Our First BBC!

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Our Introduction into Cuckoldry by Nashter

His name is Rodger. I met him online and my wife seemed to be OK with him. She was not keen on this idea but she wanted to please me in my cuckold fantasy. He treats me firmly but with a great deal of compassion. I really have not been able to get past the first meeting, as it is so powerful and erotic for me.

It happened in our home and I met him at the door and invited him in. We talk as equals and discuss some of what will happen tonight until my wife comes home. At that point in time I sit in the background and observe as he seduces her with intelligence and wit. He asks me to please get them another drink and I do. Finally he asks me to go to the bedroom and prepare it for them and this is both humiliating and strongly erotic. He also tells me to get a chair for myself and to make myself comfortable (strip if I wish), which I do.

In about 15 minutes they come in. This has been a very long 15 minutes as I can hear their chatter and it sounds as if they are getting along very well. When they come into the room Rodger thanks me for doing a nice job of preparing the room. Again humiliating and erotic. I am very hard at this point and he tells me to feel free to touch myself but not to ejaculate. I agree. He then kisses my wife very passionately and I got that knot in my stomach.

He asks me to help in unbuttoning her rear-closing blouse. I do it. I then step back and watch as he removes here camisole and exposes her breast. This is the first time that another man has seen her breast. And in a moment, Rodger caresses and loves them. I remember at that moment that I told Rodger that my wife had perfect tits for a woman in her late fifties. Rodger looked at me at that moment and said that I was right, she does have perfect breast. Again humiliation and sexual tension.

He finally has her naked and he steps back and just looks at her so lovingly and thanks me for inviting him into our marriage. He then takes his shirt off and asks my wife to undo his pants. She does so and also lowers his underwear. He is hard and she looks at his cock as it is much larger than my penis. Roger had said online he had a 9 inch long and very thick cock. He wasn’t lying that’s for sure. He calls me over and has me stand beside him so she can see the difference. She acknowledges this and holds his big cock in her left hand and she looks from mine to his in awe. His big thick black cock against my small thin 5 inch white cock. I suddenly didn’t feel like a man anymore.

Rodger turns to me and thanks me for coming over and says that I can sit down again. She then takes his cock into her mouth, something she rarely does with me. After awhile he guides her to the bed and lovingly lays her down and kisses her. He then works his way down to her “perfect tits” and then to her vagina and begins to taste her.

Her moans are like a dagger to my heart but my penis just gets harder. They are ready to couple but then he stops and calls me over. I approach and stand in front of them as his cock is poised at her very wet vagina. He looks me in the eye and very seriously asks me what I want to happen now. I am frozen at this point as the enormity of this hits me in the gut like nothing before but my penis is harder then ever and dripping pre cum like crazy. He asks me again. I tell him that I want him to have sex with my wife.

He asks me why.

I tell him that I want for her to have something that I can never give her. Little do I know that he will give her more then just a big dick. He then tells me that if this happens life as I know it will change forever. I don’t answer as I again am frozen. He tells me that for as long as they are having sex with one another that I am not allowed having penetrative sex with her as I have given up my right to her pussy and have given that to him.

[I got to tell you that as I relive this story this is where I usually cum as I masturbate]

He tells me that I can, at her wish, satisfy her with a dildo or my mouth but not my penis. I nod my acknowledgment. He then tells me that I must show my desire and commitment for this by taking his cock In my hand and directing it to her vaginal lips. I slowly move forward, take his cock in my right hand and lead it to her wet pussy and I spread her lips with my left hand and I can see my weeding band as I do this. I pull on his cock until the head has entered her. He stops and thanks me.


He then ask me to sit down and watch. I do so. I watch as his cock stretches her vagina and slides into her. Her moans are tearing me apart with that combination of humiliation and extreme sexual tension. She tells him to take it easy as she is not used to a cock this size. Rodger stops with his cock half in her and waits for her to adjust to his size. After a moment she asks him for more. He withdraws a little and then resumes his conquest of her. He pulls her knees up to her chest and asks her if she is ready for the rest.

She says yes and he slowly slide the rest of his cock into her. She gasps as he enters her fully. I am working my penis and am getting close to orgasm as I have never heard this sound from her. As if Rodger knows this he calls my name and ask me to leave the room so they can be alone and enjoy themselves. He asks me to sit by the door and that I may listen and touch myself but that I am not allowed to come. Again I do as I am asked. As I sit there I hear there sounds of sex. I hear her moans that for up until now have been just for me.

But now Rodger knows that sound. I hear their bodies have sex with one another. And now Rodger knows that sound. I hear them have orgasms together. And again Rodger knows that sound. I hear sounds that I have never heard and now realize that only Rodger has heard these sounds. The humiliation is overwhelming as is the sexual tension. I edge my own orgasm as I was asked not to cum.

After a long period of silence Rodger asked me to come into the room. I jump at this request and enter. They are laying on the bed together. Two very satisfied lovers. Rodger tells me that they have a gift for me. He removes the covers and my eyes lock onto the sight of my wife’s well fucked pussy. My wife asks me to pleasure her with my mouth. I have thought about this for as long as I have had this fantasy. I have even tasted my own cum so I know what the taste would be like. I don’t think twice and kneel between her legs. I take in the aroma of their combined sex and ever so gently lick her. As I am doing this she reaches over and caresses Rodger’s cock again with her left hand. Her hand with her weeding band is caressing his spent cock that is covered with their combined sex juices. She fondles him while I lick his cum from her vagina.

Such humiliation.

I must stop touching my self as I am about to cum.

Rodger gets up to go to take a shower. Before her enters the bathroom he kneels down beside me and tells me that I have his permission to fuck my wife while he takes a shower. A thank you for setting up this date with my wife. I get up to mount her. I lean forward and she guides my very hard penis into her very wet, sloppy and stretched pussy. I cannot describe how wonderful this feels. Her pussy is so wet and open. So warm and soothing but now looser than I have ever known.

I, unfortunately cum faster the I want to and realize that I do not know the next time that I will be allowed this privilege that I have freely given up tonight to Rodger. Now all I feel is the humiliation. Rodger has left by now and before he leaves he thanks me for giving him the sex rights to my wife and asks me to set up another time in a week or so. After he asks me this I return to between my wife’s legs and continue to clean here vagina that now contains the combined sperm from Rodger and myself. I do this as I feel the humiliation, the tension, the fear and the immense sexual satisfaction.

I realize now that I have now have been cuckolded and my wife has been marked by another man’s sperm. I am already planning their next meeting.

As I realize this I feel my penis start to get hard again. I am a satisfied Cuckold.

One comment

  • Tobecucked Croydon Surrey uk

    Good enjoyed it made my little one start to swell ,this is the way most small dick husband go down and once the wife starts getting the enjoyment she needed your roll will be just the cleaner up of there cum

    Just enjoy seeing your wife happy


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