Little Brother Huge Cock (Gay SPH)

By Roskey94. (


Huge and I are brothers. He is 18 this year, just finished high school, while I’m 25 in my final year in the university. I have always been bigger than Huge, taller, and have more muscle than he has. I would say I’m buffer and meatier than him. I mean Huge is not fat or anything, he is fit, lean, and has a shredded body. I never saw him shirtless, but I could see his body outline and how veiny his arm and neck is. This summer I went back to stay with my parents and Huge at home. However, Huge and I have to share the room together because my old room was renovated for a study.

When I got home, my parents welcomed me, but Huge was in the shower. I went ahead to his room or our room now. When I entered the room, the first thing I realized was how masculine, how musky the room smelled. The smell was so strong that it turned me on. The whole room smelled like an alpha male pheromones, it turned me unconsciously submissive. I realized the smell came from Huge’s wet, sweaty clothing, his bed, and his old dirty clothes on the floor. I subconsciously started to take his wet, sweaty shirt and underwear and started sniffing it like a sissy slave, on my knees beside his bed, smelling it like how I wish I could eat it, moaning like a horny whore.

My dick started to harden, but since I was on my knees, my small cock couldn’t even make a tent on white gym shorts. When I realized what I was doing, what I was fantasizing about doing with my little brother, I was in shock and stood up quickly. I was left standing there looking at my hand that was holding his sweaty wet underwear and his shirt. What I hadn’t realized was Huge saw everything I just did and with an amused smile stood by the door.

Suddenly, I heard a domineering, masculine, and husky voice called out to me, “Hey, big bro, I didn’t realize you loved me that much. Aren’t you a bit too happy to smell me…I mean to see me?”

I was horrified because that voice was such a manly voice that I could feel myself subconsciously want to submit to that voice and what shocked me, even more, was what Huge said to me, sounded as if he saw everything.


I slowly turned and tried to respond, “No…I…No…Didn’t…You…Ahhhhhh…”

However, I accidentally moan when I finally saw my wet, almost naked little brother, Huge. Why? Because he was standing there closing the door behind him, while he moved, I could see his muscle moving and his veiny body. It was as if I was looking at an Adonis, like a Greek god sculpture. He was drying his hair with a towel, and I could see his biceps muscle bulging, and his armpit was full with thick bushy pubic hair, my armpit barely has many hairs. Not only that his wet torso was beautifully sculptured with muscles and nicely trim chest hair and his happy trail leading to his big bulging monster hiding beneath that towel that was wrapping his waist.

What makes Huge body seems sexier was his ‘v’ line was very defined, and I could see many veins appear to be heading toward his private part. Comparing his body to mine, I am bigger and meatier, but I barely have any hair on my body. I have a bit of baby fat here and there. I do not have a ‘v’ line. Therefore, his body looks more mature than mine does. While I was lost in thought admiring my little brother’s body, Huge was smirking and glancing at my small tent, which appears on my crotch area where a wet spot could be seen atop of the tiny tent.

Huge repeated what he said, “Bro, aren’t you a bit too HAPPY to see me? We have a good relationship, but I didn’t know you loved me that much or is that a baby carrot in your gym shorts?”

I finally snapped out of my daze and finally realized what he meant. I looked down and saw my penis was hard, making a small tent on my white gym shorts and a big patch of wetness on top of the tent, which was caused by leaking pre-cum. I forgot that I was going commando today. I immediately try to cover my crotch with both hands. I ask him, “What did you see? It’s not what it seems to be! Don’t tell mom and dad, please.”

I felt on my knees, crying, begging him.

Huge replied, “I saw everything, how you, my BIG brother, was sniffing my underwear while moaning like a horny slut. Not only were you turned on by the scent, but you also had a raging boner. Well, if I can call something so small a boner?” Huge laughs wickedly, and said, “Are you sure you’re my big brother, you look bigger, but obviously you’re smaller than me where it counts. Even worse, I could see how you were looking at my body and cock just now. Shark, are you gay? Wait, I don’t mean gay. Are you a small dick sissy boy whore?”

I was shocked, he was humiliating me, but I liked it. My small, younger brother was embarrassing me, but I was so turned on by that. I tried to respond to him, but I was speechless. Suddenly, Huge uses his big hands to force me to look at him while we were staring at each other; he started creasing my face softly.

Then he said, “When I saw what you did, I was shocked. Now I know what you really are, a small dick, big tit, big ass sissy whore, and don’t you ever deny it, I have put cameras in my room. So what you did, I have it recorded, It’s easy for me to just make it viral or show it to mom and dad, and expose how their first son is a pervert gay sissy trying to make a move on his YOUNGER brother. Well, apart from exposing your small cock…Clit…Dicklette…Your baby carrot…” Huge laughs loudly, and said, “So don’t cry, just do what I ask, and you are safe. Hell, I know you’ll love it cos you’re a sissy whore.”

After listening to him, all I could do is nod like a child. Huge raises his feet and slowly kicks my hard dick, and I moan.

Huge said, “Wow, it really is so small. Come, stand up and undress for me.”

I was horrified. “But…But…But we’re brothers. It would be weird if I were to be naked in front of you.”

Huge just smirked and responded, “No brother would sniff his own younger brother’s underwear while moaning like a bitch. Well, technically, you’re not my big brother anymore, you’re my baby brother, cause your dick is smaller than a 5-year-old kid.” Huge laughs. “So hurry up and get naked!”

I was ashamed that my cock was smaller than a toddler was, but I obediently pull off my shirt and hesitantly pull down my gym shorts. After I got naked, and subconsciously, I try to cover my dick but get scolded by Huge. I was looking down the whole time, Huge asked me to turn around, do strange poses, some slutty poses. As I did this, my boner never grew soft. On the contrary, it leaked even more pre-cum. When Huge finally stopped ordering me to pose, I looked up only to realize he was recording me using his phone. I felt helpless, but I also realized Huge had a raging hard-on under the towel. I somehow felt pleased my body could give Huge a boner.

Suddenly, Huge said, “Baby bro, you’re almost hairless, your asshole is clean, your chest and armpit are smooth, and even your crotch is smooth and free of hair. Your tiny dick looks cute without all that hair. You don’t even have facial hair; you really ARE my baby brother. Your hairless body matches your small dicklette. Nevertheless, you do have big meaty, fatty tits and ass. You’re a slut, my slutty baby brother; I do need to teach you a few lessons.” He laughs. “Do you want me to teach you a few lessons, baby bro? Do you want to see what a real cock looks like? What a real naked man looks like? Have you even have sex before? I doubt it with a baby carrot as a dick. Come beg me, start licking sucking my toes, my feet and come undo this towel with your tongue and see up close, smell closely how a true cock should be.”

As if I was bewitched by his words, I nodded vigorously and started crawling to his feet, Huge was sitting on the bed, and I raised his feet a bit and started sucking and licking his feet and slowly rising towards his private area. I could see the tent under his towel growing bigger and bigger. As I reached his knees, I could already see his substantial hairy balls; it was so big that I could only hold one ball in one hand. Seeing this, I hurriedly pulled down his towel using my mouth. After that, I was so shocked at what I saw; his cock was as big as his arm, even bigger than that. The head covered by foreskin; above his dick was bushy pubic hair. His dick was longer than my head.

Seeing me in dazed, Huge said, “Baby bro, this is what a man looks like, this is what a dick should be. Yours is just a clit, deserving of a sissy boy like you. Now open your mouth wide suck my head, I want to pee so you should drink it.”

I was about to protest, but he stood up quickly and shoved his cock into my mouth, and he started to pee. I was startled when the warm liquid was gushing out of his cock. Huge suddenly said, “If you spill the pee on my bed, I’ll tell mom and dad that it was your fault, that you had an accident and I’ll ask them to force you to wear diapers.”

He laughs. Upon hearing this, I quickly without a thought, swallowed his salty pee, all of it. He peed a lot; I was so full of pee.

“Good job, baby bro. Now, clean my cock, start licking my whole body, and then give me a blowjob. Well, blow what you can take in.”

He laughed at me again. Weirdly enough, I felt happy that Huge gave me a compliment. I started licking his body, his sweaty hairy armpit, his nipples, his hands while doing so; I could see his huge monstrous cock was leaking pre-cum. Finally, I reached his cock. Huge placed his hands on my head and guided me to his cock. I open my mouth and try to take it all inside. My jaw hurt because his cock was just too big. Huge started to face fuck me, only one-fourth of his cock could enter my mouth, I had to use both my hands to stroke his big cock, and even then, I couldn’t fully cover his cock. His dick was simply too big.

My eye was tearing up, and I keep gagging here and there, and after a while, Huge stops moving, and he said, “Enough of warming my cock up, go and lie on your back on your mattress while holding your legs up.”

I obediently follow his command as if it was natural for me to do so. Like a puppy waiting for his owner to play with him, I happily wait for my little brother to play with me. No, my big brother. I saw Huge taking a lube bottle and a roll of XXXL magnum condom. He sat down in front of me; I could see his cock reaching his above nipple level. I’m sure his cock was long enough for him to suck his own dick. I heard a squishy sound and could feel something cold and slimy. Entering my asshole, I let out a scream like a moan. Huge told me to quiet it down because mom and dad are still in the house. I nodded.

Huge started to push and pull his fingers out of my ass, and I was struggling to control my moaning. The humiliation of me in a position so exposing, showing my tiny dick to my brother, me as the older brother letting him play with me like a toy, and letting him dominate me like this was making me feel like I was on ecstasy. Huge suddenly stop moving his fingers, and I was dissatisfied and opened my eyes only to see Huge looking at me naughtily.

He said, “It seems you really are a sissy gay pervert, big bro. You like taking it in the ass, and I think you’ve played with some toys before all by yourself. Am I right, big bro? “

I was shocked and unconsciously looked toward a small bag I brought back from Uni. Huge saw where I was looking and went to take the bag. I was horrified and excited; Huge opened the bag and poured out everything besides the mattress. From all of the sized dildos to vibrators, lube, condoms, nipple clamp, butt plug, chastity cage, everything was on the floor. Huge was laughing hard

“Wow, big bro. Wait, I mean ‘baby bro,’” he said and laughs. “You really are a pervert, huh? Playing with yourself all alone. I wonder if you ever recorded yourself and posted it online. Huh? Look at all these dildos. You really like taking it up the butt, huh. Your boi-pussy hole that is. Well, with this, it’s easier to prepare your pussy to take in my whole cock.” Huge laughs. “Well, all these dildos are bigger than your baby carrot dick, but all are way smaller than my fine cock. The largest is only 1/3 of my cock.”

With that, Huge took one of the larger dildos, started lubing it, and shoved it inside my boi-pussy. I wasn’t ready, and I screamed in ecstasy and almost peed myself because my bladder was so full of my little brother’s pee. Suddenly, I could hear my mom shout, “Boys, what are you up to? Shark, don’t bully your little brother, okay. If Huge complains that you bullied him, I will spank you in front of your high school friends.”

Listening to that, I hurriedly responded, “No, mom, we’re just playing…AOOHHHH…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Huge pulled out and shoved the dildo back in. Huge responded to mom, saying, “No, mom, Shark didn’t bully me. He couldn’t do it even if he wanted to. We were just playing with each other; I just found out that our big baby brother Shark has a tiny dick.”

I was horrified and tried to shout back, “What! No, mom! He was just kidding…AAAHHHHHHH!”

He did the same thing again with the dildo.

Suddenly, dad responded, “Well, obviously, I raised both of you. Huge, don’t bully your big brother, okay. Now we’re going out to buy some groceries, bye-bye.”

I was left humiliated and speechless, my mom and dad know about my puny dick? I was lost in thought when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my asshole, I realize Huge has taken two dildos and shoved it together, but it was still smaller compared to his big cock.

Huge said, “Don’t worry, baby bro, they raised us, so of course, they knew about our cock sizes.” He laughs. “Don’t you remember? Mom always said, ‘Big or small, it doesn’t matter, that’s just physical. When you grow, it’ll grow bigger.’” He laughs. “You always thought it was about our heights, it was actually about your tiny dick.”

I realized what he said, I felt degraded to a new level. My mom was talking about my small dick all this time. Huge this time took three dildos and shoved deep into my boi-pussy, I was caught by surprise and came, but only to be left horrified because what came out of my penis was a stream of warm golden liquid. It landed on my head and kept streaming out. I tried to stop it, but I couldn’t. I kept peeing until my bladder was empty. The whole mattress was wet.

I hear him chuckle and say, “Did my big baby bro have an accident? You need to control your small pee-pee, look at what you have done. I think you need to start wearing a diaper.” Huge laughs loudly, and said, “Well, mom can scold you later, but now your pussy ready.’

Huge flipped me over, and I was in a doggy position, he quickly lubed up his whole cock and started to penetrate me. I screamed loudly and said, “Huge, it’s too big! It won’t fit!”

Nevertheless, he didn’t listen and kept penetrating me. Only a few inches of his cock got into me. Frustrated, he pulled out his cock and directly squeezed a bottle of lube directly into my opened-up boi-pussy. He then pushed my body down so my back would arch even more. Huge tried again to penetrate me, but only 1/3 of his cock entered me. It was painful, but it was also very pleasant.

“Fuck! Today I’m gonna make you take all of me,” Huge said.

He turned me over and carried me as if he was carrying his little brother. He carried me downstairs. I could feel his hard cock across my back. ‘How to the fuck is he going to put it all in,’ I wondered. Suddenly, he rested my back on the wall, and he adjusted his cock on my boi-pussy and started to lower me onto his cock. I was screaming moaning like a slut, I could feel my asshole loosen up and expanding, but only half his cock is inside of me. He tried to force it, but it was too painful for me, so he stopped but left his cock inside of me.

Looking at his disappointed face, I felt sad and useless because I could not serve him. I decided to see it through the end. I asked Huge to bring us to the sofa; he was surprised that I initiated it. I also asked him to bring the anal lube from my bag. When he brought it over, I asked him to pour a lot of lube on my asshole. Then I lubed his whole cock and asked him to sit properly on the sofa. Facing him, I climbed up the sofa. Since my body is bigger than his, my small dick was in front of his face. My dick really is tiny compared to his mammoth cock. I slowly position his cock into my asshole and slide down his cock, lowering my body.

At first, it was only painful, but now it was a fine line between pain and pleasure. I was feeling so full. I could see his cock making a dent in my stomach. I got 3/4 of his cock, but the other 1/4 was too painful for me. I was about to pull myself out of his cock, but suddenly my legs gave out I slid down his cock fully, both of us scream, one in pleasure the other in pain. Without waiting, Huge embraced me tightly and started to move his hips to fuck me. I keep screaming in pain, but slowly I was moaning like a slut

“Ahhh, more…Ahh, faster…Ahhh…” I moaned.

Huge was moving faster, and he was sucking my big nipples like crazy. He then carried me while fucking back toward our room. He laid me down on the bed and continued fucking me hard. I lost count of how many times I ejaculated when he was fucking me. So many times that when I reached a climax, nothing would come out. However, Huge hadn’t even cum once, when he almost reached a climax, he slowed down and then continued again.

My whole body’s covered in love bites. After a few hours of him pounding my ass, he pulled out, placed his cock in a glass jar, and squirted his cum into it. The volume of his cum was big as one squirt of his was equal to me squirting 18 times. That’s like me jerking off 18 times, but once I jerk off twice nothing will come out. That was his first squirt, and he kept squirting another 20 times. Holy shit, the jar was full. With a satisfied look, he gave me the jar of cum and said, “Drink it.”

As if I was so thirsty for his cum, I took the jar and drank it. Huge’s cum was so thick and smelled so strong. It tasted somewhat sweet. I finished it all and with not even a single drop left. Looking at me lovingly, Huge said, “That’s how I like my big baby brother to behave.”

After that, he carried me upstairs, and I fall asleep. That night I could feel someone was cuddling me. That night I dreamed I was peeing while I was swimming in the ocean. Suddenly, I felt shard pain on my penis. I woke up only to realize Huge was squeezing my cock and he let my cock go, I automatically peed on the bed. I tried to stop it, but I could not. My asshole hurt a lot. I was naked on the bed, but Huge was in gym shorts. Huge shouted, “Mom, dad, baby Sharky had another accident!”

Suddenly, the door to our room was open and saw my parents looking at me disappointedly, at that time I hadn’t stopped peeing too. They looked at my small-shriveled dicklette peeing on the bed. My mom furiously shouted, “Can’t you stop peeing already! I am looking right at you! Aren’t you ashamed all of us are watching you peeing your bed right now! You peed on your bed, and now you’re peeing on Huge’s bed! I know your pee-pee is smaller than a baby is. Look how small that dick is, but you’re not a baby, you shouldn’t pee on the bed!”

Hearing my mom humiliating me, I developed a hard-on while peeing. Therefore, the pee got everywhere. Mom started to shout again.

“You dare do that! Do you dare have a hard-on in front of me, your mother? You dare show that small dick in front of me! That’s it, starting from today, you’re the baby brother, and everyone will treat you like a little boy. In this house, you’ll only wear diapers from now on. You have to ask Huge to changes your diaper. You have to pee using your diaper, and to poo, you have to ask Huge to open your diaper and accompany you to the toilet. Now, your dad and I are going to the store to buy some baby stuff. Huge, help your baby brother clean up and wash him. Use my panties for his underwear. That pee-pee doesn’t need any space.”

I was shocked at what had happened, I look down only to realize my dick and balls shrunk a lot compare how it normally was. Later, when mom and dad got home, they explain how Huge needs to take care of me. Mom asked me to lie down on the floor and guided Huge on how to diaper me. First, Huge took a wet baby wipe and started cleaning my dicklette and asshole. Second, he applied lotion. When Huge was applying lotion to my dick, he fiddles with it, pulling the foreskin and everything. I automatically got a hard-on.

My mom saw this, and said, “You cannot diaper the baby if he has a baby boner, you have to jerk him off. I used to need to do that for you, Huge when you were young. You hit puberty early, and at that age, your cock was already bigger than that baby dick your older brother has right now. You came quite a lot to at that age too. Well, Sharky, around that age, his cock was so small you could only see a small peanut size penis and his balls were nonexistent, just a bit bigger than his pee-pee now.” My mom laughs, nostalgically. “Now, Huge, jerk off your big brother’s small pee-pee.”

Huge happily used two fingers jerk my dicklette. I was moaning in front of everyone after a few seconds, I reached climax and climaxed, but nothing came out, and my cock turned soft and shriveled down. When they saw what happened, everybody laughed.

My dad laughs, and said, “He really is a baby, he couldn’t even cum.”

After that, Huge diapered me completely and carried me to our room. I have completed turning into the younger baby bro. Since then, I have become a sex toy for my mom with her strap-on, a cum bucket for my little bro, and my dad, who has a dick bigger than Huge. However, he said as Huge grows, he’d definitely have a bigger cock than dad. Mom was mean to me because I could take in all of Huge and dad’s cock, while she can only take in half of dad’s cock. It was just too much for her. That’s why she likes to fuck me and humiliate me about my baby dick. I was now living my best life being a slave to them all, serving two alpha’s monstrous cocks.

The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.

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