The Kindly Sex Worker

By 3inchMax. I’m 32 and still single. Although sporting a fit body and being rather handsome, as I’m often told, I still haven’t managed to keep a girlfriend in a long-term relationship. My trouble isn’t hooking up with girls but keeping them. I’ve had a few, but unfortunately, they all left. Some after date one, and others after just a few months. Well, I’m no superman in the bedroom. It’s quite the opposite. Often the first reaction of a woman

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 52

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader eventually accepted his fate… I was a very late bloomer as a kid. Back in that day, boys were required to shower after gym class and after sports practice/games. That started in the 6th grade. At first most boys were shy and also not too developed yet. But in Jr. High many of my peers really started to mature. Growing hair. Growing bigger penises, except

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An Escort Shows Him What a Small Penis Needs (Gay SPH)

Johnny Scranton Lester was excited and very nervous. He had not been with a prostitute before, and here he was walking up to the door of one now. He took a deep breath and reached to knock on the door. But he paused. His nervousness got a hold of him, and he turned to walk away. This was crazy; he couldn’t go through with it. But then he stopped himself. He thought about how little effort he put into dating,

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 44

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   One reader had a bad experience at the doctors… Over the years I’ve had a lot of embarrassing moments that my penis is probably the worst kept secret. I’m a silver member of The Small Dick Club and soft I’m between 0.5 to 1 inch. Here are a few medical SPH experiences that happened to me: 1). The first time as an adult I had to have

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The Asian Hooker

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This story contains adult sexual content and should not be read by those under 18, or considered minors in their country or locale. If you are under 18: CLICK HERE This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it.

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