In a Family Way: Part 1

—Part 1—
I think now is as good of time as any to tell this story from almost 20 years ago. It’s a story that only 5 people I know of that are aware of it. The memory is still vivid to me since it plays out in my head quite often. Even after so many years. While I am not much of a writer, I will try to describe the details for you. I’m sure you are not up for an entire book which is what 20 years would be. So, I will pretty much stay with the most embarrassing for me and some history. Hope you don’t mind. First off, I was fortunate to meet and then marry a beautiful, sexy, and erotic girl with a Southern and Southeast Asian ancestry I’ll call Mie. We met in SE Asia while I was assigned there for business in my early days of my career. She is a little brown sugar colored with a petite body. Small breast, thin stomach, and an ass that is just a little rounded. She is intelligent and knows her way around a book or ten. Pretty much the girl of my dreams and probably of many men’s dreams. Fortunately for me, she had never left her home country and only had experience with boys, men of her home nation. At this time, she was 25 when we married. Me, I have always been told that I was good looking.
I took care of myself in the physical fitness way and made sure I ate healthy. I am 5 foot 10 inches and weigh in at just over 180 pounds. (Well, then I did) I kept my hair short and neatly groomed. That was kind of a requirement for my position since I came in contact with locals that were associated with larger businesses. I was college educated and just enjoyed life and the adventures it held. While I was in good shape and healthy, I did have one short coming. I had a small dick in regards to my native Western country. I came in at about 2.5 inches flaccid and just over 3 inches hard but it did have a little thickness. Fortunately, it was perfect for me in this Asian nation because men are known here to be some of the smallest penises in the world. Maybe I wasn’t long but that little thickness was more than enough to have some popularity. Especially with Mie. To her, I was the full package and she, my dream girl. We married in her country. My parents and a few of my friends flew the 30 hours one way to join in.
I was 27 when we married. We processed everything with my Embassy and as time approached for me to be reassigned to back home, we got her spousal visa and off we went. Fortunately, my companies HQ was in my home town so my parents and my sister helped us get settled there. I was almost immediately back in the office so the family made sure Mie got settled in and shown around town. Mie and my sister hit it off greatly. Sis was only a one year older then me so that worked out well. Well, that may be wrong depending how you look at things. My sister always spoke what was on her mind and I guess it’s safe to say, she had a taste for men. She never hid that fact and certainly never admitting that to anyone that would listen. Mie was a good listener it seemed although I never realized that until a bit later. I learned that when Mie asked me why my dick was small. Taken a back a bit I asked why she would ask that and immediately asked if she no longer enjoyed our sexual times together.
First off, she assured me she did in fact enjoy sex with me but then she went on to tell me how my sister would talk about men’s cocks and told her that she liked men between 7 and 8 inches when possible. I asked her if she mentioned to my sister my size but told me she did not. She was just curious because she learned that average was around 6 inches. I told her I’m sorry I can’t offer her more than what I have. She said it was OK. Then she told me that she thought those bigger sizes were very rare and smaller like me was normal. I had to ask, why she said that or thought that. That is when she told me of another Western guy she had met before me. A person she had never mentioned and yes, we did talk about any previous relationships we had had. Just not this guy I guess. Mie told me about the other guy that she had failed to tell me about before. He was from Australia and after a couple days of hanging out, they did have sex. I asked why she didn’t tell me about him and she told me that she didn’t want me to feel bad.
“Bad,” I asked? “Why would I feel bad?”
Mie went on to tell me how this guy was what she thought a very rare seven or more inches and she didn’t want me to feel bad. I told her I didn’t feel bad and I knew there were plenty of people out there like that. I asked Mie if she enjoyed it. We were always open to each other so the question was not a surprise to her. She told me that at first it hurt but after a minute her body just seemed to accept it and it ended up being a great experience. Better than me, I asked of course ready to have my male ego ripped apart. Not better, she said. It was different. More intense for sure but you give me emotions and I really enjoy that she explained to me.
I was OK. We talked about it for a while. I got all the juicy details and we ended up on the floor going at each other. While I may not be the biggest dick she has had, I do know for sure I have the best tongue and fingers she ever encountered. She always assured me of that. While my face was buried in her flower with my tongue flicking the right spot, she said, Daaave, the way she always elongated my name when she was about to ask something embarrassing. I just said Humm. Dave, that big penis I told you about. I said Hmmm. Did it bother you that I didn’t tell you about it.
“Ut Uh,” I replied.
“Thank you,” she said.
I moved up and started to enter her. She always felt so good. So warm and wet. Always tight around my cock. I started moving and she met my movements. “Daaave,” she said.
“Yes,” I replied. I was feeling good right now and she was enjoying it too. Could I have another sometime, she said? I didn’t really hear her or I thought I didn’t in my height of lust and I said, “Anytime.”
She started to orgasm and I was right behind her. We pushed together and drained our energies into each other. I rolled to the side and just laid there and caressed her body with my hand. Then, for some reason her words, could I have another sometime, came back into my head. Then me saying OK to it came rushing in. I thought, that is not what she asked me. I looked at her face still with a little smile on it.
I asked her, “Did you ask me if you could have a large dick sometime?”
“Yes,” she said still smiling. “You said OK, right?”
“Ah, yeah,” I said, “but we need to talk about something like that.”
“OK,” she said. “Let’s talk.”
Ah, I’m on the roll over and rest time out, but no, I guess we are going to talk. Like I said, we are open and honest about everything so talking is easy.
She started out with, “I hope you can understand.”
“Not really,” I replied, “but we’re sitting up now so let’s figure out what’s going on.”
She proceeded to tell me about the time she had a bigger guy, she did enjoy the intensity and while it didn’t have the emotion we share, it was pretty intense without it. I told her I understood. She went on that she had always thought about having that bigger cock again, just to feel it, but thought that they were rare and she would never have the chance again. That all changed when my sister started her tails. I learned they were not rare and she said she started thinking about it again. Mie explained to me that she loved me with all her heart and never wanted to do anything to ever hurt me.
I gave her a kiss for that. She went on with how she really enjoyed that and would love to feel it again. No emotions involved, just physical pleasure. I again said I understand and basically, I really did understand. I knew the day would come when Mie realized I wasn’t big down there. I worried that it could be a reason to lose a loved one. Mie seemed to talk different than how I imagined a conversation like this would go. She seemed sincere in just wanting the physical pleasure and nothing else. I looked her in the eyes and asked if this is what she really wanted?
“Yes,” she said, “but only with your approval. Approval of the person, where it happens, and if I was OK with it, I could be there.”
It was only to feel the difference she assured me. “OK,” I said. “We can do this.”
It was a few days later when I asked Mie, “How are we going to do this?”
“Not sure,” she said.
I told her that while she would probably jump at the idea of finding someone, I don’t want my sister involved.
“Agreed,” she said. “No one can know and I would hate for anyone in your family or that we know to look down on either one of us.”
“Great,” I told her. “Do you have anyone in mind?”
“Not really,” she said. “I have to say, yours is the only penis I have seen since we moved here.”
I chuckled with that.
“What about you,” she asked? “Do you know anyone?”
“Not sure,” I said. “We have to keep it discreet and most people we know are married. I’m sure that any male we know would jump at the chance of doing you, but that would cause some problems we wouldn’t want to be in the middle of.”
“Agreed,” she said. “Single friends?” she asked.
“No one I would trust with this,” I said.
“Golf buddies, guys at the gym, anyone?” she asked.
Ding, ding.
“There is this one guy I golf with from time to time,” I told her. “I have to say, I have never looked at his dick, but have noticed a bulge in his underwear when he was changing. He is single, about our age, nice looking, I guess, and I do know he likes the ladies by the way he talks on the course. His name is Henry, Hank,” I explained.
“Do you think he’s a possibility?” she asked.
“Yeah, maybe. We’re playing tomorrow in a foursome, and if I get a chance to talk to him alone, I will put out some general questions to see if there could be a possibility of asking him.”
“Thank you,” she said. “I’m already nervous.”
“Not so fast,” I said, “we don’t know if it’s him or not yet.”
“OK,” she replied. “What if he is,” she asked?
“Well, then maybe if I get the chance, I will try to set something up. I have to be careful you know.”
“I know,” she answered.
Needless to say, the next day at golf, for some reason I had a lot of opportunities to speak with Hank. Our golf balls always seemed to be near each other so we spent a lot of time where we could talk walking to our ball’s. I dropped some information on my wife’s looks and shape and her personality. Hank actually asked if I had a picture which I produced immediately.
“Wow,” he said. “She is gorgeous. You are a really lucky guy to have a woman that looks like that on your arms when you go out,” Hank informed me.
“Yeah,” I said. “I’m very lucky.”
We played on, and I mentioned that it’s always nice to have an Asian in bed. So erotic and talented to please their partner. Hank sort of stopped in his tracks and turned to me.
“You want to lend her out?” he asked. “I’ve always fantasized about being with an Asian girl, but I just have never gotten the chance.”
I laughed at the lending out part, but Hank probably didn’t notice it was more of a nervous laugh. OK, I wanted to ask him, but just how do you come out and ask someone if they want to fuck your wife and not look like a complete ass? I couldn’t do it. I knew it was important to Mie and I told her I would figure it out, but damn, I can’t ask it.
I turned to Hank and asked, You have any plans for tomorrow afternoon?”
“None whatsoever,” he replied, “unless I play another round of golf and end up in the clubhouse.”
“How about coming over to the house for an afternoon BBQ?” I asked. “You can meet my wife.”
“Wow, great,” he answered. “Give me your address and what time do you want me there?”
I told him about two and wrote down our address on a score sheet. He told me he would be there. Later that day I explained to Mie that I just couldn’t come right out and ask someone she had never even met before, so I told her about the BBQ the next day here at the house.
“OK,” she said. “That was good, I understand. I better start planning and go to the store for things we need. Oh, just what does he look like?”
I explained him to her the best I could and she was off to plan and shop. After doing all that and returning home, she asked me, “Just how this is all going to work?”
“I have no idea,” I said. “Maybe you need to turn on the charm, get him worked up, and go from there.”
I told her that his fantasy was to spend some time with an Asian girl. She liked that. So, she said, “You’re going to make me seduce him?”
“I guess so,” was my reply.
“OK, we’ll see what he’s like.”
Sunday arrived and everything was set up for the BBQ. I had the coals started and the beverages cold. Mie had all the food prepared and ready to go except for what goes on the grill to be cooked. The doorbell rings. Mie suddenly froze. The time is now she will meet the guy she may just end up in bed with. “I’ll get it,” I told her.
She loosened up and said, “No, I’ll get it.”
She was wearing somewhat tight short shorts and a tee shirt with the bra thing built in.
Needless to say, she looked sexy as hell, but then again, she always did. Mie went to the door and opened it. She looked at him and said, “You must be Hank?”
“Hi, yes,” Hank answered.
“I’m Mie,” she told him because in all my talking yesterday, I failed to tell him her name.
“Hi,” he said again.
“Please,” she replied, “come in.”
Hank gave a bottle of wine and some flowers to her that he brought.
“How nice,” she said, “I’ll get them in water right away. Dave is on the terrace.”
She pointed him in my direction. Hank walked out to where I was standing and the first thing out of his mouth was how I wasn’t kidding about Mie having a great body and looks gorgeous. I thought to myself, this is going well. I agreed with hank and offered to get him a beverage. He agreed and I went off to get it just as Mie was coming out. Hank brought me flowers and showed me what she was carrying.
“Very nice,” I said.
I looked over at Hank and just gave him a wink. I don’t know why I did that, I just did it. After getting some drinks, Hank sat at the table while Mie brought out the rest of the food. I committed myself to the cooking. After the foods were brought out and I continued to cook, Mie sat with Hank. They seemed to be hitting it off rather well.
I kept looking towards them to see if I could detect and flirting and while I couldn’t hear what they were saying, it looked like they were having an enjoyable time together. Mie got up and walked over by me. She told me that she thought he would do just fine. Like I didn’t already figure that out. Meats ready, I announced and put it on the platter and made my way to the table and the three of us enjoyed lunch and some small talk. Small talk. The weather, stuff going on around town, golf, and the pleasures of being married to an Asian.
Mie loved this, Hank was very interested, and I was providing a bunch of general information. That general information turned into a bit more detailed with the aww, shush, and OMG from Mie and some from Hank. I guess I got a bit descriptive at times. Didn’t matter, both Mie and Hank was into it. I guess I was doing my part to head my own wife onto a dick of another guy. Wow, what a job to have. Mie started clearing all the dishes and I got us all more drinks. Hank looked at me and told me how lucky I was.
“Of course, I agreed, “but I would like to think it was more than luck.”
Hank then asked, “Is it true about how Asian Women are in bed?”
“I’m not sure what they say about Asian Women and I imagine they’re different as any other nationality,” I replied. “I can only speak for my experiences and I can say with a fact that there’s something erotic about sleeping with an Asian.”
I explained that being assigned to Asia I was fortunate enough to have some experience with a few different Women and all were very enjoyable. I included that all seemed rather talented too. I explained to Hank that Mie and myself look at sex as more an enjoyable game. It’s fun and exciting. Then, Mie joined us again.
“What you guys talking about?” she inquired.
“Sex,” I said.
“Really?” she replied. “Anyone in particular involved,” she added.
“Us,” I said. “Mainly about a white guy and an Asian Woman and how we like to look at sex as more a game.”
“Oh,” she said. “Yes, I like games.” She looked right at Hank. “I love games, what about you Hank? Do you like games?”
“Ah,” Hank swallowed, “I love sex and I love games, so I guess I do,” he told her.
Then I got a bit of a shock when Mie told him, we should play a game. I didn’t realize until much later that Mie wanted more cock and she was going to get it no matter what. Hank at first looked surprised and I know I did too, but then he quickly settled down and told me that her husband may not agree.
Mie looked right at me and asked, “Would you mind if Hank and I played a game?”
I looked at Mie, I looked at Hank, I couldn’t believe it, but I said, “Have at it.”
“Seriously, Dude?” Hank asked me.
“Seriously,” I said.
He looked at Mie. “Seriously,” he asked her?
“Sure, unless you don’t like what you have been staring at.”
“I do like,” Hank said, “but, you have a husband.”
I gave up then and told Hank that I’m OK, and after it’s over, she’ll still have a husband and we’ll be just fine. Mie moved over closer to Hank.
“Are you really sure?” he asked her.
Mie took his hand and slipped it under her shirt so he could get a feel of her small but firm breast.
“Damn,” he said. “This is unbelievable.”
“Believe it,” I said.
Mie got up and put her legs over Hank’s lap and sat down facing him. She rubbed her shorts covered pussy back and forth.
“Is this serious?” she asked.
“I would say so,” Hank replied.
Mie asked him if he would like to go inside and find a comfortable spot. He agreed that that would be a good idea. I watched with amazement as my wife seduced this man right in front of my eyes like I wasn’t even there. I have to admit that I too was starting to get excited watching her make her move and acting in such a seductive manner. It was like watching a movie since I wasn’t actually involved. Mie got up and took Hank’s hand and started leading him into the house. After a few steps she turned towards me and then asked Hank if it was alright with him if I tagged along.
“You know, in case we need something.”
Hank replied that he didn’t mind, but works alone and if I was going to join in then he probably would stop.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Mie told him. “Just you and me.”
Mie led Hank to the sofa. I wondered why not the bed, but it was the sofa. She had hank sit down in the middle of it and pointed at a single recliner across from it for me to sit in. I had a perfect view, it seems. Again Mie puts her legs over hanks lap, but remains standing.
She slips off her tee exposing her firm breast. Her nipples which are not small are sticking out quite excited. Hank reaches up and caresses them. After a moment his hands slip down and he undoes her shorts. He takes a hold on each side and slips them off her naked bottom. She steps out and stands fully naked in front of him. Mie reaches down and undoes the buttons on hanks shirt and he slips out of it. She pulls his tee shirt up and over his head now exposing his fit, smooth, hairless chest. Hank is now working his fingers around her pussy. Rubbing it but not entering it. More like teasing it. Mie reaches down and undoes hanks belt and helps him out of his pants. She sees a rather large bulge now and it seems like she is smiling with that sight. Mie reached down and starts rubbing up and down on his bulge.
She knows it’s hard and she seems content with what she has discovered so far, but she is now eager to release it all the way. She pulls down the front of his shorts and releases what she now sees as just what she had wanted. Hank pulled them the rest of the way off and there was at least seven inches of hard man meat that Mie has longed for. I have to admit that I too was rock hard with seeing this sight before me. I wanted to see her do things to that cock that I knew I would never be able to give her. Still, I was really excited and wished I could have some help to cum. No, I was only the audience this time. Maybe later.
Yes, later for sure. Mie was now holding that cock she longed for in both hands. Stroking it with a mesmerizing look on her face. She is really into it now and I don’t think she even realized that I was in the same room any longer. She dropped to her knees and put her mouth over the head of Hanks dick. She had to stretch a bit, but, she was determined. She worked his head and slowly lowered her mouth as much as she could and started working it with her lips and tongue. I know how she does that so imagining the feeling was easy. So easy that I could feel the wetness leaking from my own dick onto the inside of my underwear.
After working his cock and looking like she was getting him close to cumming, he stopped her and while he got up, he picked her up and placed her on the sofa. He spread her legs and in so doing, I was able to see her pussy dripping with moisture. She wanted him. Hank lowered his face into her waiting flower. He made her moan over and over. It didn’t take long and her first orgasm was released. He didn’t stop and made her produce a second in only a matter of a minute or so.
Lifting his head, he turned it towards me and said, “You never told me how sweet this pussy is. I could eat it for hours.”
I laughed a little, knowing just how right he was. Mie had had enough of this part of the game and wanted the shaft in her now. She rose up and facing the side of the sofa, pulled hank towards her and had him stand behind her. He didn’t need any instructions and guided his still glistening cock head right for that waiting pussy. He rubbed it against her a few times and then started gliding it in. Mie stiffened a bit but relaxed just as fast. She wasn’t used to this size since it had been so long since she had anything this size in her. She started moving with him and while starting slowly, started picking up the pace.
Mie looked over at me and asked, “Are you OK.”
I nodded yes.
“Are you excited?”
I said, “Yes, very much.”
She then added, “Would you like to cum?
I again said, “Yes.”
I knew I couldn’t join in but still, I would have loved to cum. Mie was still looking at me. “Take off your clothes,” she told me. I shook my head no. “Come on,” she said. “It’s OK.”
I said, “No, I will wait.”
“You’re all wet,” she told me and I looked down and there was a huge wet spot on my pants.
Hank looked at me and said, “Go ahead, take your clothes off like she asked.”
“It’s OK.”
I was stuck so I got up and took everything off except my undershorts. Hank looked at me again now while they were changing positions and he was laying on his back on the sofa and Mie was climbing up to ride him.
“Take it all off,” he said. “Have your own fun. You have to be pretty excited watching your wife get fucked.”
He was right, I was really excited, but I don’t want to expose my small dick in front of him. Hank laid there as Mie slowly took him all in balls deep. She was working it up and down and rocking on it like the true lover she is. She now looked at me and told me to get naked. I shook my head no.
“Please,” she said, for me.
I again shook my head no.
Suddenly, Mie asks Hank, Does my husband having a small dick bother you?”
Oh, oh, humiliation time.
“It doesn’t bother me,” he answered.
“See,” Mie told me, “go for it, get naked with us. I will feel a lot better that way.”
What was I to do now. I felt like my dick size was now known by the entire world. Still, my hardness was still there and I was still leaking like crazy. Off came my undershorts. Mie was riding him still. With them on the sofa like that I couldn’t actually see the penetration, but the sight was still erotic. I found myself playing with my cock as they fucked. Didn’t even realize it at first. Mie shifted and got on her back and hank climbed on top and dove right in and Mie moaned. Mie looked over at me and told me to cum.
That is when I noticed my fingers around my slippery dick. It wasn’t two seconds after she said, “Cum,” when I started spurting. It felt different than it normally did, but a very nice different. I think more cum came out than normally does too. I grabbed my undershorts to wipe up my cum and while doing that, Mie began to groan and moan and she was building to a really large and long orgasm. I could see her stomach muscles tighten over and over and the rest of her body contract with it.
Wave after wave rushed through her. No doubt, she was fucked and fucked good. These orgasms were bigger then I had ever given her, but I was happy because she was happy. She settled down and after a few more thrusts, Hank pulled out and sprayed his cum all over her breast and stomach. He didn’t lack in the cum department, that was for sure. He fell off to sitting on the floor next to Mie.
Mie told me to get her a towel so up I got and did as I was asked. “Wipe me, please, honey,” she asked, so I took the towel and wiped all hanks cum off her body. “Thanks, hon,” she told me. “Did you enjoy that,” she asked me?
“Me,” I said, “yeah, but the important thing is that you enjoyed it.”
“I did,” she replied. “I really did.”
“Me too,” Hank added.
We all settled down then and three people naked all were talking like we were still fully clothed sitting outside. We ended up explaining to Hank just how this all came about. It was now obvious to him that I had a small dick, but he didn’t seem to care and made no mention of it himself.
Mie, however, did. She thanked Hank for making her feel so good and if I didn’t have a small dick it probably wouldn’t have happened. But, she added, “Dave is small and I needed more. It was a good thing that Dave understands my needs and you could take care of those needs. I don’t know what my husband is going to say, but I will ask him if we can repeat this from time to time. That is, with your OK, Hank.”
Hank looked right at her and told her, “Any place, any time. With Dave’s permission, of course.”
I was really being left out of this conversation now and it seems they both wanted to do it again. Both turned to me.
“What do you think, Dave,” Mie asked point blank.
If I say no more, will Mie be upset with me? Will Hank no longer be my golf partner or worse yet, tell others that I can’t satisfy my wife because I have a small dick, even though it’s not true. Well, not part of it.
“I don’t mind,” I told them.
I was trapped, but at the same time, it did excite me. I told them, it had to always be here in our home and I would always like to be present. Dates and times need to be OK with me. If I notice any romantic involvement, I stop it. Both agreed. After Hank left I broke down and point blank, asked Mie, “What was the big hurry, and please tell me why all this interest in big cocks suddenly.”
Mie smiled at me and started to explain. “Your sister told me to go for it, any chance I could.”
“My Sister,” I asked? “She knows about this?”
“Yes,” replied Mie, “and I need to go call her and tell her all about it.”
“What?” I asked.
“OK,” said Mie. “I fibbed a little to you. I discussed your little penis with your sister and she came up with this idea to get a real one in me.”
“Oh my god,” I replied. “You told my sister how small I was?”
“She already knew,” she told me. “She saw you when you were younger, jacking-off in your bedroom.”
Oh, my god, I thought. I wondered who else knew.
“I have to go call Jill,” Mie told me and off she went to the phone.
I shouted, “So, you’re not happy with me?”
“I love you and plan on spending my life with you, I just don’t care to much for your baby thing,” Mie replied.
There it was. The big build up and the drop from the tallest building. Spat. Hank and Mie had then started a little over six months of once to twice a week get together and me watching my wife get fucked every which way one can imagine. My sex life went from having a gorgeous woman preforming with me, to watching her get pleased by another.
My sex life became one of masturbation, while watching my wife have the time of her life. It still excited me. That was weird, but all I wanted was for her to be happy. From time to time she would help me out with a blow job or hand job, but as for penetrating her, never again. Still, that was only the beginning with a lot more weirdness to come. I think that I experienced the greatest humiliation one could have.