Phil’s Unhappy Day

By Jubalog. Phil is a pizza delivery man that loves his job. He loves the fact that he gets to drive around all day, listening to music and delivering pizzas. But he loves the opportunity to ejaculate all over the pizzas just before delivery. The pizza is delicious, with a perfect balance of cheese and tomato sauce. But what makes it special is the addition of Phil’s semen. It adds richness and depth of flavor that takes the pizza to

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Rule Book For Humanity

By Manny. The rule book was discovered by Bill Jefferson one day walking home to his apartment from the bus stop. The rule book allows the user to re-write rules governing the universe, or the user can create their own. Bill was eager to play with this silly book but wanted to warm up when he got home. This arctic cyclone bomb was brutal. Bill was warming his shower up to hop in after being out in the cold for

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The Road To Repair

By Pinerosewriting. Part 1… Soren looked around the Tavern, his hair stood on end as he felt a swath of eyes fall over him. The smell of stale ale and sweat hung in the air, with a concerning hint of iron mixed in. He felt like prey at a watering hole meant for predators, as hungry eyes stared him down, undressing him with their lustful gaze. He knew this tavern’s reputation for catering to adventurers, but he never expected how

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CyberPunk: A Humiliating Hacking

By Warix_Viviana. Cassandra, or as everyone actually called her, Cassy, was a bit of an odd duck. She had grown up in the System and that had most certainly not helped anything, moving from one bad home to the next and sometimes living in modern orphanages called Foster Care housing. Either way, it had helped her quickly get use to what everyone felt sooner or later. Power Disparity. The Club’s music was loud and the lights were strobing enough to

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Humiliating the Human (Gay SPH)

By AmethystMare. The fox-taur grinned, standing tall and proud over the human who was his friend, though it was a strange enough relationship. His rich, russet fur extended over his whole body, with the four-legged part of his body being that of a large fox, standing easily on par with a human being, if not taller. Of course, his torso was attached to that, his chest and belly a creamy white that stretched under the taur half of his body,

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An Unexpected Afternoon

By Jizz_master0. I was absentmindedly walking through the center of town one Saturday afternoon, lost in my thoughts. I didn’t notice the tall blonde lady walking toward me until she spoke to me. “Card,” she snapped sharply. Since the Female Authority Act (FAA) of 2024, all men were required to carry a small electronic card. This contained detailed personal information about them; such as height, weight, penis size (flaccid and erect), length of time since the last orgasm (it was

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Exchange Play 3

By StorieCap. Read Part 1 Here. – In the year 2060, you can temporarily exchange body parts with strangers over the internet with a device and an app. While doing a random exchange, you end up with a tiny premature cock. At the end of the temporary exchange, your original cock doesn’t return to you, and you’re stuck with this one for now until the mystery is resolved.Read Part 2 Here. – After the incident, you try to seek medical

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Exchange Play 2

By StorieCap. Read Part 1 Here. Summary Exchange Play 1: *In the year 2060, you can temporarily exchange body parts with strangers over the internet with a device and an app. While doing a random exchange, you end up with a tiny premature cock. At the end of one such exchange, your original cock didn’t return to you, and you’re stuck with this one until the mystery is solved.* ***** Part 2… As you were staring at your tiny premature

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Exchange Play 1

By StorieCap. Today was a special day. You finally received your Fleshceiver 2060. It was the first legal recreational device that used the technology of flesh teleportation-graphing. This new technology developed in 2042 was used to teleport and exchange body parts for compatible donors. Teleportation of the matter was now possible through the high-speed deconstructing, transporting, and reconstructing of organic matter. Still, it was tough to create new body parts from scratch, and those would often fail. The solution was

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