went forward, she noticed a big purple space with a big M on it. Something about that M made her uneasy, but she passed by it by one space. She felt relieved.
“I was really hoping to see what that was…” thought Diego, disappointed by her avoiding that.
Rina got her card. “The tablecloth labyrinth”
An outdoor coffee shop had a series of long tables each with a tablecloth and on the otherside, she could see the finish!
“I mean, with this toga, I could just waltz on through, right?”
That’s when the plastic man reared his ugly head. With a wolf whistle, he made a beeline for her. She crawled under the tables trying to get away. She rolled the dice and got a 1.
That’s when a certain plastic cretin of a little girl peeked under the table and ratted her out. “I found her!”
“Why do you hate me RNGsus?” she asked as she tried to crawl away. But the plastic man gripped her by the legs and pulled her out. She screamed for help as the plastic man and his buddies seemed to have her right where he wanted her.
“Let me go! Diego, help!!”
Diego looked on in horror. Yes, this whole thing was her fault for stupidly buying an obviously cursed game from some random person, but this seemed like a bit much.
“I shudder to think what those plastic guys would do to her. This doesn’t seem like that kind of game but, still. What I do!?”
That’s when the dice appeared in front of Diego along with a piece of paper that said. “Help her!”
He rolled the dice in hopes to distract them and it was a 2.
At that moment that cretin of a little girl saw something. “OH MY GOD! THAT GUY IS ALSO NAKEY!” she said while giggling
At that point everyone’s attention turned to Diego. “Oh…boy…” he said, with dread as every single plastic person in the downtown area turned and saw Diego as naked as a jaybird. His stomach sank as he saw every plastic person simultaneously, point and laugh at him and his little bitty weenie out in the open.
He was hyperventilating as he took in this humiliation. His number seemed to go down, every second this was happening. Rina meanwhile ran. Her number unaffected due to both Diego’s sacrifice and the fact that the toga would’ve prevented her from losing the 2 DP she was going to lose from that.
She quickly rolled the dice and walked onto the finish line with Diego. As she stood on the space, they both were bathed in a white glow and were teleported out of there.
Diego woke up, he was in Rina’s living room. On the floor. Rina was passed out next to him. Scattered around the room was the board game. All the pieces were thrown around the place. The board had two little blue and red figures that kind of looked like them.
He looked down at himself and he was fully dressed, with Rina also dressed normally too. “Rina, wake up.” he said, nudging her to get her up.
“Ugh….did we win?”
“I think so…”
Next to the board were two digital displays. The red one had a 9 on it and the blue one had -500.
“Oh, Diego, you did win. In my heart.” She then gave him a kiss on the cheek. This made him blush red and tense up slightly. He covered his face in embarrassment.
After composing himself, he said, “I’m just glad that’s over. No more buying random stuff from a person in an alleyway, ok?”
“Ok, I promise.”
“Now to dispose of this thing, before it hurts anyone else.”
He gathered all the pieces and the box and everything and put them in a trash bag. He then took it out and stuffed it in her garbage bin. “That will teach ya, you cursed board game thing.”
He dusted his off hands and went inside. “Rather play Monopoly than go through that again.” he muttered to himself.
That’s when he heard a whirring sound that he couldn’t quite place. He shrugged, thinking it was just his imagination. A small drone, about the size of a game piece was still buzzing around him, capturing his every move. It took a couple more pics of him and then zoomed off towards the garbage bin. It then made a small hole in the garbage bin using a tiny laser and flew in. With two little claws popping out of it, it grabbed those two red and blue game pieces and flew off.
Back in a nondescript alley way a woman in a black and green witch-like outfit was looking at her phone. A video feed of a certain drone flying around towards said alley was on said phone. Soon she saw herself on it.
“Ah, they’re finally ready.”, she said, looking behind her and seeing the mini-drone. She held out her hand. “Release.” It did so, dropping the figures in her hand.
She then took a wand and tapped the tiny drone with causing it to turn back into plastic. It fell to the floor, and then disappeared into nothing.
She carefully took those two figures and placed them on a shelf, with a few others. “Maybe the real yous are done with the game, but now I can play with these little fake versions of you two, for as long as I want.”
She chuckled as she looked over endless boxes of Dignity Dash. “Soon they’ll be ready to be shipped out, now that some dumb girl and her tiny dicked boytoy have successfully done a test run on it. The whole world will soon be my own personal board game!”
As she laughed evilly at her plan, the little plastic figures of Diego and Rina looked on. Seems a bit of their consciousness was copied into them. Meaning they would be subjected to endless games of Dignity Dash, for as long as this woman wants. The real versions of them would never know this.
To Be Continued…
*This story has NOT been edited by this site. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.