The life of John (Gay/Sissy/Femdom/Cuck SPH)

By Unknown. John was 22 years of age, average height and weight, but unfortunately, nature did not bless him very well in the manhood department, for when he was fully erect, he could only muster a measly four inches. His 21-year-old girlfriend Melanie was five foot eight tall with long blonde hair, a slim waist, and 36D tits. From day one, Melanie was a typical bitch; everything had to be her way or no way. On their first date, John

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Extended Stay (Sissy/forced Bi Sex)

By charmer949. I’m still pissed off because we must stay here for a month. It’s day thirteen, and I’m stuck–well, we’re stuck–at the Common Inn, a less-than-ideal extended-stay motel on the edge of Smallville. If my blowhard husband knew how to properly do his job, we’d have been home last week. He needs someone to come along in his life who will put him in his place. Mr. All High and Mighty. Ham–I call him behind his back. He’s gone

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The Summer Intern

By DevotedToHer. I returned to work after my vacation and greeted co-workers along the way to my cubicle. As I turned into my cubicle, I noticed a co-worker standing in the cubicle across from mine. Amanda is 28 and affects every man she meets; you can’t help but fall all over yourself in her presence. But regardless of her effect on the weaker sex, she has such a humble and outgoing personality that adds to her charms. The cubicle Amanda

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Queen of the Plantation

By Goamz86. The Present… “Oh, Charles, look at it. Look at that big, fat nigger dick. Isn’t it magnificent?” Charlotte asked her husband as she stroked the thick, rock-hard, black as night fuck stick belonging to one of their slaves. Her naked husband sat in a chair in their bedroom, staring at what his wife was doing with the more than impressive cock, and listening to the voice with which she was speaking to him. That voice made his smaller,

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The Naked Nerd (Excerpt)

By Max Swan. The work Christmas party has been as awful as it was last year.  Kenny Lee’s coworkers mostly ignored him, he’s the office nerd, and he couldn’t leave because his boss Colin insisted they all stay to the bitter drunken end.  Well, Kenny isn’t too drunk.  He tried to keep it cool so he could maybe chat up Sasha Radcliffe, the front receptionist.  A woman, the nerdy, ninety-pound weakling had dated once, and then she lost interest.  He

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Hung like a Grape

by sissysherry2 I was married for 13 years but the magic was clearly gone. We got divorced when I turned 40 and I moved away to start fresh. I got a job in an office that was full of women and very few men. I worked around a bunch of hot twenty something women who seemed to bond with me. There were four of us; we called ourselves the ‘core four.’ There was Lisa (a tall well built and attractive

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A Pussy is Born (Gay SPH)

By jockdepoche As long as I can remember, I was always bisexual. When I was in high school, I can remember watching all the other kids start to be attracted to the opposite sex and all I remember is being so confused because, for the most part, I just found everyone attractive. Guys and girls. I couldn’t stop thinking about what it would feel like to rub against them naked, to feel their skin on mine. It wasn’t ever isolated

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Sissy’s BBC Submission (Gay SPH)

By tawnysuede. Chapter 1 – First Contact “Tyler! Snap out of it – you’re staring again, and he’s noticed!” Jack’s voice whispered hoarsely in Tyler’s ear as the hot water from the shower drummed across his back. There were just the three of them left in the shower now. Basketball practise had been over for more than half an hour and the most of the players were showered and dressed and out the door, heading home for dinner. A few

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Race in America

By Dickless. “That was some bullshit,” Charlotte tells Carol on the way out of class. They registered for the Race in America course together at Sunburn Community College because it fulfils their diversity requirement, and more importantly, it’s supposed to be an “easy A.” Charlotte and Carol–or Char and Car as they call each other–do everything together. They even went to the same boyfriend in high school (at different times). Or the same escort, to be more precise. Neither’s parents

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A Swaziland Gangbang: Part 3

victorsev ( Part 1Part 2 Part 3… They said it was very special, as it was the first white woman they had ever fucked and they were looking forward to pleasuring my beautiful white wife again tonight. When they saw how small my white cock was, they fully understood my wife’s need to experiment with larger cocks, which they, as black Swazi’s, could offer. In this regard, they had carefully selected among the 30-year-old men in the tribe to ensure

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