The Night Nurse!

By Anon. “Hello, Mr. Walker. I’m here to shave you.” My heart was pounding. I could not believe this all was happing. I could not even look at the nurse. “Wow, is that you, Jon?” she asked, squinting her eyes at me lying helpless on the bed. I recognized her voice before I even looked up at her. The nurse was my gorgeous next-door neighbor Gwen. I have had a crush on her since she moved in three years ago.

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Seeking Help!

By Anon. I stepped into the pristine waiting room and tried to calm myself as I listened to the elevator music and focused on the pictures hanging on the walls of ocean shores and gently rolling landscapes. It was my first time going to a psychiatrist, and my palms were sweating, and my heart was beating fast. At 38 years old, I was on top of the world as Associate VP of Finance at a local University. Still, my aptitude

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 59

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader has a dream or girlfriend… My girlfriend and I have been together for several years now. And though we are generally happy, she usually complains about the positions my dick can’t reach when we’re having sex. She constantly asks me if it’s in and if I’m ever going to get bigger. However, seeing as I’m 21, I don’t see that happening any time soon. She’d

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Paul’s Premature Performance

By hodownnuzv “Hello Doctor…Ma-Mazzeo,” Paul, stammered. He walked into the screening room and his fine motor functions grinded to a halt as he laid eyes on the beautiful blonde doctor that would be attending to him today. Paul’s eyes traced her body downwards. His eyes fell from her long hair in a tight bun held together with a pencil, to her baby blue scrubs jutting outwards at the chest where her breasts rested. Doctor Mazzeo cleared her throat and when

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 43

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader expresses his self-loathing as many small dick men do… I’ve been fucking devastated since this happened and I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. So this girl wanted to hook up and I told myself that I wasn’t going to be pussy, I wasn’t going to shy away from the moment, I was going to do it. So I said yes and we went

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College Medical

MissKateKees I should have read the requirements! Simon mused angrily on his situation. Just three weeks after moving from his American hometown to Stockholm, Sweden to begin a prestigious sports science degree, he had been handed this ultimatum. It was his dream to get into professional sports in whatever capacity he could, and a qualification from a top European school was a far better start than anything he could have got back home, particularly as he’d got in on a

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 41

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader needs self-esteem, STAT… When my appendix ruptured and I needed emergency surgery. After the op, they left my bottom half nude because the surgical scar was apparently in a place where clothing would rub and irritate the wound. The nurse checking on me comes to check all is fine and either knowing full well the situation or being unaware, lifts my cover to see I’m

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True Story: Medical Exam

  By notthatbig (submitted)   Let’s begin. I’m 35 years old, light brown, about 6,2 ft and that slight beer belly that most men whose don´t have the patience to work out and dieting all the time have. As for my dick, it’s no big deal, far from being a porn star: hard it has 4 inches and a normal thickness. The problem is when it’s soft, because then he gets between 1 and 1,5 inch. But let’s history. At

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 32

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   A female reader vents her disdain for small dicks… I met a Turkish guy on an online dating site who was quite a bit older than I was. I was 23-24 at the time and he was 36-38. He was a relatively nice guy, super smart scientist, tall, and pretty good-looking overall. I had only been with one other guy before ever who was maybe 7 inches

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