Gynecomastia Part 6

By Jake. Read Part 1 Here.Read Part 2 Here.Read Part 3 Here.Read Part 4 Here.Read Part 5 Here. ***** Part 6: Husband’s Perspective… As I climbed into our car, I was still shell-shocked. I was actually wearing my wife’s panties, shirt, jeans, and shoes to go shopping for more bras. I couldn’t decide where would be the worst place to shop for bras, but my wife seemed to know. Exactly where the one I was in came from. AERIE! This

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Extended Stay (Sissy/forced Bi Sex)

By charmer949. I’m still pissed off because we must stay here for a month. It’s day thirteen, and I’m stuck–well, we’re stuck–at the Common Inn, a less-than-ideal extended-stay motel on the edge of Smallville. If my blowhard husband knew how to properly do his job, we’d have been home last week. He needs someone to come along in his life who will put him in his place. Mr. All High and Mighty. Ham–I call him behind his back. He’s gone

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Summer with Unkie (Gay SPH)

By fantaseeboy.     When my stepmother accepted a job in Europe just after my graduation from high school, I went to live with her brother, my step-uncle. This wasn’t a bad thing. A new city meant a new start. I could use a fresh beginning. I was never popular at all. I hadn’t had a real friend since elementary school. I had no significant other to speak of, just a few men around town who enjoyed the occasional company

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Thrift Store Encounter

By fantaseeboy     For several weeks, I’d stopped into the upscale thrift shop at different times on Saturdays and Mondays, my days off. I was trying to discover when the store was the least busy. Once the research was complete, I stepped into the store on Monday morning at 10:00 am. Aside from the familiar heavy-set middle-aged lady behind the counter, I was the only person in the store. She greeted me with a friendly smile and asked if

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Hung like a Grape

by sissysherry2 I was married for 13 years but the magic was clearly gone. We got divorced when I turned 40 and I moved away to start fresh. I got a job in an office that was full of women and very few men. I worked around a bunch of hot twenty something women who seemed to bond with me. There were four of us; we called ourselves the ‘core four.’ There was Lisa (a tall well built and attractive

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Sissy’s BBC Submission (Gay SPH)

By tawnysuede. Chapter 1 – First Contact “Tyler! Snap out of it – you’re staring again, and he’s noticed!” Jack’s voice whispered hoarsely in Tyler’s ear as the hot water from the shower drummed across his back. There were just the three of them left in the shower now. Basketball practise had been over for more than half an hour and the most of the players were showered and dressed and out the door, heading home for dinner. A few

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Jezebel’s Magic: Becoming Josephina

by twiddershins Jeff was just a regular dude when he met Jezebel. They had lived together for a few months and at first they seemed satisfied with each other. They got along fine and would have appeared like any normal couple in public, but that was now long ago. Even then, Jeff had felt lucky to have her because of his tiny penis! One Saturday night, Jezebel came home late. Jeff had already stopped staying up for her and went

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Ugly Duckling to Sissy Princess (Gay SPH)

JHouston Part 1 Being a very short guy (5’3″) with a small frame has been a major handicap in my quest for female companionship. Having a micro penis was the nail in my coffin. Throughout my youth, I was ignored or rejected by girls. I had my first girlfriend in college, Caroline Fletcher. She was smart, beautiful, sexy, sweet and I worshiped her, and treated her like a princess. We lost our virginity to each other. I was always gentle

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Drunk Friend to Sissy Slut (Gay SPH)

  by olybiguy27   What follows is the completely true story of the weekend that changed my life. This really happened to me and took place in the summer of 2008 just after graduating from high school. My name is Andrew and I was a major stoner in school. I had a lot of friends, mostly due to the fact I always had really great weed that I would get from my rich old neighbor who had a medical card

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