To Wear the Horns: A Cuckold Family

MamasChastityBoy ___*Dramatis Personae*___ Jenny: The mother. 41 years old, and a lush BBW. 62-40-56. 300lb. 42Q. Think an even bustier, bigger assed Lexxxi Luxe. Caitlyn: The sister. 22 years old, and a thick bitch. 60-34-48. 230lb. 38H. Think a thicker, bustier Samantha 38G. Shandy: The girlfriend and novice cuckoldress. 21, and growing big and strong. 48-34-46. 190lb. 32KK. By this point, you get the picture, but just in case, picture a chubbier Dors Feline. Benjamin: The father, 39 years old

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