He Wanted It

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These stories are the artistic expression of the authors who wrote them. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this post, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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By AHurtingUnit (edited)

I stared at the woman sitting across the food-court, her feet up on the chair and soles facing me. “My god, I’d lick those soles for hours,” I moaned, half under my breath, half to my wife.

I had always been a foot lover, and never really hid my arousal when seeing a gorgeous foot. I loved my wife, and would never fuck another woman till the day I died, but sniffing and licking their hot tired soles was a completely different matter. All my wife said was, “You would, would you?” With a big grin on her face.

Several weeks later, my wife came behind me while I was getting a drink, and blind folded me. Before I could say anything, she grabbed my hands behind me and quickly locked them in place with handcuffs. She led me into the living room, and pushed me onto the couch. My dick was already throbbing, and I had no clue what was happening. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang, and my wife ran off to get it.

Opening the door, she said “Come on, he’s right inside.”

Seconds later, I felt someone sit down next to me. It was definitely a woman, as she smelled intoxicating. She giggled and said “Hmm, not much, but he sure is hard,” and I flinched as she flicked the head of my dick through my shorts.

Suddenly, my face was assaulted by the scent of hot, tired feet. My dick lurched and throbbed, as the sensual, salty scent filled my nose. I felt a hand start rubbing my aching dick, and moaned. The soles were a bit rough, and I could tell the owner had walked barefoot a bit of the day. I could envision those soles, a bit dark from a mixture of sweat and dirt. The hand was moving a bit faster when the strange woman giggle and said, “Don’t waste your time on that lil thing, dear, you’ll be full soon enough.”

No sooner did the woman finish her sentence, the hand was gone.

I felt someone sit beside me, and it was obviously my wife. She leaned in and said, “You wanted this,” and bit my neck as she removed the blindfold.

Looking between her long toes and blood-red toenails, I saw the woman from that day in the park. My dick throbbed as she flashed a wicked grin, and pushed her toes through my closed lips. She was a stunning woman, maybe 5’6 and about 130 lbs. Her dirty blond hair came down above her shoulders, and her blue eyes were quite entrancing. Her size 8 feet with long toes and toenails that cleared the edge of her succulent toe tips by a good 1/8th an inch made a visible precum stain on my shorts.

She reclined even further and pulled her toes out of my mouth. She giggled when I made a disappointed moan, and sweetly said “Don’t worry, hon, these feet are gonna be clean and wrinkled with all the licking, sucking and loving you’re gonna give them.”

She pulled aside her shorts and slowly started to move her finger between her bald puffy lips with a sly smile. My dick started to twitch in my pants and my long tongue snaked from her heel to her toes. This was the first time I got to see her sole, and it was indeed a bit dirty. My wife must have told her everything about his kinky fetishes and fantasies.

She reached forward and patted my cockhead, and condescendingly said, “Aww… Poor little thing. Must be lonely with your wife doing that all the time.”

She pointed a long red toenail at my wife. She was laying on the couch next to me, legs splayed, her 8″ dildo a blur in and out of her delicious pussy. The woman said with another giggle, as she shoved all five toes in my mouth at once, “That’s gotta be over twice as big as you, huh? You’re not even big enough to be better than a dildo.”

Not waiting for a reply, her hand rested on my hard dick and periodically slapped at it as my tongue and lips worshipped her feet. Her pussy was soaking wet, and I could smell her sweet sex.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and my wife jumped off the couch. She threw the soaking wet dildo at me, and it hit me right on the head. My foot queen laughed hysterically and drawled, “Wonder who that could be?”

She put her still-dirty left foot up to my face. I barely heard her, lost in a state of bliss and ecstasy. I heard voices, but couldn’t discern them. I redoubled my licking on my Mistress’s soles, and moaned when she shuddered and came. I wasn’t sure if it was her finger, or my wife’s dildo that now was pistoning in and out of her pussy, but she came again almost immediately.

“Honey,” my wife called. “HONEY,” she yelled, snapping me out of his trance. “Honey, this is Bob. He’s Jan’s husband. Jan is the woman whose feet you begged me for, and got. Well, now Jan’s giving me something.”

As suddenly as my wife said this, Jan’s feet left my face, and both of her hands slid up my shorts and encircled my bloated balls. Her face was almost angelic, as her hands began to compress my balls. My legs began to shake from the pressure, and I was fighting my bonds. It was useless, I wasn’t about to get free and I stopped fighting.

My wife kneeled and unzipped Bob’s pants. Her eyes never left mine, as she fished around his pants and begin to pull her hand out. I could hear Jan’s breathing intensify as my wife’s hand began to come out of his pants completely. Her stranglehold on my nuts increased, and I began to moan in pain. My wife and Jan inhaled deeply as her hand came free, pulling along his tremendous cock. My eyes opened wide as the man’s cock hung half way down his leg. His dick was at least seven inches long, and obviously limp. The head was already as fat as a plum. My wife pulled his big balls out and smiled at me as I noticed they were probably twice the size as mine. Jan let go of my nuts and walked over to my wife and her husband, leaving me there.

Kneeling down, Jan began to stroke Bob’s tremendous prick and looked back at me. “He dwarfs you, sweetie. God damn, he’s gonna stretch your wife’s pussy.”

His cock was now at least 10 inches long, and looked easily two or three times thicker than me. She continued to stroke him, and put her free hand behind my wife’s head. Jan looked deep into my eyes and said, “I hear your wife refuses to suck your cock, I wonder why?” She pushed my wife’s head onto her husband’s now ten inch pole. “She loves bob’s cock.”

Jan stood up as my wife continued to suck the giant cock and came over to me. She sat down again, and put her feet back up on my face, completely smothering my face. “See, hon, you wanted my feet and got ’em. She wanted Bob’s cock, and is takin’ it. Everyone wins.”

Her salty toes wiggled their way into my mouth again, and I begin to slurp at them. My stomach had gotten a bit queasy, but my dick never waned. She noticed this and said to my wife, “Aww… Hon, look, he’s excited you’re gonna get a real dick for a change.”

Jan slapped my hard-on as my wife and Bob began to walk towards our bedroom. The door quickly closed, and I strained to hear them. Jan was laughing hard now as she could see the terror in my eyes, wondering what was about to happen to my wife. She took her feet down from my face, and just sat there watching me.

My dick throbbed, and she slapped at it again. She made sure to get my swollen balls this time, and smiled as I yelped in pain. She slapped them again, harder, and my yelp was louder. Finally, she went to slap one more time, and at the same time, she heard my wife yell from our bedroom “God, I’m so fucking full. FUCK ME”.

Jan’s hand didn’t even make contact with my dick, and it began to spurt cum all over the place. Jan laughed hysterically and grabbed my softening cock, and said, “Not much cum from your little cock, hon. Don’t worry, Bob will give your wife a good filling, or two.”

She slipped back onto the couch, put her feet back on her new slaves face, and grabbed the dildo she was using before. Looking at it, she said briefly, “It’s not Bob, but it’s still better than you!”

Jan moaned as she began to fuck herself with the dildo, and enjoyed my torment.

The End.


One comment

  • Sean

    That’s a beautiful story. I hope real. Also I hope lttl dick got locked in chastity, and Jan keeps the key. Hopefully Bob comes over and fucks his wife 3 to 4 times a week.


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