The Love of a Lifetime

By WaJohns.

The day before my 27th birthday, I was diagnosed with Micropenis by a physician’s assistant. It changed my life. I had a number of problematic relationships with girls and women since I was seventeen. After a few months, I decided I would try to find a woman who would love me AND my small dick club gold member penis. I tried conventional dating for a few years, but still was shy telling women my proportions before we were together, as this is a solution I had decided to try.

And then I found internet dating, and things got better. It was much easier for me to tell a woman in a chat or email than in person about my penis. My confidence grew, although my rejections were many. A handful of women who stated ‘size didn’t matter’ decided to see for themselves, but none lasted more than a week. I was feeling down about my journey, but that was all about to change. I joined a new website that is similar to what many are now: you answered about 100 questions and took about twenty tests to find your match. I was excited. It even asked if your endowment was average, above, or below! The results of individual tests and questions weren’t shared in your profile.

I just thought this was great. It would only show me women who had the ‘average’ or ‘below-average’ box checked! I had a series of matches. I told myself that they had to be 90% match or higher, there were ten results per page, and I had ten women within 250 miles that were in my criteria. I decided to pick the highest compatibility and those closest to me. I found out, over time, that one was a graduate student, one a pharmacist tech, and one a bartender. What a mix! I got to the point where I felt comfortable telling them my size, and they all still wanted to meet. Those are stories for another time.

There was one contact I made that changed my life! She was only an 89% match, so I ignored her at first, but she was cute and persistent, so I added her to my chats. She was seven years younger than me and extremely cute. She had short brown hair and blue eyes and was very pretty. I was just amazed by her body type, tastefully displayed in her photos. I finally asked her what her measurements were: 5’7”, 42DD-24-49, and 180 lbs. I had never dated a woman with dimensions as extreme as these! One or two sets of large breasts, but I was fascinated by her extreme BBW body. She came across as very confident about it. Miss BBW, with an 89% match, had finally got close enough that we revealed our real names and we agreed to meet at a local coffee house.

Amanda (Miss BBW) and I met for coffee shortly after New Year’s Day. She was very shy at first. I was surprised, but later Amanda told me she didn’t trust me at that point: I had used a profile picture that was about four years old, and in it, I was about 40 lbs. thinner! But things went pretty well, and I asked her if I could take her out for dinner sometime, and she said yes. We chatted every day for a week or so, exchanging phone numbers, too. I thought it was time to tell her about my 2.75-inch erection, but I just couldn’t do it over the phone. I told her I wanted to chat again, and she was confused by the step backward, but we arranged a time to do it.

I had just told her there was something we had to chat about and that I wasn’t comfortable talking on the phone about it. The next day we met online at the arranged time, and I cut straight to the chase and told her I had a small penis. She didn’t give me any of the standard BS about size doesn’t matter. Her very first response was the question, “How small is it?”

I quickly typed the 2.75” by 1.25”.

She asked, “How big is it hard?”

I told her that was the ‘hard’ dimension.

There was a 4-minute pause, and my phone rang. I thought to myself, ‘This can’t be good,’ but it was Amanda’s roommate, Tracy, who asked me to hold for Amanda. This was strange, but I did, she got on the phone and told me my size was OK with her. We ended our chat, but she didn’t reach out to me for two days.

She sent a chat, and we started to dialogue about sex. I told her I liked SPH and teasing. I also found out her last boyfriend was almost 8 inches and gave her orgasms every time they had sex. I knew it was an uphill battle at that point. But after a week of almost nonstop chatting and phone calls, we finally agreed to meet at a steakhouse for supper. I worked in a bank at the time, and one of my coworkers was Sarah. She has supermodel looks, blonde hair and blue eyes. I was very attracted to her, as I’m sure any man would be. We were ‘coworker’ friends. We had nice conversations about work and unrelated things.


The day before I was to take Amanda to the steakhouse, Sarah approached me when I was alone. She started to tell me about her High School friend Amanda and that she was meeting a guy who worked at Bank X—our Bank.

My face started to turn beet red when Sarah said, “Yeah, she said the guys got a really small dick.”

Fortunately, someone else walked up, and I told Sarah in a hushed and squeaky voice, “Yep, that’s me.”

It got worse. The day of my dinner date, just as I was leaving, my boss, also a woman, said, “Have a great date tonight.”

As I walked from the building, I wondered what I had done. How much had Sarah told my boss? How many of the women I worked with knew my ‘secret?’


I went home and changed. I got to the steakhouse a few minutes early, and I saw Amanda walking across the lot with another woman. She introduced herself as Samantha, said she and Amanda went to high school together, and that she gave Amanda a ride because her car had broken down.

We talked for about five minutes, and Amanda said she was ready for a drink. Samantha said she was leaving us and we should ‘have fun.’ She winked at Amanda when she said it, but she leaned over and whispered in my ear, “Hope you’re big enough.”

Right after Amanda and I got to our table, Amanda asked me what Samantha had said. I told her she said, “Good luck.”

Amanda grinned. We each only had one drink. I had a steak, and she had a salad. Amanda asked if I wanted to go back to my place and watch a movie. We left.


I turned the TV on when a college football game was on. We watched for about one quarter, and Amanda asked if I had anything for dessert. I had no sweets, I told her, and she just stared at me, saying nothing. I turned the TV off and motioned to which bedroom I slept in. We walked together, stopping to kiss at the threshold. I walked to the end of the bed and was surprised that she was right behind me when I turned around! She started to take down my pants, and the head of my penis peaked through my boxers. She quickly pulled those down, too. She stood and just looked at my erect penis for about 30 seconds and then started to stroke it. She asked if I had a ruler, and I took my clothes off the rest of the way, left the room and got it, but was surprised she wasn’t undressing when I returned. I stood by her, handed her the ruler, and she measured me.

She blurted out, “It’s not even three inches!”

I told her I hadn’t lied. I told her the truth in the chat.

She looked deeply into my eyes for about 15-20 seconds, then started to undress. Seeing her amazing body, I could feel pre-cum dribble from my dick, and I knew I wouldn’t last long. She got done undressing and put one hand on my shoulder, and held my dick in her other hand.

She looked me in the eyes and said, “I want your baby penis.”

I nodded.

Amanda got on her knees and gave me two sucks. I assume she tasted my pre-cum, saying: “Well, you’re ready.”

She lay on the bed, and I entered her missionary style. I stroked two or three times, and she asked if I was all the way in her. I pushed myself all the way in and told her to feel with her hand, and she did. Looking me in the face, she smiled and chuckled a bit. She just lay back. I played with her breasts as I fucked her, she didn’t make a sound until I was almost ready to cum, and she said, “Let’s try doggy style.”

I stopped before I came, and she got on all fours. The first time I tried to enter her, I put it in her ass. She soon told me. We made some adjustments, and I pumped slowly to try and last longer. I was enthralled with her 49-inch hips and 24-inch waist. It really excited me. After a minute or two, she said she just wanted missionary and rolled over. I entered her and came in about 30 seconds.

She looked me in the eyes and said, “Wow, you’re a premature ejaculator too?”

I told her it had been three years since I had been with a woman, and she forgave me.


Two days later, on a Saturday, my phone rang and it was Amanda. She asked me if I wanted to come over to her place. I happily did that. She hadn’t communicated with me since our first experience together. When I got there, her roommate Traci (my future sister-in-law) answered the door with a smile and told me Amanda was in the shower. We didn’t say much. She turned the TV on, and she just kept smirking at me.

Finally, Amanda came out, and Traci said she would run to the store. I could tell Amanda wasn’t wearing a bra, just shorts and a T-shirt. She led me to her room, and she started to strip as soon as she was in the door. I took my clothes off. She got on her knees and looked up at me, playing with my semi-hard dick with her hand, stroking. She smiled and put it in her mouth. Wow, she was good at oral. I was rock-hard after a minute or so. I must have pre-cum as she blurted out that I was ready. She lay on the bed, missionary again. I asked her if I could fuck her tits first, and she let me. Then I only lasted a minute or two in her pussy.

She said, “We’ll have to work on that.”

I told her the more we did it, the longer I would last. She went to the kitchen, got a cucumber, and masturbated for about half an hour, having a small orgasm. I, of course, got hard again and asked her if I could fuck her tits again. She half frowned but said OK. Just as I started to pump between her beautiful breasts, we heard the door.

“I know who that is,” she said.

She quickly shut the bedroom door. I soon found out it wasn’t her roommate, but it was Amanda’s brother! We got dressed and went out to the kitchen. He at first, just stared at us, then we all talked for about 5 minutes after introductions were made.


About three months later, the bank I worked for transferred me to another city. Amanda quit her job and went with me. We’ve been together for over 20 years now.


The End.


*This story has been edited with AI to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.


  • WaJohns

    Thanks for publishing our complete and true story!

  • WaJohns

    The Man with the Smallest Penis in Existence and the Electron Microscope Technician Who Loved Him



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