A Little Growing

By Runtz4. Growing up with sisters, you learn to deal with certain things as a boy. As the most shared space and the one where the most private matters occur, the bathroom creates a significant arena of tension among siblings. You learn to live with hair all over the place, with products crowding the sink. And what seemed like an ever-growing assortment of shampoos, conditioners, and cleansers in the shower. Here’s what I know: girls use many products for their

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Cucked in Translation

By Runtz3. Miri and I have been together for a few years and married just two years ago. She’s a sexy Romani, about 5’5, slim build, firm 32 C’s, with dark wavy hair, beautifully thick but well-shaped eyebrows, and looks like Mila Kunis, but it was her free-spirited way of viewing life that attracted me to her the most. She’s the first in her family to get a formal education, and her background was so different than mine that it

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Neighbor to Neighbor 5

By Runtz3. Read Part 1 HereRead Part 2 HereRead Part 3 HereRead Part 4 Here ***** Part 5… “I love your little wiener,” she hummed and snuggled up beside me. I was lying on my back naked with a bit of a boner pointing toward the ceiling. Elizabeth reached over and swirled her finger around my dick before giving it a few tugs. She pulled the dildo from her nightstand and leaned back over, placing it against my much smaller

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Neighbor to Neighbor 4

By Runtz3. After I came with a great deal of laughter and frivolity in the room, Elizabeth tucked her engorged tits away while I continued to fiddle my small dick as the trio of women mocked my small penis and teased me for my small load as well. My head hung down, looking at my flaccid bud as I worked the loose flesh of my shaft over the head and backed down again, draining every small drop of fluid out

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Neighbor to Neighbor 3

By Runtz3. “Was Elizabeth just playing with me? That has to be it.” That was the first thought I had when I woke up the next morning. “Certainly, she was just making it up, telling me a story to turn me on… but what if she wasn’t?” I heard the blow dryer running and realized Elizabeth was already up. A few seconds later, she came out of the bathroom dressed, with her hair done and make-up on. It was the

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Neighbor to Neighbor 2

By Runtz3. The next thing I know I’ve downed half a bottle of scotch, and have watched the recordings of April sucking off three more men from the neighborhood, all of whom had dicks around 6-7 inches. And before I knew it I had sent her a text. “#It’s a boy!” and waited for the response. Ten long minutes later, she finally responded. “Congrats!” What the hell! Where’s the @! “Are you in your studio#” “With friends, ttyl.” Damn it.

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Neighbor to Neighbor 1

By Runtz3. “Welcome, neighbors!” The doorbell chimed just moments ago. My wife Elizabeth and I moved in a few days ago to a lovely neighborhood. This is our first home, and this came through just in time as we’re expecting our first child in seven weeks, and we wanted to get in and settled before the baby came. “Hey there, we’re Elizabeth and Todd,” my wife gushed, pouring on her southern accent a little thicker than average. Elizabeth and I

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Accidental Femdom

by Runtz4. Part 1 “I think it’s cute.” She giggled as she worked my dick with her hand. We’ve been together long enough to know that “cute” is synonymous with small. My wife Shelby was leaving for a five-day cruise out of Galveston with her best friend in the morning. Shelby’s sister lives outside of Houston, so we decided to spend the weekend with her, and then I’d drive her to the port Monday morning. I couldn’t help but watch

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The Show-off

Runtz4 It was the kind of moment I always dreaded. I was staring down the urinal trough hating myself for having waited a little too long to use the bathroom, and now I had no time to wait for a stall to open. As the pressure built and the urgency of the moment became real, I knew I had no other option. I hated that I waited, hated that I had put myself in this situation, and hated that old

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The Houdini

  By Runtz4   “Jesus!” I bleated in my wife’s ear while watching her best friend, Melissa, pull her husband’s giant cock out of his shorts. They were only a few feet away from us, snuggling up on the couch across from our own, but tonight they were taking their exhibitionism to new heights. Melissa and Tommy had come over to hang out, something we’ve done countless times before, but, tonight things got a little heated, and it all seemed

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