Conference Sex

By smithluck2007. My plane touched down at Nashville International Airport at about 2pm. It was Wednesday afternoon, and I was just arriving for a work conference that would last through the weekend. This was the first time I had been away to a conference in over 15 years. As a dentist I had been busy running my own practice and tending to my children through their high school years. Now that they were both graduated and off to college I

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He had a Plan to Make Me his Sissy Bitch

By eviltwin52. I’ve often wondered if sissies were born or made. I mean, I know some of us required guidance and encouragement to put our first panties on and service a real man. A few of us got that encouragement from our wives and the proper guidance from our lovers. Take me for example. I no longer have to worry about pussy. For that matter, I have no need to buy new men’s underwear. All that man stuff is behind

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A Hero’s Misfortune 1

By Saeclum113. “Last round.” The bartender said. He was a gruff man with a smooth bald head. “Whoever loses owes the winner 100 gold.” Cass was playing a game of blackjack with Sidra, the tavern’s waitress. A shorter woman with dark skin and curly hair that went down to her shoulders. They’d been playing for a couple of hours and ended up tied. But Cass wasn’t worried. He was the chosen one after all, and he couldn’t lose. Sidra drew

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Body Image

By uppishcarrot. I never really had any body image issues. I knew I was a relatively good looking guy, I was just carrying a few extra pounds. On the eve of a new year, I decided to finally take my physical health seriously and like so many other fools with idiotic new years resolutions, I joined a gym. In fact, I took it to extremes and hired a personal trainer too. I had no idea what I was signing up

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Sizequeen Resort 4

By arandom. Read Part 1 Here Read Part 2 Here Read Part 3 Here ***** Chapter 10 The following day, I woke up incredibly refreshed; finally, my balls had been emptied. I kissed Rachel good morning and started getting ready for the day, fully energized. I didn’t know when or if Jacob would show up, but this time I was ready. The program had been tough so far, but the rewards had made everything worth it so far. A shiver

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Spectacular Spider-Cuck 3

By LoverOfCuckoldry. Read Part 1 HereRead Part 2 Here ***** Part 3… Swinging through the New York skyline, sailing over rooftops, and narrowly diving between buildings, Spider-Man swings at a breakneck speed. The feeling is an absolute rush that, in his years of crime fighting, has never grown old. With one last powerful swing, the webhead launches himself over the main street leading into ESU. He lands gracefully balanced in a low crouch on the tips of his toes. Overlooking

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Spectacular Spider-Cuck 2

By LoverOfCuckoldry. Read Part 1 Here ***** Part 2… Mary Jane Watson could hardly contain her excitement. Arms wrapped snuggly around none other than Peter Parker, a boy who she had recently come to understand her feelings for, which might just be love. Pressed into his back, she took stock of the brunette. He was only slightly taller than her and around the same weight, unlike most of her lovers who towered over her greatly. His adorable face twisted in

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The Obscene Truth

By Babydicklover. “Great game yesterday, Jared,” Alli, a cute girl, said to the well-known football player across the university campus. He stared at her, confused about why someone like her was talking to him. She was undoubtedly nervous with sweaty palms, but she drew a smile for him. He smiled back and stated, “I don’t know why you are talking to me, but don’t waste your breath.” Jared walked away from the disappointed girl. It was just an ordinary encounter

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Getting (Un)Lucky

By smallweiner90. Dates don’t normally go this well, at least not for Paul. Usually, by this time Paul has dropped his date off and is on his way home, but things with Kelsey were different. A 5’2″ cutie with curly blonde hair, tiny little breasts, and a thick butt, he found Kelsey to be irresistibly pretty. They were a good match, as Paul was skinny himself and stood just 5’7″. They rounded a corner, and she stopped in front of

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