The Accident

By dmbdriver1. ( My buddy Rick, whom I’ve known from grade school, and I went way north on a hunting trip for moose or elk. After two days, we found some signs we were in the right area. So when we came to a wooded hill, he went one way and I the other. Suddenly, I fell to the ground. I felt like a train hit me. My legs were above my head, and I saw blood flying through the

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A Cuckold Story

By Davey75. I have been happily married to my wife, Nicola, for 20 years. We met as teenagers, and now, in our late 30’s we thought of ourselves as happy and content. We have a lovely home, work full time, and live a good life by any standards. Nicola is a beautiful blonde with perfect natural breasts, and she has long-toned legs and a nice slim waist, and shapely hips. Her face is simply beautiful, and our sex life great,

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From Wife to Mistress

By Live2serve.     I’ve recently become a cuckold, and I love it. In truth, most of the women I dated fucked around behind my back, so suppose I’ve really been one for years. I knew about their cheating but never let on because it always got me off. Stupidly, I never dared to talk to them about it. But that all changed the night Emma, my wife, came home after a works party. I was in bed when I

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Good things come in Small Packages: Part 1

  By Pakcouple Prologue: Most people when they think of “muslim” girls naturally assume them to be more conservative and less sexual than girls of other religions. Well if you are looking for a story about just such a “Muslim-Pakistani-American” girl, read no more. The girls/women in this story are not typical. They are “Muslim-Pakistani-American”, but that is where all resemblance ends! Mahera, Kamila, and Jamila are not usual girls by any stretch of the imagination. The three sisters grew

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First Steps To Being A Cuckold: Part 1

  By londondavid   The thought of not being big enough for my wife had driven me mad for the last year. Ever since she had asked me if I was ‘in yet’, during a night of pretty drunken sex. After a few days of sulking, she’d finally asked me what was wrong and I’d told her. ‘Look, if you want bigger, that’s fine, at leaast just let me know.’ She looked terrified, clearly hurting at the idea she’d hurt

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Chastity Resort: Part 7

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!Read Part 3 – Click Here! Read Part 4 – Click Here!Read Part 5 – Click Here!Read Part 6 – Click Here!   Part 7…   After the sex shop on the boardwalk (where I ate out Anna in the changing room to an impromptu orgasm) the rest of the afternoon was relatively uneventful. The four of us shopped for a while longer, then we all

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Chastity Resort: Part 6

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!Read Part 3 – Click Here! Read Part 4 – Click Here!Read Part 5 – Click Here!   Part 6…   I awoke to what felt like something poking into my lower stomach area. As I groggily opened my eyes it took me a moment to figure out what was happening. My wife was kneeling on the bed beside me, leaning over my–oh shit!! I had

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Chastity Resort Pt. 04

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!Read Part 3 – Click Here!   Part 4… I awoke to the strong smell of coffee in our suite. Anna must be making breakfast, I thought. I stretched and rolled over to see the time on the alarm clock. 7AM? That was early for us, especially on vacation. What was she doing? I swung my feet off the bed and stood up. As I made

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Chastity Resort: Part 3

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!   Part 3… Anna slept for about an hour, exhausted from her explosive orgasm. I, on the other hand, was wide awake, thinking about my new found arrangement. It was a lot to take in; I still wasn’t sure exactly how far Anna wanted to take this. I expected she would break by the end of the week and let me have some relief of

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A Family Vacation

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This story contains adult sexual content and should not be read by those under 18, or considered minors in their country or locale. If you are under 18: CLICK HERE These stories are the artistic expression of the authors who wrote them. The

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