There’s a Whore in my House 1

By Subone1.

I’ve got it bad, always have. I’ve been pussy whipped my entire life. I have always been in awe of anything and everything feminine. Hair, makeup, perfume, clothes, you name it. And don’t get me started on ladies’ lingerie! I’m that 6’2”, 200-pound guy that always turns into a bowl of babbling mush around pretty girls. Subservience to the female gender always seemed natural to me, the way society should be. The trouble is, I’ve had to keep that repressed my entire life. Sure, my wife knew how I felt, but we never did anything about it.

I’m now in my mid-sixties and retired. I’m still in decent shape for my age. Not that it matters. My wife died from cancer four years ago. But for years before she passed, our sex life had expired. I’ve been pretty lonely since she died. I never realized how much I took socializing with other people for granted. Being retired, I have lots of time on my hands. Most of my time is spent watching the teenage girls next door, especially Mallory, the 18-year-old.

They have an odd dynamic in their family. The mom lives next door with the three teenage girls. Their dad lives somewhere nearby but is frequently around, especially for holidays and such. I guess they’re divorced or, at a minimum, separated.

I know Mallory somewhat. We briefly chat when we see one another outside, but that’s about it. The longest conversation I’ve had with her is about three minutes. Teenagers always seem to have their faces buried in their cell phones; social interaction is a foreign concept.

Mallory is very cute with brilliant green eyes. She has long, wavy brown hair that she normally wears in a high ponytail. I love her heavy eyebrows! Her bubble butt stretches every pair of leggings she’s ever owned. Trust me, I’ve noticed. At 5’1”, she is very slight; she probably weighs 100 pounds dripping wet. But she has boobs that are so big they make her look top-heavy on her slight build. She has a cute face, especially when she wears makeup, which is most of the time.

I’ve assumed she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer. She graduated from high school last year but did not have the grades to get into the local university. The local university is fine, but it’s not ivy league, and pretty easy to get admitted. So, Mallory opted for the local trade school where she is studying to be a beautician/cosmetologist. She goes to school twice a week, then works part-time as a hostess at a busy local restaurant. All that being said, Mallory is still home a lot. I can tell she’s home because her car is parked in their driveway.

Yesterday, I was on my back deck reading my book and enjoying a cold beer, my usual afternoon routine. I looked up from my reading as Mallory rounded the corner of my house and came up onto the deck where I was seated. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. She wore her normal, butt-hugging leggings, flip flops, and a low-cut t-shirt that showed her ample teenage cleavage.

“Hey, Mr. Jim! Want some company?” she pleasantly said as she sat in the chair next to me.

“Sure! What’s up, Mallory?”

“My dad’s an asshole. That’s what’s up,” she sighed. She crossed her pretty legs, and I think she caught me staring at her pedicured toes. She dangled her flip-flop back and forth. I wondered if she was doing that deliberately.

She had previously alluded that she was frequently at odds with her dad. I just chalked it up to a normal parent/teenager relationship.

“You know I turned 18 last week, right? Well, now my asshole of a dad is saying I need to pay my car insurance, cell phone bill, car note, and everything else. He’s such a pain.”

She ranted and vented about her dad for a while, so I just listened and nodded from time to time. When she wasn’t talking, she was staring at her phone, texting with someone, I guess.

“I don’t have that kind of money. He knows that.” She continued. “And here’s the kicker, he gave me two weeks to move out and find a place of my own! What the fuck?”

I felt bad for her. Even I had to admit this was a lot to dump on an 18-year-old. “Have you talked to any of your friends? They may have a room they can rent you?” I suggested.

“Already checked. No luck there,” Mallory sighed again as she twisted her long ponytail around one of her fingers. We sat quietly for a few minutes as she continued her texting. “Mr. Jim, can I ask you a big, big favor?” she said with a cute puppy dog look. “Do you think I could, ummm, stay with you for a bit until I save up some money to find my own place?”

Boom! I didn’t see that coming! I hesitated, a thousand thoughts running through my head. While I would enjoy having someone around my quiet house for a change, especially a hot-looking teenager, did I want to deal with an 18-year-old girl? She sensed my hesitation.

“Please, Mr. Jim. I won’t be any bother, I promise! You’ll hardly even know I’m around. Besides, I don’t have anywhere else to go. You’re my last hope.”

More hesitation on my part, I replied, “OK, Mallory. We can give it a shot for a little while and see how it goes.”

She jumped up with a huge smile and came and sat on my lap! She put her arms around my neck and kissed me on the cheek. Of course, I took the opportunity to peek down her shirt at her large, firm titties as she hugged me.

“Oh my God, this is so awesome! Thank you, Mr. Jim! I won’t be any bother, promise!” She was immediately back on her phone, texting someone with her good news.

“When do you want to move in?”

“Today! Right now! I already started putting a lot of my clothes and stuff into boxes!” she said excitedly.

Mallory grabbed me by the hand and pulled me across the yard toward her house. Their house was quiet, her mom was at work, and her two sisters were still at school. She led me to her room which looked like a tornado had recently passed through! There was stuff everywhere! I grabbed one of the boxes that were already packed and stopped dead in my tracks.

“Ummm, Mallory, this may not work.”

“What? Why?”

“I only have two bedrooms in my house, and besides my bedroom, the other is set up as an office. There isn’t even a bed in there.”

She paused momentarily, then came and stood so close to me her big boobs were pressed against my arm. She looked at me and said, “That’s no problem, Mr. Jim! I can share your room with you! See, no problem! So start putting all these boxes in our room! We’ll be roomies!”

‘Our room,’ I thought, ‘oh boy, not sure about this! But her enthusiasm was infectious, so off I went with her first box to ‘our bedroom.’ I continued lugging her stuff to my house while she reclined on her bed and mostly played on her phone.

“When you get all the packed boxes moved, there are some more empty boxes in the hallway. Could you pack my shoes and purses from the closet, Mr. Jim?”

I opened her closet door, and my mouth fell open! I know girls like shoes, but her closet was jammed with high heels, boots, tennis shoes, flats, and purses. I packed them all up and hauled them over to my house. When I got back, Mallory was in the bathroom attached to her bedroom, the door wide open, still on her phone, taking a piss. She was not embarrassed in the least for me to see her.

She noticed my shocked expression, however. “Oh, don’t worry, Mr. Jim. I always leave the bathroom door open,” she said sweetly. “After all, we’re roomies now!”

“Don’t forget my dresses and blouses, Mr. Jim,” she hollered from the bathroom. “Hope we have a big closet in our room!”

I spent the next couple of hours moving all her stuff over to my house. The only thing she carried over the entire time was her phone and ginormous makeup case.

My normally neat house was suddenly a mess with her stuff everywhere, mostly in the main bedroom. Mallory had only been in my house once, which was only in the foyer. She checked everything, opened the kitchen cabinets, and made herself home. I smiled at her frankness.

When she walked into the main bedroom, she stopped in front of the dresser, hands on her shapely hips, and declared, “Oh, this won’t do at all.”

She opened the top three drawers, giving an audible ‘Tsk-tsk’ with each drawer she opened. She turned to me with her puppy dog look again and said, “Daddy, I need the top 3 drawers. You can have the bottom two for now, OK?”

She had moved right in front of me again. I seriously thought she was going to start rubbing my crotch!

“Did you just call me Daddy?”

“Yes! My biological dad is an asshole and not super nice like you. From now on, you’re my real Daddy!” She leaned in and gave me a big hug.

I just shrugged, “Um, OK, sweetie.” I was already finding it hard to say ‘no’ to this young lady. Maybe she wasn’t so dumb after all.

She smiled, turned around, and emptied my top three dresser drawers. When she had put all my stuff on the bed, she said, “When you unpack my clothes, my bras and panties go in the top drawer. My socks, stockings, and tights go in the second drawer, and shirts and shorts in the third drawer.”

I nodded, “Got it.”

“I’m tired from all this work, Daddy. I’m going to watch TV. You’ve got a lot of unpacking to do! Oh, what’s our wifi password?”

As she left the room, she lightly brushed my crotch with her hand. Of course, she acted calmly about it.

I realized. I smiled and hummed as I put Mallory’s panties and bras away. I had to admit it was nice having another person in the house for a change. And truth be told, I have always been very submissive to pretty, bossy women, even if that woman was only 18! I enjoyed doing what she told me to. As perverted as it sounds, I was getting turned on by catering to her every whim.

As I put her panties away, I noticed how varied her collection was. She had everything from black nylon panties, red lycra spandex panties, and even cotton panties with unicorns or kitty cats. I held up a pale-yellow pair with kittens to check it out. I didn’t realize that I had an audience!

“Do you like those, Daddy? I can try them on for you if you’d like?”

Embarrassed and blushing, I mumbled, “Sure, Mallory, some other time, maybe.”

“Oh, you’re blushing. How cute!” She squealed. “Does Daddy have a panty fetish?” She asked coquettishly. She took me by the hand, and we sat on the edge of the bed.

“Daddy, if we’re going to live together, we need to be very open with each other. It’s just better and easier that way. Besides, I want to make you happy because you’re kind enough to take me in and help me.”

I just nodded. For some reason, this felt like Mallory was the parent, and I was the child.

“So, let me ask you again. Do you have a panty fetish?”

“No, not panties. I mean, um, they’re nice and everything, but I have other much stronger fetishes.”

“Now we’re getting somewhere. Tell me about them, Daddy. Tell your baby girl all your nasty little secrets.”

‘Baby girl’? Man, this was moving quickly! Nevertheless, I revealed all my sexual perversions to this 18-year-old girl that I did not know well. She listened intently, staring into my eyes as I rambled on.

“Well, my two strongest and most enjoyable fetishes are nylons and high heels. I’ve been fascinated with those for as long as I can remember.”

“Anything more specific about either one?” she asked. It seemed like she was taking mental notes of everything I said.

“I like stockings and pantyhose but prefer sheer to waist. Just about any color in either. My favorite high heels are the classic closed, pointy toe pumps, preferably patent leather, but any material and color.”

“OK, what else, Daddy?”

“Well, I’m very submissive to pretty, dominant women.”

“Duh…I noticed that before I ever agreed to move in with you.”

I smiled at her choice of words, ‘agreed to move in with me,’ like I asked her!

“Go on, I suspect there’s more,” she said confidently.

“The last few are a little weird,” I said meekly.

“I’m not here to judge you, Daddy. I want to make you happy.”

Hesitating a bit more, I continued. “I like to be pissed on by pretty women.”

She smirked. “Perfect, my very own living toilet! That will be convenient. I assume you like to drink the piss as well?”

I nodded. “Yes, I do.” I felt myself blushing again and getting hard from this conversation, which made me think of the next kink I shared with her.

“And sometimes I like to wear a chastity cage,” I said quietly.

“Really? Why?”

“I like the way it looks and feels. Plus, it prevents me from jerking off, so I get nice and horny!” I said, smiling.

“Do you jerk off a lot?”

“At least daily, sometimes multiple times a day.”

“Well, we may have to do something about that.”

I didn’t know what she meant by that, but I let it slide without saying anything.

“Anything else, Daddy?”

“Oh, forgot to mention that I like women’s feet. But the woman needs to be pretty, and so do her feet. Otherwise, it isn’t a turn-on.”

She leaned back and put both of her feet in my lap. “Are my feet pretty, Daddy?”

My God! Now I was getting hard. “Umm, er, yes, Mallory, your feet are very pretty.”

“Glad to hear it, Daddy!” She pulled her feet away.

“I also enjoy being humiliated by a pretty, dominant woman.”

“Perfect!” She said with a grin.

“And one more thing. Sometimes I like to cross-dress.” I think I finally surprised her with the look on her face.

“Well, that gives me a lot to work with,” she said warmly. “We’ll delve into the cross-dressing a bit later. Finish unpacking my things, and then we’ll do something about dinner.”

“What about you, Mallory? What turns you on?”

“Well, I don’t have fetishes like you, but I have a couple of interests. I like men, but not just any man. A man with the right equipment?” She said with a sly grin. “Guess you could say I’m a size queen,” she said as she winked at me.

“OK, anything else?”

“Well, I think I am a budding sadist toward men. But not all men. I sense men who are weak, vulnerable, inferior, or submissive. I like humiliating and degrading beta males.” She looked at me for my reaction. “I’m hoping you can help me confirm if I truly am a sadist or not.”

“Wow. Ummmm, OK.”

“Are you weak or vulnerable, Daddy? You’ve already told me that you’re submissive. And I have a strong suspicion that you’re very inferior where it counts.”

She stared into my eyes, reading me, my mind, and my soul. I briefly met her stare but then looked down to the ground.

“That’s OK, Daddy. You don’t need to answer. I already know,” she said smugly. “You’re a lonely old man who would do anything to get in my pants, right, Daddy?”

Again, I nodded. Mallory was right. She made me feel like such a loser, but why did I enjoy it so much? Mallory decided what we wanted for dinner, and I went to pick it up. We chatted as we ate.

“Daddy, I’ll need you to add me to your car insurance policy, OK?” she said sweetly.

“Of course, sweetheart.”

“And I need a key to the house.”

“Sure, no problem. Anything else?” I asked sarcastically.

“Well….can you move your hanging stuff out of the master bedroom closet? I have a lot of dresses and blouses that you still need to hang up on. And I think you know how many pairs of shoes I have!” she said with a chuckle.

“I guess I can hang my stuff in the office closet, sure.”

“And you noticed all my makeup, right? So, umm, can you move your toiletries to the guest bathroom? I mean, you can still pee and shower and stuff in the master bath, I guess. I need the drawer and cabinet space, OK, Daddy?”

“OK, whatever.”

She had been in my house for hours and was already wearing me down! But I was enjoying being wrapped around her pretty little finger.

She came over and sat in my lap again. I was starting to like this. She put her head on my shoulder and arms around my neck.

“You’re the best Daddy I’ve ever had! I’m going to shower, and then will you show me your chastity cages?”

“Ummm….sure, we can do that.”

After her shower, Mallory returned to the family room, where I was sipping on a gin and tonic. She wore only a t-shirt, no panties. Her t-shirt just barely covered her cunt. She noticed me looking at her outfit.

“I don’t wear panties to bed, Daddy. They get in the way when I pee in the middle of the night. So, tell me about your chastity cages.”

I had three cages and laid them out on the coffee table.

“The pink one is the easiest to put on. Plus, I like the padlock it has. The metal one is the most comfortable for long-term wear, but sort of hard to get the lock on. The black one is new, and I haven’t worn it yet.”

She sat next to me on the couch and studied the three cages. Mallory picked up the metal one and examined it. Then she did the same with the other two.

“Let’s try the metal one since you said it’s good for long-term wear.”

“You mean you want me to put it on right now?”

“Yes, silly Daddy! I can’t have you sleeping in our bed with your thingy unlocked! I sleep with no panties, remember? I don’t want you to get tempted in the middle of the night and get a little stiffy! Besides, I need to learn how to put it on you, right?”

“Well, OK, I guess.”

I stood up and hesitantly slid my shorts and underwear down and stepped out of them. My little guy immediately started to get hard. She watched me intently.

“Daddy! Really? You need a serious upgrade on your underwear! I can help you with that. Are you getting a little stiffy?”

Picking up the metal cage from the table, I said, “This model is called the Little Birdie cage. It’s intended for guys with, umm, less than average size dicks.”

She was staring at my dick, then looked up at me. “Daddy, I’ve got some bad news for you. Your dick is way less than average! Let’s call it like it is, small and inferior, just as I suspected. You have a tiny dick. A baby dick.”

Her words stung, but I knew she was right. I just nodded and continued putting the cage on.

“The hard and important part is to get this metal ring behind both of my balls. That’s what keeps it in place.”

She watched as I manipulated my nuts through the metal ring.

“After the ring is on, it’s just a matter of putting the cage on and locking it.”

“You mean the Little Birdie cage, “she smirked, emphasizing the word little. “Let me do this part.”

I handed her the cage, which she quickly tried to put in place over my cock.

“Your little thingy is slightly inflated. It would be best if you got it down,” Mallory told me.

“Ummm, there’s only one way to do that,” I said quietly.

“Then hurry up and wank it off. I’m tired and need to go to bed.”

I tried to head for the bathroom to beat off.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Do it here, silly Daddy. We’re roomies, remember? But get some Kleenex to catch your Daddy goo.”

I grabbed some Kleenex and stood before her as she sat on the edge of the couch. The ring was still around my balls, but that didn’t interfere with me stroking my little guy. She watched as I got myself off in under a minute, catching my cum in the tissue.

“Well, that didn’t take long at all, Daddy? Do you always cum that fast?”

“Umm, yes, I thought that was normal. Don’t most guys come that quickly?

She laughed. “Not hardly! Trust me, I know.”

I wasn’t sure what she meant by her last comment, but I let it slide. Mallory swatted my limp dick a couple of times, giggling as she did it. She reached for my flaccid cock and easily slid the cage over it. She slid the lock in its groove and twisted the key.

“Ta-da! All locked up!” she said proudly. She roughly pulled and tugged at it to ensure it was securely in place and wasn’t coming off.

“It does look like a baby bird in a cage!” She stood up and announced she was now going to bed. “I’ll hang on to the key for now, Daddy. Good night!” She stood on her tiptoes, gave me a peck on the cheek, and then headed for the bedroom.

I grabbed a quick shower and followed her to bed. After so many years, having a woman in my bed was strange again. I listened to her soft breathing as I drifted off to sleep.

At some point in the night, Mallory woke me and said, “Daddy, I need to pee!”

I was confused by her statement and disoriented, waking up in the middle of the night.

“Daddy! I need to pee!” She said again, this time with more urgency. She was now sitting on my chest.

“Why are you telling me that? Just go to the bathroom!”

“But you offered to be my toilet, remember? So, open up.” I hadn’t offered to be her toilet, but I was OK with it.

Before I could react, she slid up and placed her cunt lips directly on my mouth. Instinctively I opened wide. Seconds later, she let loose with a flood of her warm, pungent piss. I felt my little guy straining against its cage. I gulped quickly to keep up with her steady stream.

Finally, she sighed softly and moved off my mouth. She wiped her wet cunt lips on my head to dry them. Mallory patted my head and said, “Good boy Daddy.” She rolled off me and drifted back to sleep as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

For the first week or so, we settled into a routine. Mallory went to work or school while I finished unpacking her things and finding a home for them. I became her normal piss pot whenever she needed relief. I was still locked in my Little Birdie chastity cage; Mallory wore the key around her neck on a chain. I don’t think she even took it off in the shower! She let me take it off once a week to shave my crotch area but immediately locked me back up as I came out of the shower.

The second Monday after she moved in with me, she didn’t get up for work as usual. I thought she had taken the day off, so I let her sleep. At about 9:00 AM, she strolled into the kitchen as I finished my second cup of coffee, bleary-eyed and my hair a mess. All she wore was her sleeping t-shirt.

“Need to pee, Daddy,” she said very matter-of-factly.

This had become our morning routine. Mallory normally had a very long, pungent piss for me first thing in the morning! I knelt before her and tilted my head back as far as I could. She straddled my mouth as she stood, holding her t-shirt out of the way. This was her favorite pissing position for some reason.

When she finished, she wiped her wet cunt lips on my hair as usual and moved off, not saying a word.

“Thank you, Mallory. No school today?” She ignored my question.

“Do we have an Amazon account, Daddy? I need to get a few things. What’s the password? And I need some breakfast.”

I gave her my Amazon password and set to work making her favorite breakfast. She ignored me as she immersed herself in her phone yet again. I couldn’t help but notice that the longer Mallory lived with me, the more assertive she became.

“I’m not going to school anymore,” she stated without looking up from her phone. “And I’m not going back to that stupid, minimum wage hostess job either. I need to make some real money.”

I served her breakfast and sat down to finish my coffee.

“Credit card?” she casually said as she stared at her phone.

“Excuse me?”

“Give me your credit card, loser. I think ‘Loser Daddy’ is my new name for you,” she smiled, looking at me for my reaction. When I had no reply, she took that as a sign for her to continue with her humiliation. This new attitude of hers marked a change in our budding relationship.

“We both know you’ll do whatever I tell you to. I own you, Loser Daddy.” As she said this, she pulled my chastity cage key on its necklace out from under her shirt and swung it back and forth in front of me. “You want to fuck me with that little loser baby dick so bad. That’s not going to happen. Just be glad I let you drink my piss. Maybe I should start charging you for every time I piss on you?”

I knew she was right. I’ve been a submissive wimp all my life, but it took this 18-year-old to make me admit it to myself. I went to my wallet, came back, and handed her my card. My little guy stirred in his cage.

She smiled without looking at me, “Good boy, Daddy, do as you’re told, and maybe I won’t beat the shit out of your sorry-ass balls. We both know you love it. While I’m at the mall today, my laundry needs to be done. Just plan on doing my laundry all the time. I know you get a little stiffy handling my bras, panties, and socks.”

Again, she was dead right about me getting a little stiffy when I handled her things.

“OK, Mallory.”

She got dressed and left for the mall with my credit card. I washed her laundry, folded it, and put it in her dresser drawers. I went out to do some errands, not getting home until late afternoon. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed a strange vehicle in my driveway.

Walking into the house, I heard Mallory moaning and grunting! I thought she was choking or something! I rushed to the kitchen. Mallory was standing, bent over the center kitchen island. Behind her was one of the largest black guys I had ever seen. He was fucking the shit out of Mallory! Mallory’s makeup was heavy and very sexy, and she didn’t have a top. Her big tits were smashed against the countertop. She wore just a garter belt, black fishnet stockings, and black high heels. I stood there gawking, watching the erotic sight in front of me.

“Oh fuck! Oh shit! Fuck me, Jerome! Fuck my tight teenage cunt! Shove that big black cock up my white cunt!”

Jerome had a fistful of Mallory’s hair and was yanking her head back. With his other hand, he slapped her ass, making it burn and turn red.

“What are you staring at, Loser Daddy?” Mallory said between grunts. “This is Jerome. He’s fucking me. Lord, is he ever fucking me!”

“I can see that, Mallory.”

“He’s my client for this afternoon. Get the fuck out of here! Sit on the back deck. I’ll talk to you when Jerome is done using me. And get Jerome a beer before you leave, Loser Daddy.”

I nodded, grabbed one of my beers from the fridge, and handed it across the island counter to Jerome. I took one last look at the erotic sight in my kitchen and then headed for the back deck.

About twenty minutes later, Mallory came out of the house, her hair and makeup now both a mess. She was flushed, and as she came and sat on my lap, I could smell the sex on her. Mallory had taken her garter belt, stockings, and high heels off. She was wearing a very short, emerald-green silk robe that she had loosely tied around her waist. She sat on my thigh and looked at me.

“I didn’t have a chance to tell you about my new job.” She then pulled three hundred dollar bills out of the pocket of her robe. “I got $300 for an hour of my time. That’s more than I made at that shitty restaurant in a week.”

“I’ll be hosting clients frequently, Daddy. I already have several bookings. You’ll need to make yourself scarce when I am entertaining a client.”

I just nodded. So, this was how Mallory would make more money, whoring herself out. My thigh felt wet where she was sitting. Her robe had ridden up, and I could see her cunt leaking on my thigh. She noticed me looking.

“Sorry about that, Daddy. I didn’t have a chance to clean up.”

She went to wipe her cunt with her hand. I watched intently, which she noticed. She had scooped a puddle of Jerome’s cum out of her cunt and looked around for a place to wipe it. I guess I stared too much and for too long.

She smirked, looking at me. She said, “You want this, don’t you, Loser Daddy? You want Jerome’s cum from my cunt.”

I just looked at her, unable to speak.

“Open up, Loser, and stick your tongue out.” She wiped her cum filled hand on my tongue. “There you go, baby. You love that, don’t you?” she taunted me.

She then stood and told me to kneel in front of the chair. She sat in the chair and spread her legs wide. Her cunt was red, raw, and messy with cum.

“Well, don’t just stare at it, Loser Daddy, clean up my cummy cunt.”

She grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my face into her cunt. I lapped and licked her cunt for a good ten minutes. I would have stayed there all day if she had let me, but she finally pushed me away. I was still in front of her on my knees. I licked my lips, which made her smile sadistically. She stood up directly in front of me, her arms crossed across her pretty chest. Suddenly a warm gush of her piss erupted from under her silk robe. She just stood there, pissing on the deck right in front of me, watching my reaction. Her pretty feet were covered in her piss, and some splashed on my legs.

“Well, you’ve been staring at my feet since I moved in here, now’s your chance to kiss and lick them,” she said with a smirk.

And that’s what I did. I leaned forward and gently licked Mallory’s piss off of her pretty feet and toes. At some point, she either got bored with me or thought I was done, but she walked away without saying a word and went back into the house.

A short while later, I went back into the house. She was in the kitchen, naked for some reason, eating cheese.

“Fix me a gin and tonic and bring it upstairs. I’m going to take a bath,” she said as she started to leave the kitchen.

I mistakenly asked her if she was old enough to drink, knowing damn well she was only 18. She turned around, walked up to me, and grabbed my crotch, staring me in the eye. She squeezed and twisted my balls so hard I thought I would faint! She then went to the spice cabinet and pulled out a bottle of hot sauce.

“Pull your pants down, Loser.”

I did as she told me. She then proceeded to pour the entire contents of the hot sauce bottle all over my caged dick and balls, giggling as she did it. She then massaged the hot sauce into my balls with her hands.

“Oh fuck! Jesus Mallory!” My crotch was on fire!

“Don’t wipe it off. Leave it there, shithead, and keep your pants off. And don’t ever question me again, Loser Daddy. Hurry up with the drink.”

I made her gin and tonic and brought it upstairs to her. She was in the tub taking a bubble bath.

“Change the sheets on the bed, Daddy. Jerome and I started there this afternoon, and there are some wet spots.”

“Yes, Mallory.”

“How’s that little dick of yours feeling?”

“It’s still on fire.”

“Wonderful. Make sure you keep plenty of hot sauce on hand, Daddy. There is no telling when you’re going to misbehave. I have another client coming this evening. He seems very rich and is paying me a lot to spend the night with me. Plan to sleep in your stupid little office tonight.”

“Yes, Mallory.”

“By the way, I got you a present at the mall earlier today.”

I was surprised by this and slightly suspicious, “Ummmm, thank you.”

“I told you when I first moved in that I would help you with an underwear upgrade?”

I nodded.

“Your new underwear selection is laid out in the guest room. Wear whichever pair you want, but you only wear these from now on. I already threw all your old underwear in the trash. Take off all your clothes and put a pair on, then come model them for me, Daddy.”

“Yes, Mallory.”

“You truly love being bossed around by me, don’t you, Loser Daddy?” she asked rhetorically.

“Yes, Mallory, I love it when you tell me to do things.”

“So, would you do anything for me, Daddy, anything at all I tell you to do?”

She looked up at me from the tub with those puppy dog eyes, her luscious boobs just about the water level.

I hesitated, then decided to throw caution to the wind. “Yes, Mallory, anything you tell me to.”

She smiled seductively. “Remember that. We’ll test it more than once,” she said with an ominous tone. “This is turning out to be such a perfect arrangement!” She took a sip of her gin and tonic, then looked up at me. “So, for starters, tomorrow I want you to get all, and I mean everything, of your stuff out of my bedroom. Then go buy a cot or rollaway bed and put it in the garage or your stupid little office, your choice.”

“Yes, Mallory.”

“Also, since I’m your daughter now, don’t you think I should get an allowance Loser Daddy?”

“Of course, Mallory. I’m sorry I didn’t think of that sooner.”

She looked at me with a huge grin, “There might be hope for you yet, Loser Daddy. I want a $ 200-a-week allowance for all my work here. That’s a small price to pay for having the privilege of my company 24/7, don’t you agree?”

“Yes, Mallory, I agree with that.”

I went to the guestroom. Mallory had bought me underwear meant for a small boy, albeit in my adult waist size. I had the choice between Power Rangers underwear or Spiderman underwear. She also bought me panties to match hers, again in my size. I had a yellow pair with kitties and a pink pair with unicorns.

Last but not least, there was a black spandex, speedo style pair. Across the front, it said ‘Loser Daddy.’ I immediately tried to get hard in my Little Birdie cage.

I chose the yellow pair with kitties and stepped into them. I went back to the bathroom to show them to Mallory. She squealed with delight. “Those are SO cute! And look at your little package, such a cute little bulge! I can’t wait until we complete the outfit!”

I changed the sheets on her bed and then headed back downstairs, still only wearing my yellow kitty panties. Her next client was due in about an hour. I refilled her gin and tonic and brought it to her as she dressed for him.

She looked stunning! Her makeup was deliberately heavy, borderline slutty. Her hair was in a bun, and she wore long dangle earrings. She had on a black lace bustier that stopped just under her tits, so those luscious globes were on full display. Black seamed stockings and high heels completed her ensemble.

She noticed me staring at her tits as I handed her the drink.

“This client is a self-proclaimed tit man,” she said, smiling. “And he claims he has a nine-inch dick! God, I hope so!”

She allowed me to stay and watch her do the finishing touches on her makeup and hair. The doorbell rang promptly at 7:00. She told me to go to my office, close the door, and come out in the morning.

“You can sleep on the floor, Daddy. That should be fine for you.”

I did as she told me. I lay there on the floor, long into the night, listening to Mallory’s moans, grunts, and groans of being totally and repeatedly fucked in what was now her bedroom. I finally drifted off to sleep sometime after midnight. In the morning, I started downstairs to make my coffee, noticing that her bedroom door was still closed. I wasn’t sure if her client was still here or not.

I went back upstairs and lightly knocked on her bedroom door. There was no answer, so I gently opened the door and peeked in. I heard the shower running. I also heard Mallory moaning in ecstasy again as her client was fucking her in the shower. I noticed her discarded nylon stockings on the floor near the bed. I quietly went in and picked them up, holding them to my nose to inhale her scent.

I stood like a loser outside what used to be my bathroom, listening to Mallory get fucked in the shower. I noticed one of the stockings had a damp spot near the top of the stocking. Sniffing it, it was cum that had probably dribbled out of her cunt. I brought it to my mouth and sucked on the damp spot on the nylon stocking.

Mallory came downstairs about thirty minutes later. I heard her say goodbye at the front door to her client. She came into the kitchen with her wet hair in a towel and wearing her emerald green silk robe again.

“Morning, Daddy. I’ve been up for a while, so I already peed in the toilet, sorry.”

“That’s OK, Baby Girl. I’ll catch the next one. You look pretty tired.”

She smiled as she sat down at the table. “Coffee.”

I got up and fixed her coffee, and set it before her. Her silk robe was loosely tied again, her boobs hanging out. I noticed they were very red, maybe even bruised. I just waited for her to talk.

“Do your breasts hurt?” I asked.

“They’re tits, Daddy. You can call them tits. Seriously! And yes, they are sore.”

She pulled her tits out of her robe to inspect their damage.

“That guy fucked me all night long,” she started. “After he would fuck me, I would try to drift off to sleep, but that’s when he would tell me to stand next to the bed, and he would start slapping my tits back and forth. Then, before I knew it, he was mounting me again, ready to fuck. I’ve never seen a guy reload so quickly and so many times!”

“How many times did he, ummmm, use you?” I asked gingerly.

“Five times, five poundings, but it felt like twenty! He did give me a tip for slapping my tits so much, though,” she said with a smile.

“How much did you make?”

She smiled broadly, reached into the pocket of her robe, pulled out ten $100 bills, and tossed them on the table!

“That reminds me,” she said, reaching back into her robe pocket. “He used a rubber the first three times but not the last two,” she shrugged.

She pulled out three condoms, tied at the end, each one full of her client’s cum. She tossed them in the middle of the table, halfway between us. I stared at the cummy treats, so close, so within my reach.

I looked up, and she was grinning.

“I had a feeling that sucking Jerome’s cum off my fingers was not a one-time thing. Among your many other perversions, you’re a cum pig, aren’t you, Daddy? You like eating cum for other men. You probably eat your cum, too, don’t you, Daddy? Sometimes I’ll have you show me how you eat your own cum. That should be fun!”

She continued to taunt and humiliate me. Then she took one of the rubbers and tossed it in the middle of the floor.

“If you want my client’s cum, there it is, Loser Daddy. All you have to do is crawl over, pick it up with your teeth, and bring it to me. I’ll feed it to you, Daddy.”

I stared at the rubber on the floor, my heart racing and my little cock aching and straining in its tiny cage. Mallory watched me intently.

“But if you do that, Daddy, you’re making a deal with me. The deal is that every time I have a client, you will eat his cum from my cunt or his used rubber. Is that what you want, Daddy? Do you want to be my little cum piggy?”

I continued to stare at the used rubber on my kitchen floor. I felt like I was in a trance. Then, Mallory tossed a second used rubber next to the first one.

“Let me up the ante,” she said with a grin. “Go on, Loser Daddy, you know you want to, you want to eat that cum from his rubber. We both know it. Go ahead, eat it, then the deal is done, and you will eat all the cum you want from now on.”

Her taunting and humiliation were relentless. I slid off my chair and crawled toward the two used rubbers. I heard Mallory giggling as she watched me.

“You are so fucking pathetic! I should have moved in here and started using you long ago!”

I picked up the first rubber with my teeth, slowly turned, and crawled toward Mallory in her chair. The used rubber hanging and swinging from my lips. Mallory held out her hand, and I deposited the used condom into her hand.

“Good boy, Loser Daddy!” she said as she patted my head. “Now tilt your head back and open wide.”

She went to a kitchen drawer and grabbed a pair of scissors. Standing next to me, she cut the rubber below the knot.

“What’s the magic word, Daddy?”


“Please, what, Daddy? I’m not sure what you’re asking me,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

“Please, Mallory, feed me your client’s cum.”

“You mean you want me to dump this nasty rubber into your mouth?” she feigned surprise and shock.

“Yes, Mallory, please, feed me his cum.”

She turned the rubber upside down and squeezed the contents into my waiting mouth.

“Don’t swallow yet, Loser Daddy. Let me get the other two.”

She snipped the knotted end off the other two used rubbers and deposited that cum into my mouth.

“Now you can swallow, Daddy, enjoy!”

I knelt there on my kitchen floor, savoring three loads of cum from a guy I never even saw, deposited into my mouth by the domineering 18-year-old whore I had allowed to move into my home. I smiled, thinking how much I loved my new life with Mallory!


To Be Continued…

If you liked this story, then you’ll love The Prejac King.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story has been previously published on other free sites and is now public domain, which is why we can publish it here.

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