Little Ricky: Little Dicky Part 1
By goosebbv.

At first, I thought this was a good thing until my gym class was moved to the middle of the afternoon. This meant a shower after gym class was needed before returning to class.
At first, I thought this was not a big deal. We had to run the mile. We were supposed to shower and change for classes when we were finished. The first day of the new gym class came quickly, and we all changed into our gym clothes and went outside to run the mile. I was not an athlete, so of course, I was not in the group that finished first. I was done with the 2nd group of guys and headed for the locker room. That is when I first notice my problem.
A few of the guys were heading out of the showers already as we came in. I am not a fag, or pecker checker. We walked in as a group was coming out of the shower. That is when I saw two guys in my class, naked. They were huge. Well, not like overall, just their penis. Like two times the size of mine. They were like six, maybe seven inches. I was only about two inches when soft and four inches when hard. I measured one day when I was bored and alone.
I looked away really fast and tried to ignore it. The other guys were stripping to hop in the shower when curiosity got the better of me. I had to look. So, I bent down to tie my shoe and realized that all of the guys heading for the shower were hung much bigger than me.
What the fuck was the only thing I could think of, these guys were not hard, and they were so much bigger than me. I mean bigger than me even when I was hard. I grew up in a strict religious home. Since my parents did not want me exposed to porn, we had no internet. I did not have the buffet of porn to watch that all the other guys seemed to.
Now, I was terrified to take my clothes off, thinking everyone would make fun of me for being so tiny. I was starting to sweat worse than when I was running the mile. Panic was startbeginningake over, and I was breathing really hard. Just then, I heard a noise coming from outside the locker room. I used this as my chance to walk out.
Big John, the fattest kid in our class, was sitting on the ground a few feet from the locker room. The mile run took it out of him. He was breathing heavily, and his face was all red. I called for our physical education teacher Mr. Clark. He rushed over. He asked me to help him get John to the school nurse. We helped John up as some of the guys started leaving the locker room to head back to class.
They offered to help, but Mr. Clark told them it would be bad enough that I would be late for class and John was not going to class. He wanted them to go. I help the coach walk John to the nurse. John had an arm thrown around both our necks and shoulders. John was so hot and sweaty I could feel my neck getting wet from his sweat and my own from the effort of helping move him. We got him there, and the nurse took over.
Coach told me to head back to the locker room and get ready for class. PANIC hit me again. I had no choice. I was sweaty from the run, sweaty from helping John, and had John’s sweat on me. As I walked back to the gym, I thought, which would be worse, being the stinky kid if I skipped the shower or known as the tiny dick guy?
MY DREAD WAS STILL CREEPING UP when I got to the locker room. Then, finally, a break. Everyone was done and gone. I grabbed my stuff and headed for the showers. I dodged the bullet. I could not think of anything else but tomorrow’s gym class for the remainder of the day and the drive home. How the hell was I going to avoid the guys seeing me naked? I got a ride home every day with my friend Neil. I was quiet the whole ride home, and finally, Neil spoke as we got to my house.
“I heard Big John had an asthma attack,” said Neil.
“Oh, is that what happened?” I asked.
“Yep, he is not allowed to take gym for the rest of the year.”
There is my way out. I needed to fake having asthma to get out of gym class. Hell, it was senior year. If I got out of class now, I would not have to worry about it ever again. A plan was born right then and there. I would forge a note from my mom, hand it in and never look back.
“Dude, we are here. What’s up with you? You have been acting spaced out since we left school,” said Neil.
“Yeah, Yeah. Sorry got a lot of homework. I-I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With that, I jumped out of his car and went into my house. I know I was acting rude, but the day’s events had got to me. I was trying to make sense of it all. Maybe I was a late bloomer, what I wanted to believe. However, I was eighteen so were all the other guys. On the other hand, I was five foot seven, which was two inches taller than my father and three inches taller than my mother.
I was the tallest person in my whole family. I just could not wrap my head around how it could be that I was so much smaller in the male junk department than all the other guys in my class. To top it off, I came from a small town, so everyone at my school was white. I heard black guys were way bigger, but now I saw white guys I knew my age was way bigger than me. I couldn’t talk to anyone about this; I mean, who would understand.
Hell, my parents never had ‘the sex’ talk with me. It was all so taboo to them. Sex ed at the start of high school was when I learned about the birds and bees. I just went through with my plan, got a piece of paper, and wrote the note as neatly as possible to make it look like my mother’s. Luckily I was never in trouble, so she never sent any signed notes to my school. So, no one would know it was me signing instead of her.
The next day at school, I went to see Mr. Clark first thing in the morning. I told him my mom had heard what happened to John and told me to bring him this note. I handed it to him and watched him read it. This was my fate right here. Suppose he believed it, no gym class and group showers for me. I could hide my shame. I watch intently as he read it. It was only a few lines, but it felt like forever before he finished reading. He looked at me with what seemed like a long pause. I thought I was busted. Then he finally spoke.
“Well, the school is worried about lawsuits. So it might be better for you to sit out of class. Maybe take a study hall during the period.”
I nodded and left. I was saved. I could enjoy the rest of high school without anyone knowing. Hell, I even got a girlfriend. Karen was sweet. Her curly dirty blond hair, big brown eyes, and perky C cup boobs were pretty. She was the perfect girl for me. She was a prude and was waiting till marriage for sex. She let people know this. This kept all the guys away except me. She was perfect for me, no pressure from her to have sex.
Also, she had no experience to compare me to if it did ever come up. We dated most of the senior year and through the summer before college. We had stuck to making out when given a chance at the movies or on the rare occasion we were left alone. Her parents were stricter than mine. I did not have a car at the time, so we had to have our parents or friends drive us places. So there always seemed to be someone else around. However, just before we went to college on a summer day, she told me she wanted to give me something special. She told me to get a ride to her house.
Her parents were not home. Neither were her three siblings. Maybe this would be it. I would finally pop my cherry and hers, for that matter. I was nervous as we began to make out on the couch. I started feeling her tits over her shirt, and she was getting turned on. I thought I would be bold and reach under her shirt for the first time. She only let me pet her above her clothes up till now. I slid my hand under her shirt and began feeling her right tit, only covered by a bra.
I slowly moved my hand under the bra and felt her erect nipple and soft, tender flesh. I was breathing heavy, and she backed away from our kiss. I thought it was all over, but she did something I will never forget. She reached for the bottom of her shirt and lifted it over her head. My eyes just stared at her, one semi-bare breast peeking from the bra I had pushed away and the other breast still confined. The puffy little nipple was pointed right at me. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She pulled it off. I stared at her naked breasts. I never looked up to make eye contact thinking she would stop if I did.
She leaned in and began kissing me again. I started rubbing her bare chest and feeling the contrast of the soft flesh with her hard nipples. Karen started to rub my penis over my shorts. I was so hard, and this was pure heaven. Then she did something that made me jump. She unzipped my shorts.
This was going to happen, I thought. My jumping a bit had made her stop. I was nervous about showing her my small penis. Then, it hit me she would not know it was small. She only has sisters, not brothers, and no other boyfriends. I quickly moved back in a started kissing her again. I then reached between her legs and rubbed her pussy over her jeans. It was hot. Then she stopped kissing me a told me to stand up.
I did what I was told. She was sitting on the couch at eye level with my crotch. She reached over and unbuttoned my shorts. She had already unzipped them, so they fell to the floor. I was standing only in my boxers. Not for long, though. She pulled those down as well. I was nervous again. She was the first one to see me naked. I was just hoping she would not laugh. She slowly reached out and touched it. She was like a kitten pawing at a ball of yarn. Kind of playful but with intent. She smiled. I was nervous she was going to laugh. Then she said it,
“Wow, that is it. It’s the first one I’ve ever seen.”
Nothing to worry about anymore. She had no one to compare me to. She was still lightly stroking it. Then she said,
“You know I will not have sex till I am married, but I wanted to give you something special before we go away to college.”
She gently moved her face towards my dick. Then she kissed the tip. The feeling of her lips on the tip of my dick was great. My dick was twitching, and my knees felt weak. She kissed it again, this time sticking her tongue out and licking it a little at the tip to end the kiss. She lifted it a bit, so my cock head was facing straight up towards my face, and kissed the sensitive underside.
Then she let it out of her hand, so my cock head faced her. She must have seen the precum leaking from the tip. She then put her mouth on the head and sucked it slow like a lollypop, once, twice, then on the third one, I exploded in her mouth. She gagged, and I stumbled back a half step. My dick fell out of her mouth, and the second spurt of cum hit her neck and third her nude breast. She spat the cum from her mouth in her hand and gave me a dirty look.
“You were supposed to warn me.”
I didn’t know. Sorry,” I said.
“It’s OK. Can you run in the bathroom and get a towel.”
I hustled towards the bathroom and tripped over my shorts and boxers, which were still around my ankles. My bare ass was now facing her, and my semi-hard dick smashed into the ground. Then it happened, she laughed. I pulled my clothes back on and hurried for the bathroom.
I was in pain from smashing my dick but was happy she laughed at me for being clumsy, not my penis size or lack thereof. I got her a towel to clean up. She did and got dressed, and we watched some TV together. We never talked about what happened. We just quietly sat as nothing had happened. I guess we were both shy about the whole thing.
Sadly that was the last time we spent alone together before heading to separate colleges. It was just impossible to find her home alone between her mom, dad, and siblings. She was not allowed by her parents to go to my house. She did make our last time together alone quite memorable for me, though.
As I headed off to college, I met my roommate Mike. Thankfully Mike was a cool guy. We had a couple of classes together, and he often copied my homework, but he would also invite me places and let me hang out with him. I had no success approaching girls on my own, so hanging with Mike was my only shot of hanging around pretty girls. I had no confidence and not much practice. Mike felt bad for me. So he started to fix me up with some of his girlfriend’s friends.
Mike seemed to have a new girl every few weeks, most of the time, he was seeing more than one of them at a time, and he would make them bring a friend out on a double date. Not much was coming of this for me in the way of sex. I was still nervous about my small size and did not know how to make things progress to sex anyway. Mike must have got wind of this since I never told him I needed the room for the night, and none of his girl’s friends talked about me much or went on more than a couple of dates with me.
Mike was dating this hot girl Bryn. She was smoking hot. Light blond hair, milky skin, big blue eyes. Cute full lips, lovely A Cup or B Cup tits were small but perky looking. She had a size zero waist and a cute little ass. One day Mike came into the room after going on a date with Bryn. I was working on the computer doing my classwork. He reeked of booze, pot, and sex. Mike was in a great mood when he said to me,
“Bro, we got to get your dick wet. It’s Saturday night, and you are in your room jacking it to internet porn.”
I corrected him and told him I was doing classwork, not jacking it. This only caused Mike to laugh a bit.
“I know. I know. Just fucking with you.”
Then Mike told me about Bryn’s friend Amber. She was a sure thing. She loved to party, and when she gets a little tipsy, she likes to get it on. I was all ears. Sure I was still nervous about my dick size, but my desire to get laid or at least get some more female contact started to overwhelm my need to hide my small dick size from people. I intently listened as he told me about a party happening next weekend that I would come with him.
He would hook Amber and me up, and then he would stay the night at Bryn’s, which would mean Amber would need a place to stay since they were also roommates. Mike would offer our room, which would get her in my room after a night of drinking. It was the perfect plan. Everything seemed awesome. Then Mike dropped a little bomb on me. He had a paper due by Friday for Sociology. He had not even started and needed a good grade. He was hoping I could write it for him since he was helping me out. I figured why not. It seemed like a good deal.
So, that week I wrote what had to be an A paper for him and kept up with my work. Not an easy task, I may not be a hit with the ladies, but I was no brain. I had to work hard at school. This lack of free time meant I never even had a chance to beat off, which was my new favorite pastime when alone. The internet indeed was an excellent porn machine. My parents were right; if I had this at home, I would have never left the house. However, I was going to get a crack at the real thing. On Thursday, I gave Mike his paper which made him happy, and he told me to get ready for tomorrow.
I didn’t need him to tell me twice. I was so excited. I ironed my coolest-looking shirt and pants. I got a haircut. Everything was going to be perfect. Friday night was upon us, and Mike was getting dressed for the night, so was I. Mike just grabbed a pair of jeans off the floor and a T-Shirt from the top of a pile of clothes. He just sniffed it and put it on.
I guess he was not as worried about dressing up as I. Then he asked if I got myself some condoms for tonight. I just sat their mouth open, like a fool. It hit me that he meant by getting ready for tonight, not all the shit I did. I told him I did not. Mike had a grin. He reached into his closet and pulled out a box, and showed me.
“They are right here, dude. Listen, you do not want to knock this girl up or anything.”
I just nodded. Then we started walking across campus to one of the frat houses having an open party. Bryn and Amber were a year ahead of us, so they were already sisters in a sorority. They could get us into the frat since their sorority was somehow linked to the frat.
We met Bryn and Amber there. Holly Fuck! Amber was one piece of ass. I mean, really hot. She had dark long black hair past her shoulders. She had beautiful piercing black eyes and a great rack. Her tits were on full display on the black tube top, which covered very little. Her tanned, toned shoulders were not covered by it, and it had slits on the side. Her flat stomach was exposed, and I saw a petite belly button piercing. She had tight white pants on that might have been painted on. I nearly got a boner as Mike started introducing me.
“This is my bro, Rick. Remember I told you about him.”
I was only expecting a handshake or a smile, but Amber gave me a big hug to say hello. I was happy to have a tiny dick for the first time since I had a boner just from that hug. Thank goodness after the hug, Amber turned around along with Bryn to lead Mike and me further into the party. I was able to adjust my wood as we walked quickly.
I could not help but notice Bryn and Amber’s cute bottoms as they walked in front of us. I could not tell who had the better ass. I had no idea where they were taking us; all I know is I would have followed those two sweet asses off a cliff. Mike must have been thinking the same thing. He nudged me with his elbow. Mike commented that Amber was not wearing any panties. He could tell since the pants were so tight. We both smiled to ourselves. The girls lead us to the outdoor bar.
Amber shouted, “Shots!”
And the night was on. The bartender, one of the frat brothers, grinned ear to ear and started pouring four shots for us. Funny, Amber did not even tell him what to pour, but he knew what she was looking for. She turned back to Mike and me and handed us our glasses, and then she and Bryn took theirs.
“Down the hatch,” said Mike.
We drank our shot. It burned something fierce. We all put our glasses back on the bar, and Amber just stuck four fingers in the air, and the bartender poured four more. We all knocked them back again. Then we slammed the glasses back down the bar. Amber was sticking her hand up again when Bryn grabbed it a said,
“Slow down, cowgirl. The night is young. Let’s go to the keg and get some beers.”
Then the frat brother chimed in, “Yeah, Amber, you don’t want to wind up a hot mess.”
I guess the frat brother must have known Amber before since he knew her name and drink of choice. Mike then led the way to the keg. We all got a large plastic cup and began drinking. The party was a bit of a blur from the drinking. I suppose my nerves were okay due to the liquor and Amber, Bryn, and Mike’s chatty nature. It meant I did not have to say a whole lot. Things were going well, and Amber had drug me to the dance floor.
I am not a great dancer, but I was feeling pretty good with the shots and beers. Amber was not so much dancing as she was dry humping me through our clothes. She had her back to me and rubbed her ass into my crotch. Then she bent down, wiggling her but in front of me as she touched her toes. I could see the crack of her ass peak from the top of her pants. Then as she backed her ass up to me, I felt it. It was hard again. I was wearing jeans, so I was hoping she did not notice.
I started to get worried, but Amber kept dancing like nothing was happening. I could feel my boxers getting wet with precum as she continued her seductive dance. It started getting late as Mike and Bryn approached. Bryn whispered into Amber’s ear something. Then Amber said, “Well, that’s nice of you to offer your room.”
I was like, “Oh, no problem.”
The plan was working. Mike was a pure mastermind. This was going to work. I was going to hit it. We started walking away from the party. Bryn and Mike headed towards her dorm, and Amber and I headed towards my dorm. I was talking the whole way nervously there. I can even remember what I was talking about, but Amber was pretty drunk, so I am not sure if she was listening. I just could not shut up the whole way back to my room. I was hoping I would not blow it.
When we reached my room, I unlocked the door and turned on the light. I turned to talk to Amber, who leaped at me and started kissing me. She stopped for a second and told me I was so nice, and she wanted to repay me for not making her sleep on the floor of a friend’s room while Bryn and Mike fucked.
I had never heard a girl use that kind of language. I was turned on. She leaned in and started kissing me again. She was kissing me and kind of pushing me towards my bed. The back of my legs hit the bed, and I fell to a sitting position on the bed. Amber then pulled her tube top over her head.
Wow, what fabulous tits. They were perfectly tanned. She must have tanned topless. I reached up and rubbed them. She put her hand on my chin and made me look her in the eye.
“Are you nervous?” she asked.
I did not respond. She put her hands behind my head and pulled me in between her tits. Wow, they were so soft against my face. Then she guided my head to one side.
“Kiss it.”
I listened to her command and started kissing and licking her nipple. I think I was doing an excellent job because she purred like a kitten. She nudged my head from tit to tit like this for a while. I could have stayed like this forever. Then she stepped back. She turned around. I was worried she was done and going to just jump in Mike’s bed and sleep.
Then she placed her thumbs in the sides of her pants and slowly pulled them down. Her tiny butt crack, which I got a glance at earlier, came into view. I could see little tan lines. I could tell she tanned with a thong on. The outline of pale white skin contrast with her nice tan. She paused and looked over her shoulder at me. Our eyes met, and she spoke.
“Do you like it? Do you want me to keep going?”
I nodded yes. I was too tongue-tied and overwhelmed to talk. She turned her head a bit away from me and continued to peel the pants down. Her cute ass was now on display. Again she looked back at me. I could not take my eyes off it. It was so round and perfect. She spoke again.
“You like it?
I nodded again.
“Good, then give it a kiss.”
I dropped to my knees and kissed her on each ass cheek. She then bent down and pulled the pants off. As she did, her pussy lips were right in my line of sight. Just sticking our below her butt cheeks. There was a smell in the air of sex. It was a sexy aroma. I was so rock hard. I just stared at her pussy lips till she stood back up and looked over her shoulder again.
“Baby,” she cooed. “Look at me.”
I nodded yes again.
“No, baby, look here.”
I looked up to her eyes.
“Kiss it.”
Again I planted two light kisses on her cheeks. She began to bend over slightly and spread her legs just a bit.
“Kiss it.”
Again leaned it to kiss cheeks again. Then I felt her had a hand on the back of my head. She guided me to the middle of her ass crack. There it was, her little brown eye. I was at eye level with it.
“Kiss it.”
I kissed her right on her asshole. She held my head there as I planted my kisses on it. Finally, I got the idea and licked it. She then bent down a bit more and spread her legs a little more. She nudged my head slightly down, and I was licking her pussy lips from behind. I could feel her pussy lips getting wetter. Just when I thought I was doing it right, she stepped away again. She turned around.
There it was, her little vagina, her pussy. She had a little landing strip of hair above her tightly sealed lips. She stepped forward while I was still on my knees, staring at it. She did not have to say a word this time. I kissed it and started licking it. I was trying to look for her clit with my tongue. I kept licking while probing for it. I had my face buried in her crotch while she was standing, my hands on her ass cheeks for support for her and pleasure for me. It tasted and smelled like, well, so good.
I was like a kid in a candy store. She only stopped me for a second to lie on my bed legs draped over the side and had me lick her while I was on my knees on the floor. I was doing well. She told me so. She would guide my head with her hands now and again and tell me to suck, kiss or lick. Finally, it happened; she started cumming, her feet raised off the floor and her legs wrapped around my head. She was humping my face.
“Oh, God. Oh, God.”
Then I felt her dripping wetness on my face. Her legs squeezed hard around my head, and her ass lifted off the bed. I did it. I made her cum. She unwrapped her legs and slid up the bed. She was resting on her back but used her elbow to raise her torso and head up.
She told me it’s time, big boy. And that’s when I froze. Big boy? She was going to see it. I knew from Mike she had sex. She saw other guys’ dicks. She would know. Would she laugh? Would she let me have sex with her? Would she tell anyone? I spoke.
“I, I, I need to get a condom.”
“Smart boy'” she said.
I went to the closet and looked for the box Mike showed me. Magnum, that was it. I grabbed a condom and opened the wrapper. I took my shirt off. Then before taking off my pants with the rubber in hand, I reached and turned the light off. Amber did not say anything. I stripped my jeans and boxers off together. I started to put the condom on.
Something was wrong.
It was like a little kid putting his dad’s shirt on. It was just too loose and big. I just pulled it down and held it, and approached the bed. I climbed on the bed and got between her legs. I was scared. So I started kissing and licking her pussy again.
“Good boy,” she moaned.
I started licking her again. Her hands again started guiding my head around. She raises her knees, which seemed to make a better angle for me to lick her. My tongue felt a little hard spot, which I focused on. I was licking and kissing her so long my tongue was starting to hurt. I am sure she came again, if not once more may twice. Then she stopped me by raising my head.
She was looking into my eyes. I could see her face with the light coming in from the campus safety lights through the window. She was smiling. Then she pulled my head towards her face. It was time. I place my dick at the entrance of her pussy. I could feel the warmth coming off it. I started reaching my hand for my dick, trying to steer for the whole.
While doing this, I felt the condom fall off. This did not stop me, though. I found her sweet entrance and pushed in. I pushed all the way in. It was so warm. I mean, hot and wet. I started pumping my dick in her as we kissed. I pumped and pumped as our tongues danced.
I had taken five or six stokes of my dick in and out of her when I felt my balls ache as they tighten up. I broke our kiss to breathe hard. I closed my eyes, and my dick exploded. I spurt and spurt and spurt. I thought I would not stop cumming. I fell to her side and rolled off her.
“Was it all the way in? I am so wasted from the party,” She asked.
I saw her reach between her legs.
“Rick, did you cum in me? You were supposed to wear a condom.”
I could not speak.
“It’s OK. I am on the pill. You are clean, right?”
I told her yes. She seemed OK with my answer of tiredness and drifted off to sleep, which was the end of our talking. I was exhausted. I drifted off to sleep in no time. I slept like a baby. Maybe even better. Between the drinking, which I was not used to, and the sex I was not used to, I was wiped out. What a great night.
That was until I was woken up to a girl’s laughter. I had slept naked, and so did Amber. However, she woke up before me and saw my flaccid two-inch dick. She was touching it with her hand and giggling. I jumped off the bed and looked for my clothes, but they were on the other side of the room.
“Rick, don’t freak out. It’s just so cute and little. Like a baby.”
I was frozen in embarrassment. She slid on the bed and sat on the edge close to me. She reached up and rubbed my balls while looking at my face. I tried not to make eye contact with her, but I could not look away. She had a slight smile on her face and was giggling a little.
“Rick, I love to play with them when they are soft and tiny. Relax.”
How could I relax? I was humiliated. I started feeling myself get hard.
“See, Rick, it’s growing now, so you do not have to be so shy. She was rubbing my balls with one hand still as my dick got hard. It was pointing straight at her when she used two fingers to masturbate me.
“See Rick, I will get you hard again, and you can show me what a big stud you are.”
The only problem was this was it. It was not going to grow anymore. I was still looking in her face when her little smile turned to fill out to a shit-eating grin. Then she stopped girly giggling and started laughing.
“O, my Rick, that’s it. That’s as big as it gets? Wholly shit, I thought I had trouble feeling you last night because of all the booze mixed with coming a few times before.”
I was so ashamed. My face was turning red. I just stood there as she looked at me. It was my worst nightmare. I could not believe it was happening like this. Then bad went to worse. Her laughter and my shame did not make my cock shrink. I was only getting harder. Not longer, but harder. My dick was twitching as she clapped her hands and rocked back and forth while laughing. Then it happened. I shot my cum on her. She was not even touching me. The cum squirted all over her legs. The humiliation of the situation made me cum.
“What the fuck really,” she laughed. “I didn’t even touch you. Well, I mean, I wasn’t even touching you. Oh shit, you like this. You like girls making fun of you. That gets you off.”
My eyes started watering. I was nearly in tears. I felt my erection going down. I was at least a little bigger while hard. Now I was losing even that. Amber looked in my eyes and must have seen my shame. Then she did something I never expected. She stood up and hugged me. She was rubbing my back and telling me,
“It’s OK. It’s OK. It will be our secret. Our really little secret,” she said with a laugh.
She giggles just a little as she comforted me. She hugged me for quite a while till I calmed down. Then she told me I did do an excellent job with my mouth. She tells me last night was nice. I feel myself getting hard all over again. Her tits are smashed into my chest as she hugs me.
Then I could not believe it, and I spurted cum again on her belly button gem piercing. Amber backed up a bit. She told me she made me come twice now. She asked maybe I could take care of her again this morning before she had to go. I was stunned. I could not think. She sat back on the bed and leaned back on her elbows.
“Please,” she said as she parted her legs.
I got on my knees and looked at her pussy. Her little bit of hair was matted down. The spurt of cum I had just put on her belly was dripping down to her crotch and mixing with my dried cum from last night. Then she said it,
“Kiss it.”
Will Amber see little Ricky again, or will she expose him?
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.