There’s a Whore in my House 1

By Subone1. I’ve got it bad, always have. I’ve been pussy whipped my entire life. I have always been in awe of anything and everything feminine. Hair, makeup, perfume, clothes, you name it. And don’t get me started on ladies’ lingerie! I’m that 6’2”, 200-pound guy that always turns into a bowl of babbling mush around pretty girls. Subservience to the female gender always seemed natural to me, the way society should be. The trouble is, I’ve had to keep

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The Camp Wimp

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This story contains adult sexual content and should not be read by those under 18, or considered minors in their country or locale. If you are under 18: CLICK HERE This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it.

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