Humiliated In Front of the Intern

By uppishcarrot. I sat nervously in the doctors waiting room. Every few minutes I glanced over at the clock on the wall in anticipation. After an abysmal sexual episode and my failure to achieve an erection during a one night stand, I convinced myself that there was something seriously wrong with me. In hindsight, it was probably due to the overwhelming amount of alcohol I consumed on the evening. I was simply way too drunk to get it up. The

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A Medical Exam Took Me Down

By Just_Someoneelse_518. I recently had to get a physical for a new job I’m starting, but after having been out of work for a few months, I don’t have insurance or the money to spare. The new job is a great opportunity and one that could really set me up well in a growing field, department, and company all at once. After a week of checking prices and assuring the new HR department that I understood the requirements, I was

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More SPH Vignettes from WAJohns

By WaJohns. Sarah… I was in wrestling, and Sarah was a cheerleader. My singlet left nothing to the imagination as to my flaccid innie micropenis. Sarah dated a guy named Mike. Word got out that Mike was only 4 inches. Well, he was bigger than me! I’m 2.75 inches hard. A few years after high school, Sarah and Mike were still together, but she slept around, advertising the fact that Mike didn’t satisfy her. There was a party at the

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The Final Diagnosis of Little Peter

By Nova. It had been a little over a week since I gathered up the courage to ask my mother to make an appointment with Dr. John Kim, our general practitioner. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Is your knee straightening? she asked with such sweet sincerity. I had initially planned to lie about why I wanted to see the Doctor. Still, the more I turned things over in my mind, the harder it became to ignore the creeping desire to bear my

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Embarrassing Doctor’s Visit

By makanibraydhani. “Kyle?” the nurse called. I stood and followed her into the doctor’s office. “I’m April. I’m going to take your blood pressure and ask you a few questions, and then Dr. West will be in to see you.” April was a very pretty girl. I would guess she’s probably about 22, the same age as me. Despite being in baggy scrubs, April still looked gorgeous. As she put the band around my arm, touching me, I could feel

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Doctor Prescibed Chastity

By gcd4x4. I was nervous to meet my new Doctor and to go for my annual physical. My old Doctor finally retired and this new young female Doctor was taking over his practice. I had no idea what to expect. I was sitting in her waiting room playing with my phone when I heard: “Mark?” “That’s me,” I said, standing up to meet her. “I’m Doctor Fiona Johnson,” she said, extending her hand. She was in her 30s, attractive, with

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The Very Bad Day 1

By gonedick. As I sat in the waiting room at the Dermatologist’s office, I tried to calm my nerves and relax. I had been dreading this day for over two months. My wife, Julie, told me that she had booked us back-to-back appointments with a new dermatologist–this time a female doctor. She went a year ago to get a full-body skin check. I was in the office with her for emotional support, so I saw the male doctor go over

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The Loser and the Nurse

By Disenchantment. In the heart of Spertgrow’s sprawling megalopolis lived our protagonist, Kevin Wankowski. A humble lad, he was as ordinary as they come; glasses perched precariously on his nose, hair unruly as a hedgehog’s quills, and a penchant for numbers that made him forget even the most mundane tasks were impossible without first calculating them. Unpopularity had been his constant companion since kindergarten when he’d tripped over his feet while attempting to dribble a basketball. His classmates laughed then,

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Gynecomastia Part 4

By Jake. Read Part 1 Here.Read Part 2 Here.Read Part 3 Here. ***** Part 4… Husband’s Perspective… “Babe, how am I supposed to wear a bra and it not show. Do I really need to wear one to the appointment? Pretty sure she’s aware I need one, and we can tell her I have one.” “Sweetheart, she needs to see the fit. I’m assuming a normal bra is fine. It could make things worse. Plus, there’s nothing to be embarrassed

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Doctor Visit Goes Awry

By Kirbean. I hesitated to write about this because it brings up many mixed emotions. It was a hot but humiliating formative sexual experience. When I was 18 and about to go away to college, I visited my doctor for a physical exam. I had seen Dr. Harvey since I was about five years old. He was probably in his 70s back then. As much as I hated doctor visits, especially physical exams requiring me to get naked, Dr. Harvey

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