He had a Plan to Make Me his Sissy Bitch

By eviltwin52. I’ve often wondered if sissies were born or made. I mean, I know some of us required guidance and encouragement to put our first panties on and service a real man. A few of us got that encouragement from our wives and the proper guidance from our lovers. Take me for example. I no longer have to worry about pussy. For that matter, I have no need to buy new men’s underwear. All that man stuff is behind

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A Hero’s Misfortune 1

By Saeclum113. “Last round.” The bartender said. He was a gruff man with a smooth bald head. “Whoever loses owes the winner 100 gold.” Cass was playing a game of blackjack with Sidra, the tavern’s waitress. A shorter woman with dark skin and curly hair that went down to her shoulders. They’d been playing for a couple of hours and ended up tied. But Cass wasn’t worried. He was the chosen one after all, and he couldn’t lose. Sidra drew

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Liza realizes she’s into SPH

By Randelthor121. Liza and Lucas have shared their teenage years together as a couple. They were now both 19 and their bodies danced with hormones that made them at their peak of hornyness. Liza was petite but very curvy with long thick brown hair reaching all the way down over her back. Her youthful tits were round, perky and seemed to defy gravity. What Lucas liked the most of her was her thick round ass that seemed out of proportion

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Crossdressing at Yoga

By PriyaPatel123. Alex stood in the dimly lit hallway of the yoga studio, feeling the cool air against his skin as he prepared to change for his evening class. The hallway was filled with a soft hum of chatter from other students, their voices mingling with the distant sound of calming music. He glanced around nervously, hoping to find an empty washroom where he could change in peace. He was already running late, and did not want to be locked

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Just A Sweetie

By uppishcarrot. I used to be confident. I used to have bravado. I used to be outgoing. I used to be popular. I used to be a man. Now, I am a shell of a man. Useless sissy constantly tormented by his goddess roommates. My flabby gut, man boobs and chunky thighs, I am not a sexual being nor am I viewed by the opposite sex with desire. I was been completely destroyed and turned into this looser. It is

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Dignity Dash: Session 03

By username55. Read part 1 HereRead Part 2 Here ***** Part 3… In a barely lit room with a few occult like artifacts in it a woman in a black and green witch like outfit was biding her time. There was a number in her crystal ball. This number seemed to represent the number of souls she’s caught thus far. She smiled as the number 599 eventually gave way to 600. “Finally I swore that took much longer than usual.”

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Bathroom Prodding

By Queeny_Chrysalis. Jason plodded down the street, the gritty grey texture which would usually have been crushed under his massive gait was now only lightly limped across but now a slight limp, like a deer he stepped daintily down the street. Trying to hide it. He wore blue trousers and a grey hoodie, all pristine and clean. A mask also covered the lower half of his face, it was plain black and did its best to hide its face, but

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Sizequeen Resort 4

By arandom. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here ***** Chapter 10 The following day, I woke up incredibly refreshed; finally, my balls had been emptied. I kissed Rachel good morning and started getting ready for the day, fully energized. I didn’t know when or if Jacob would show up, but this time I was ready. The program had been tough so far, but the rewards had made everything worth it so far. A shiver

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Spectacular Spider-Cuck 3

By LoverOfCuckoldry. Read Part 1 HereRead Part 2 Here ***** Part 3… Swinging through the New York skyline, sailing over rooftops, and narrowly diving between buildings, Spider-Man swings at a breakneck speed. The feeling is an absolute rush that, in his years of crime fighting, has never grown old. With one last powerful swing, the webhead launches himself over the main street leading into ESU. He lands gracefully balanced in a low crouch on the tips of his toes. Overlooking

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