The Man Medicine Couldn’t Save

By Babydicklover. I always knew I would attend medical school because I was born into wealth and privilege. When I got into Harvard Medical School, I wasn’t surprised. Most people would describe attending medical school as challenging and demanding, but not for me. My peers tirelessly struggle to get by, but I can’t empathize with their experiences since I am an overachiever. Not everyone has it in them to trailblaze as an example toward success. The sooner my peers acknowledge

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A Risky Game Between Two Nurses

By patrickroundhouse. Karen and Jen have been best friends for as long as they can remember. They went through nursing school together and have worked at the city hospital for the past five years. They were both each other’s maids of honor at their weddings. They were pregnant simultaneously, and their kids were the same age. Karen’s 40th birthday is next week, and Jen turned 40 a few months ago. Karen waited for Jen in the hospital parking garage, and

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The Seven Stages of Corporate Hell

By Ken. A few years ago, I applied for a job at a big food-producing corporation, and the application process showed me how dehumanized, degrading, and humiliating it was. This company couldn’t care less about the feelings of the people they were vetting in their search for human robots to do as they say. I was looking for a new job and came across an ad for a vacancy at a food manufacturer, and I applied for it. The pay

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 59

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader has a dream or girlfriend… My girlfriend and I have been together for several years now. And though we are generally happy, she usually complains about the positions my dick can’t reach when we’re having sex. She constantly asks me if it’s in and if I’m ever going to get bigger. However, seeing as I’m 21, I don’t see that happening any time soon. She’d

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Doctor Feldman

_MadameMarie_ You arrive, as they instructed, a few minutes before the appointment time to make sure that you can fill in any paperwork they need. The receptionist looks at your insurance card, confirms that your address hasn’t changed, and checks you in. You’re about to turn away from the desk when she says “I’m sorry, Sir, but Dr. Mason has retired. You have been allocated a new doctor, Dr. Feldman. They’ll come through to take you in.” You’re somewhat irritated,

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True Story: Medical Exam

  By notthatbig (submitted)   Let’s begin. I’m 35 years old, light brown, about 6,2 ft and that slight beer belly that most men whose don´t have the patience to work out and dieting all the time have. As for my dick, it’s no big deal, far from being a porn star: hard it has 4 inches and a normal thickness. The problem is when it’s soft, because then he gets between 1 and 1,5 inch. But let’s history. At

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 32

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   A female reader vents her disdain for small dicks… I met a Turkish guy on an online dating site who was quite a bit older than I was. I was 23-24 at the time and he was 36-38. He was a relatively nice guy, super smart scientist, tall, and pretty good-looking overall. I had only been with one other guy before ever who was maybe 7 inches

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SPH Role Play Becomes Real

By tommylance. We are Tracy and Tommy Lance. We are not solely into SPH but have occasionally played that way. We are a married couple in the San Francisco area who are members of The Citadel and its private humiliation club within it for specific members who want to role play humiliation with a caring and judgemental group. Most of the humiliations we role play with others are not SPH. Most involve mild “forced” and abduction and do not deal

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