The life of John (Gay/Sissy/Femdom/Cuck SPH)

By Unknown. John was 22 years of age, average height and weight, but unfortunately, nature did not bless him very well in the manhood department, for when he was fully erect, he could only muster a measly four inches. His 21-year-old girlfriend Melanie was five foot eight tall with long blonde hair, a slim waist, and 36D tits. From day one, Melanie was a typical bitch; everything had to be her way or no way. On their first date, John

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Yes, I Can!

by Porky_Pig “I want to try something new tonight darling.” Said Alisha deliberately fingering the key to my chastity belt that hung around her beautiful neck. “What?” I gasped mesmerized by her delicate fingers playing on the key. I had been in my fucking cage for the whole of last week at it was really getting to me. Whenever I was in this condition, deprived of an orgasm for an extended period, I had noticed that a submissive change came

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Disappointing Dr. Rogers 2

By tinybetacuck Disappointing Dr. Rogers 1   Disappointing Dr. Rogers 2… Two weeks later, Doug entered the waiting room again. Even though his mind had been almost completely occupied with thoughts of this appointment over the past two weeks – he had trouble focusing at work, often taking breaks to masturbate while imagining how this day would go – he had no idea what to actually expect. He noticed that he couldn’t hear voices through the door to the office

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Hotel Humiliation: Part 1

AlexBird22029 Part 1 The card reader clicked loudly, blinking it’s green light in approval at my card and I pushed open the door. I gave another quick glance up and down the empty corridor and then held it open as she walked through. I allowed myself a glance at her as she entered the room, her tight blue dress, hugging her slim waist and showing off her gorgeous figure. The dimmed lights flickered on immediately and the low hum of

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Whodunit? A Chastity Mystery

Storyhacker Roy woke up in a fog. His head felt like his brain was bigger than his skull. It was Sunday morning and he was lying in his bed, alone. He remembered going to the club the night before but couldn’t remember coming home. That wasn’t all that unusual for Roy but the empty spot on the bed next to him was. Roy was a player. He knew it. Damn, he was proud of it. Roy had the looks for

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Chastity Resort: Part 7

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!Read Part 3 – Click Here! Read Part 4 – Click Here!Read Part 5 – Click Here!Read Part 6 – Click Here!   Part 7…   After the sex shop on the boardwalk (where I ate out Anna in the changing room to an impromptu orgasm) the rest of the afternoon was relatively uneventful. The four of us shopped for a while longer, then we all

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Chastity Resort Pt. 05

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!Read Part 3 – Click Here! Read Part 4 – Click Here!   Part 5…   “Why don’t you go ahead and lie on the bed and I’ll show you what Lisa gave me,” she said with a gleam in her eye. “I thought we were going to sleep? I’m tired.” “Not just yet. I want you to see this. I think you’ll really like it…”

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Chastity Resort Pt. 04

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!Read Part 3 – Click Here!   Part 4… I awoke to the strong smell of coffee in our suite. Anna must be making breakfast, I thought. I stretched and rolled over to see the time on the alarm clock. 7AM? That was early for us, especially on vacation. What was she doing? I swung my feet off the bed and stood up. As I made

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Chastity Resort: Part 3

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!   Part 3… Anna slept for about an hour, exhausted from her explosive orgasm. I, on the other hand, was wide awake, thinking about my new found arrangement. It was a lot to take in; I still wasn’t sure exactly how far Anna wanted to take this. I expected she would break by the end of the week and let me have some relief of

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Chastity Resort: Part 1

  by handyrandy9   I couldn’t believe my luck. My wife Anna was next to mein bed and we were talking about our day before drifting off to sleep when she broke the news. “I think it could be fun.” She had said. I had brought up the idea of a vacation to a nudist resort a couple years back. Anna had been adamant about her initial response. “No way!” She’d said. “No way I’m parading myself around a bunch

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