The Accident

By dmbdriver1. ( My buddy Rick, whom I’ve known from grade school, and I went way north on a hunting trip for moose or elk. After two days, we found some signs we were in the right area. So when we came to a wooded hill, he went one way and I the other. Suddenly, I fell to the ground. I felt like a train hit me. My legs were above my head, and I saw blood flying through the

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Katie’s Cuck

By TwistedGecko. Last summer, it started when Richard met Katie, a forty-nine-year-old single female, on a dating website. Katie has average looks, stands five feet four, and has short, thick sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. Richard, age fifty-two, stands at five foot ten, slender build, short brown hair with hazel eyes. They first met at a public place and enjoyed some coffee and pastries. The conversation covered the usual topics, including a bit of history about their past, work,

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Little Ricky: Little Dicky Part 1

By goosebbv. Oh, where do I start? My name is Rick, and I grew up in a small Midwest American town. Life was great till the senior year of high school, I suppose. I was just one of the guys. There was not a ton of pressure to hook up with girls until then. My problem, well, I did not even know it was a problem. I almost made it to college before my little issue emerged. Thanks to a

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Cuckolded on the High Seas

By Tianami We were becalmed as I sat on the stairs leading down to the captain’s cabin. I had a tumbler of black sambuca in my hand. The cabin was large with an island bed in the middle covered in a red sheet and the portholes covered in lush red velvet curtains. Liz, my wife, was standing at the foot of the bed in a very short see-through dress. You could easily see she was wearing a white lacy g-string

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 59

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader has a dream or girlfriend… My girlfriend and I have been together for several years now. And though we are generally happy, she usually complains about the positions my dick can’t reach when we’re having sex. She constantly asks me if it’s in and if I’m ever going to get bigger. However, seeing as I’m 21, I don’t see that happening any time soon. She’d

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Dad, I’d like for you to meat my girlfriend

By avldude Tara, Tara, Tara. She was the love of my life and the dagger into my heart. In the beginning, it was a dream come true for a girl like her to even notice me, let alone say yes when I finally had the nerve to ask her out, and then to be my girlfriend. Looking back, it made no sense. Tara was from a wealthy family; I was not. Tara was an absolute, blonde beauty with an incredible,

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The Cuckold Groom

By Anonymous Chrissie made a beautiful bride. She and I were childhood sweethearts, and we loved each other dearly. Her old man had pitched in to give his daughter a good sendoff, and it was quite a wedding and quite a party. I knew I was the luckiest man in town that day. Chrissie is the daughter of one of the most prominent men in town, and the man responsible for my new job. He didn’t want to see his

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Charles In Charge

By Dan Kildall When I overheard my wife Irene insulting the size of my penis to her friends at a dinner party as I was in the kitchen refilling her wine glass, I got an intense and unexpected thrill. The thrill ran through my body and caused my admittedly small cock to surge to its full length of 4 inches. I thought that I should feel insulted that she was talking about me this way behind my back, but instead,

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The Cuckolding

By fredolux I am a very fortunate man. My wife is a beautiful Mexican of 25 years. I am 17 years Her senior of Greek origin. A little over a year ago, we lived in a completely vanilla relationship with unconditional love, a lot of fun and an almost daily dosage of good sex. My stubbornness and inability to share my feelings were however a constant destabilizing factor. I was just sitting there puffing and feeling miserable for days without

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Tansy’s Tattoo

iWimp I knew that my wife Tansy’s boyfriend, Brett, wanted her to get a tattoo. They had been talking about it for a couple of months. She’d always said tattoos looked cheap and common, but her attitude changed, seemingly overnight, following her lover’s suggestion – as per usual what Brett wants, Brett gets! Then, last Friday, before yet another weekend away with him, she suddenly announced that they had decided to have it done the very next day! She wouldn’t

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