SPH Role Play Becomes Real
By tommylance.

We are not solely into SPH but have occasionally played that way.
We are a married couple in the San Francisco area who are members of The Citadel and its private humiliation club within it for specific members who want to role play humiliation with a caring and judgemental group.
Most of the humiliations we role play with others are not SPH. Most involve mild “forced” and abduction and do not deal with body shaming, though sometimes with shaming in forced to be naked, which is different. Rarely in our group do people want to be humiliated over an aspect of their bodies.
We also play at burning man events in the deserts of CA, NV, and AZ, and in doing so, we are part of a theme camp in the “red light district” that creates a dark fantasy for those who seek us out for this purpose. Sometimes SPH is asked for by a guy who wants to live out this fantasy. He comes to us as part of his dark fantasy because he wants to endure the sting of humiliation in a situation where there are 1) only strangers involved in his role-play, and 2) there are no cameras or any kind. Both are the case at our theme camp.
Couples enjoy being humiliated, single women, you name it. We have even, on rare occasions, enacted a role play for a two-couple (M/F plus M/F) fantasy, where they wanted to have a gang of criminals “force” them to switch partners for 69. (In our theme camp, actual penetration sex is not permitted, and oral, or 69, is the furthest we will go along these lines, and never by our members, but only with the people you bring with you to your role play.)
When I began dating Tommy, I accepted he wasn’t hung, and I got online and found this story below, which really turned me on. I spoke with the writer, and he told me it was for real. Eventually, I met him and his girlfriend as they went to a regional burning man event in San Diego, CA, in 2013 and partied with us. He was involved in a fantasy role play before he met the woman he brought to the regional, and this role play involved his previous girlfriend, who paid him back with this event because he had gone too far in his previous role play with her. Gone too far, meaning he ended up stripping her naked and “forcing” her to suck him in front of a couple she hated in real life. So she set up this role play to pay him back.
What is unique about this is how she, the girlfriend at the time, designed with other members of the fantasy club a way to bring in non-club members into the situation. When I read this, I understood that TRUE humiliation, if you want to call it that, involves someone, at least one person, who is made to be tricked or placed into the situation, who does not know that there is a role play going on, but is genuinely reacting to the humiliation of someone.
In the four times Tommy has been humiliated, where I was the planner of the event (two he was in on; two were for real forced on him by me), I always included a woman who had no idea there was a role-play involved, which caused Tommy a genuine heightened feeling of humiliation.
I got the idea for this story from the net.
I have altered a few of its sentences, but it is generally what the guy told me it was when it happened to him, and though it was a role play, the inclusion of non-members did humiliate him to his core. He said he still thinks of it and has never recovered from one girl’s reaction to his being humiliated, because she placed him on the scale of not being a real man.
I intend to discuss other SPH events in the future, but for now, here is the one I got from the internet and then met the guy it happened to:
I was taken to a hospital in Arizona (as part of a boating trip for club members on the Colorado River) and a large hospital, building a new area that was only partially opened up to the public. (The city was Parker if you’re curious.)
Two of the club members, both women, posed as a doctor and nurse, and the one who acted as a nurse rounded up two hospital volunteers. These volunteer girls were not in any way in on my role play game but did as they were told, believing a nurse had asked them to assist her, which is what they were at the hospital to do.
I was taken to one of the rooms in the renovation area, and the “doctor” (whose name was Cheryl) was going through the routines of the beginning of an examination with me when Cindy (as a nurse) walked in with the two volunteers.
I knew Cheryl and Cindy from the Club, but not entirely, because I had only seen them and had never been in a role play with them. But they kept up the situation quickly so that the two volunteers nor I would have a moment to overthink anything. Not that it mattered. What happened from the point of view was entirely plausible to two young girls, ages 19 or 20 or so. (By law, they had to be 18 or older to be with patients.)
Cheryl called me Mr. Collins and told me what I “already knew” (but I was hearing this for the first time), that my doctor arranged the appointment, and that I was there “to have dermis samples taken from areas where your doctor found shaded areas on your skin during your last physical.”
This, of course, was total bullshit. But the girls took it seriously and followed Cindy’s orders to prepare and label a bunch of slides on a table to the side. While the girls did this with Cindy, Cheryl turned me away from them and let me read her clipboard, and she gave me instructions to undress while she gave a cursory examination of my skin.
The clipboard had a paper on it that read that I was about to be totally and 100% humiliated in a situation where genuine outsiders, the two volunteers, would get to enjoy my predicament and reactions to it, not to mention my naked body, and, the note read, with a cherry on top as a surprise, compliments of Maria (my girlfriend).
This was weird because one of the rules of the Club was no outsiders. But Maria was SO angry at what I had arranged for her at the Club two months before. I realized she, Cheryl, and Cindy were devising this plan to pay to be back in spades: genuine non-member girls being part of my humiliation.
Eventually, I was down to the tighty-whities my girl made me wear for the occasion (I usually wear boxers), giving me the most embarrassment possible from any underwear. To not make me look like a total retard, they were grey-colored but still tight briefs with a traditional fly and crew cut to show more skin. Over the next few minutes, I secretly glanced at the girls and confirmed that they occasionally checked me out, watching me offer Cheryl arms, legs, and chest.
They were cute, one of them a dirty blonde girl who was pretty filled out without being pudgy and an American Indian-looking girl with jet black hair that hung straight down to her waist. She had a slender, athletic build. Of the two girls, this second one with black hair appeared more interested in my humiliation and had no empathy for me. For whatever reason, she nearly telegraphed to me that she was enjoying my having to undress. Both were beauties, and their age made the whole thing very embarrassing. I never imagined my role play would involve other people, not in the club, which made it far worse. Two girls reacting to things in real ways saw me in my briefs, with my dick clearly shaped in the far too tight material. I had caught each of them staring at my cock. Part of my humiliation, I knew, was that the two girls were only about 3 or 4 years younger than I was. That is, as contemporaries, it was far more embarrassing than, let’s say, a 50-year-old. (Who would have been suspicious of the whole thing anyway.)
All of this lasted no more than a few minutes, with slides passing from the nursing desk to Cheryl, who used what reminded me of a sharp vegetable cleaner to “scrape” non-existent “samples” from my body.
I still remember Cheryl’s words: “Mr. Collins, please remove your briefs.”
I’d never know whether they, on their own, would have remained professional in their reaction to this announcement because Cindy (I was told this later), purposely, while the girls knew I couldn’t see three of their faces, opened her mouth and smiled widely for the benefit of the girls. The blonde reacted in a way that showed her embarrassment for the situation, including my own. But she eventually, after watching Cindy’s reaction, puckered up with conspiracy. The American Indian girl was another story. After Cindy made her smile, she reacted with equal relish over the notion that I was about to be totally nude. She continued to look down at the slides, but with her tongue on her teeth with anticipation. That made Cindy’s day. This was the moment of truth for her. Everything hung on the idea that the girls would enjoy, even slightly, the notion that I’d have to be completely naked. And from the girls’ point of view, the medical “professional” Nurse Cindy had given the two of them “permission” to enjoy my being naked.
I was facing Cheryl, not the three others, and they saw my butt exposed as I took off my shorts and placed them on the chair to the side. And the truth is, unlike the few other role plays I had done with the club, I became nervous and wanted it all to end at that moment. I was about to stand nude in front of four women, all of them seeing me naked for the first time, and three of them set themselves up to enjoy my situation. I breathed heavily and thought of how the two young women were about to check me out in every way.
Cheryl took hold of my cock while pretending to take samples from my lower torso. She squeezed until I was rock solid, then acted surprised and embarrassed and said, ” Don’t let that bother you, Mr. Collins. There’s nothing you can do about it. Males occasionally react the way you have.” The bitch gave me a hard-on and pretended I was getting hard on my own, for the girls’ sake. Cindy, who told me what happened afterward, said that at that moment, while they were busy with the slides, she whispered to the girls that I was fully erect, and the three made faces of real anticipation.
She called Cindy over, and finally, Cindy called over the volunteers. The girls came behind me to pass Cindy’s slides and looked down at my fully erect cock. I just looked up at nothing, feeling humiliated. And unlike the other role plays, this was real. Cheryl was a matter of fact about it, telling me openly not to be embarrassed, that it happened now and then during many types of exams. She then told Cindy “that under the circumstances, she was better able to fully see a redness (there was no such thing) on my penis and the extent of the irritation.” (There was, of course, no irritation.)
To ensure, Cheryl announced she would record the area of the irritation for the benefit of the doctor who had sent me to her. My heart was pounding at this point, and the girls were looking at the slides in their hands, and my cock was at attention and trying not to let me see their near smiles. The blonde one seemed to have some sympathy for me, but the American Indian girl was nearly on the edge of bursting out laughing as I saw her cheeks get full. My erection at that moment was full, stand-up version, the tip of my penis pointed at the ceiling, and the girls were taking it all in as they followed Cindy’s instructions.
Right before the girls’ eyes, Cheryl worked her scraper and pretended to take samples. Cindy, like the others, placed cover sides over them, and the girls labeled the slides and placed them in a slide box.
Cheryl said she wanted to measure the area on the shaft of my penis and that it was probably what Dr. Lee was worried about. I couldn’t see the girls’ reactions, and my heart was beating a mile a minute. Then to my horror, right in front of the girls, she took out a measuring tape and placed it against my fully erect penis, extending it several inches beyond its full measurement, and began pointing at it, seemingly for the benefit of Cindy, the length of the imaginary roughness.
Of course, she succeeded in placing the tape measure at the base of where my cock ran from my balls upward, showing the girls the total measurement of my erect penis.
It didn’t matter whether the girls were following the discussion of Cheryl or not. What was being fully displayed was the measurement of my cock, showing the tip of the head of my penis to end at its full length against the tape measure, way under the 5-inch mark.
I tried to hide the fact that I was breathing heavily. Still, during this, the girls lifted their eyes to meet mine, and we all looked at each other briefly, fully acknowledging that they had learned the most intimate fact about me, that fully erecting my penis didn’t make it to 4 ½ inches.
To send this humiliation home, Cheryl said to Cindy, right in front of the girls, who were doing nothing but staring at my size, “About two inches of roughness on a four-inch shaft; no sign of roughness on the corona of the penis. Is that about another inch?”
Cindy, right in front of the girls, corrected her. “I don’t think his shaft is 4 inches.” Then, in a nearly saddened voice, “His penis isn’t 5.” And she re-measured. This was complete, total humiliation. Cheryl then said, “His shaft is . . . Oh . . . 3 3/4.” Then Cindy said, “More like 3 5/8.” She paused, then said, “Also, the corona of his penis is less than an inch. His total length is (and she paused purposely as if she didn’t want to say the number) 4 3/8”.
I was dying inside. At that moment, pretending they had just realized what they had done, Cheryl and Cindy smiled. Cindy purposely lowered her head as if she knew she had utterly humiliated me by correcting the length of my penis downward. When her face was finally lowered so I couldn’t see it, but the others could, she smiled over the extreme embarrassment she had created for me. Two beautiful girls could register in their minds that I had a fully erect penis, under 4.5”. It was the worst.
I genuinely died inside. Total and complete humiliation, and fully nude before two bitches I would have dated, and their now knowing how much of a man I was.
The volunteers were eventually dismissed, and when the coast was clear, they got me out of there fast, and Maria executed her “cherry on top.”
In the hall, Maria, dressed professionally and with a white gown over her clothes, cut off the girls as they walked back toward the lobby, and the functioning part of the hospital, before they had the chance to join their friends. It was part damage control, to prevent them from talking about this mythical procedure, and part fun to make her day and their day. She introduced herself as new in dermatology and told them she had just come from Nurse Ryan (Cindy) and was told they assisted in the slides for dermis-gathering. They told her they did. My girl became conspiratorial and pressed them about how they handled it. They became embarrassed, especially the blonde.
The Indian said that it was really embarrassing for “the guy.” When my girl asked why the Indian replied because I was naked and fully erect, my girl reacted with laughter, and the blonde followed suit. Then my girlfriend lowered her voice and told them not to mention the procedure to anyone. By coincidence, “the guy” may be working there in administration and be her (Maria’s) boss. She told them that medical procedures are confidential. Maria said they became serious, but then she told them that Cindy told her the doctor measured her, which got the volunteers’ attention.
Maria began to act like “a woman” before them. She said, “You got to see him measured while fully erect?” She began to laugh, and they followed suit. “Nude, a hard-on, and his manhood measured.” She laughed again, and they were all laughing. Their laughter, Maria told me, was building and fun. (I had been whisked away to the car and got all this later.)
She told them that I (as Mr. Collins) had asked her friend out but that her friend had turned me down. My girl asked them in a real fun, conspiratorial, and nervous voice if they got to see how big I was, and as she said this, she smiled at them, wiping away all of the professional talk she had stated a moment before. The blonde nearly opened her mouth, but the American Indian girl looked straight at my girl and said, “Oh, yeah.”
My girl asked her, “Well, how big is he?”
The blonde died, but the Indian girl gave her my exact measurement. “4 3/8 inches.”
“No way!” Maria whispered loudly.
Then the American Indian girl said, “My boyfriend’s got at least two inches more.”
They all laughed again and again.
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.