Going Home with my Girlfriend

By fantaseeboy.     My mom had met my girlfriend, Tonya, once before while she was passing through town. The two of them got along right from the start. They were both tall, strong women with domineering personalities. They both loved their motorcycles and going to motorcycle events. That was where my mom was headed to a motorcycle rally. My girlfriend hadn’t planned to go, but it was only for a single night, so she left to get to know

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Spring Break

By fantaseeboy.     Shortly after settling into the motel room we’d reserved, the friend I’d come with received a text. He left shortly afterward to join the rest of the lacrosse team that had also come to spend spring break on the beach. I hadn’t expected him to ditch me, so I puttered around the room for a while. I took a shower, shaved my face, even though I really didn’t need to. I added some gel to my

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The Babysitter Takes Over

By sissysherry2 “I know your secret.” These were the words that I had both dreaded and longed to hear from my babysitter Teri. Let me start at the beginning. I am single and have a couple of kids at home who aren’t quite old enough to be on their own when I have business obligations. I share custody with my ex, which left me to be with another man, who happened to be black. I get the kids during the

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Chastity Resort Pt. 04

  by handyrandy9   Read Part 1 – Click Here!Read Part 2 – Click Here!Read Part 3 – Click Here!   Part 4… I awoke to the strong smell of coffee in our suite. Anna must be making breakfast, I thought. I stretched and rolled over to see the time on the alarm clock. 7AM? That was early for us, especially on vacation. What was she doing? I swung my feet off the bed and stood up. As I made

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Smaller Than Average Part 3

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This story contains adult sexual content and should not be read by those under 18, or considered minors in their country or locale. If you are under 18: CLICK HERE This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it.

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