Handjob with a Twist

By hotpastdawn.

He always did what she told him to do. He was obedient. He loved being obedient – he craved to be obedient, especially to her. She was his whole world, and her approval meant everything to him.

Being naked in front of her was always humiliating for some strange reason. He didn’t know why. His shame never diminished his desire for her attention. Not once, not even during this new activity that she had recently initiated with him.

He stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. His feet were apart, his hands placed flat upon the surface of the marble vanity, patiently awaiting exactly how she had instructed him to be before she arrived. His body shivered in anticipation of what was about to happen.

The sound of the bathroom door opening broke his nervous trance. For a brief instant, he caught a glimpse of her nude form. He quickly closed his eyes before she noticed. Viewing her naked body was forbidden unless he was given explicit permission, and she demanded his eyes be closed during the entire event until she told him to open them.

His brief glimpse of her was enough to create a mental snapshot of her in his mind’s eye. The lushness of her dark pubic hair. The pink circles of the areolae on her breasts. Just enough to arouse him. Just enough to fuel his most forbidden fantasies of her.

The next thing he felt was her pressing her body against his back. Her soft breasts compressed between them. The hardness of her nipples against him betrayed her arousal. He felt the wiry curls of her pubic hair against his buttocks.

She was slightly taller than him, at least for now. Her chin rested upon his right shoulder, her breath warm and audible in his ear. While his own eyes remained closed, he knew that she could view his complete nudity in the reflection of the mirror before them. He was focusing on the warmth of her body against his back when her slender left arm wrapped around his chest. That hand began to tease and gently tug his nipples, almost distracting him from the fact that her right hand had found his stomach and was slowly moving toward his pelvis.

When her fingers first made contact with his penis, he shivered. “Your little penis is already getting hard and firm. You’ve been looking forward to this, haven’t you?” she whispered in his ear. He nodded his head yes. “Wicked boy. Lusty boy,” she whispered in response.

Her hand began gently caressing his genitals. “I like you hairless down there. That’s more of an appropriate look for you. At least I can see your little erections now.”

The words cut through him. He knew he had a small penis, and she was only too willing to remind him. Despite how it humiliated him, it aroused him equally as much.

“Have you masturbated since the last time we did this?”

He nodded his head no.

“Are you sure? I’ll know if you did.”

He reaffirmed his answer by nodding no again.

“Good boy. I won’t hesitate to place a cage on you to control your emissions if I feel it is necessary.”

The prospect of being placed into chastity horrified him. His penis was already small. He knew all too well that it would atrophy and shrink even more once caged and unable to achieve any erections.

He felt her fingers begin to search for his testicles. They examined and massaged each one. “Your little balls are firm and full. Bigger than usual. You’ve made a lot of sperm for me since the last time, haven’t you?”

He didn’t respond this time but basked at the sound of such sexual words coming from her mouth and into his ear.

“I wonder what else is full? I think it’s time to find out.”

This was the part he dreaded most of all. It was such a foreign sensation to him. As invasive as it was, it was something very special that he experienced from her. It was deeply intimate. His thoughts about it were interrupted by the presence of a finger on her left hand. It had slowly glided upward from his chest and began circling the lips of his mouth. He slowly parted his lips and allowed the finger inside.

“Suck on it. Get it good and wet. We want it as slippery as possible, don’t we?”

After he had moistened her finger with his saliva, she removed it. Her body leaned back away from him, and he felt the presence of the moistened pad of that finger against the opening of his constricted anus. She continued to massage his testicles with her other hand gently.

“Be a good boy. Let me in. Relax.”

He relented and consciously attempted to relax his sphincter as she instructed. As soon as he did so, he felt the intrusion of her finger sliding inside him. He gasped. His anus immediately contracted around the thin girth of it. Perhaps to prevent the intrusion any further. Maybe to never let it leave. He suppressed a moan as her finger began to examine his prostate, giving him an intense sensation of needing to pee. Each press of her digit against the gland made the urge even more powerful, but he knew he didn’t need to pee. Eventually, the probing stopped, but she slid her finger back and forth inside him, finger fucking him before she slowly withdrew it from him. Her hand grabbed his hip, and he felt her body press against him again.

“Your little prostate gland is so full. So bloated. Would you like me to empty it for you?”

He nodded yes. How could he answer any other way?

“Wicked boy. Lusty boy,” she whispered as her hand migrated from his testicles to encircle his erection.

She was a master of male sexuality and sexual function. Not once, not twice, but three times she felt his testicles ascend towards his body, and his glans begin to swell. Each time she backed off, preventing his climax and denying him the chance to ejaculate.

“Please… Please…” he murmured in frustration, his eyes still closed.

They were the first words he had spoken since she entered the bathroom with him.

“You want to release it so bad, don’t you?” she asked.

He nodded yes.

“You want to put on a show for me, don’t you? You want me to watch your little penis spew its thick cum into the air and onto the vanity, don’t you?”

Once again, he nodded yes.

“Wicked boy. Lusty boy.” She resumed her slow strokes around his sexually frustrated penis. “What will you do for me if I let you cum?” she whispered in his ear, but this time she began to lick and kiss his earlobe.

“Anything. Anything for you,” he whispered with a raspy voice.

“Good boy. Will you lick it up for me and swallow it while I watch?” she asked.

He didn’t respond. A sudden sense of fear and revulsion filled him. Her hand started stroking him much more slowly.

“I asked you a question. How bad do you want to cum for me?”

“Yes. I’ll do it. Anything,” he relented.

“Wicked boy. Lusty boy.”

She returned to using the skillful motion and touch of her hand enclosed around his penis. She felt his testicles begin to ascend once more, and his glans start to swell. This time, she didn’t back off.

“Let it all out. Shoot it for me as far and as hard as you can. Open your eyes and watch it with me.” Just as he was about to climax, she whispered in the most sultry, sexy voice he had ever heard. “Cum for mommy. Give mommy all of your cum.”

The taboo words from her mouth sent him over the edge. He felt his buttocks clench involuntarily. The muscles in his legs contracted, and he found himself rising on the balls of his feet. His mouth was open, and he was panting when he opened his eyes and saw the first brilliant white rope of semen fly out of the tip of his penis and onto the vanity’s surface. It was the first of many that he ejaculated for her. At some point during his orgasm, he looked into the mirror and met her eyes with his own. She may have called him wicked, but the look on her face also betrayed her wickedness.

As his orgasm subsided, the motion of her hand around his penis slowed and finally stopped. She removed her grasp from around him as his penis began to return to its flaccid state. He saw her mouth drawn closer to his ear in their reflection before she whispered, “I’m not going to make you lick the surface clean.” He almost sighed a breath of relief before she whispered, “I’m going to feed it to you.”

Her finger began to trace one of the thick ropes of cum on the surface before she raised it to eye level. The thick, white ejaculate hung from her finger precipitously.

“Open your mouth and stick out your tongue,” she ordered.

He complied almost without thinking about the revulsion he felt. His need for her approval and to be obedient was that great. She placed the finger and the ejaculate dangling from it onto his tongue.

“Close your lips around my finger. Suck on it.”

He did, and he kept his lips enclosed around her finger as she slowly withdrew it.

“Swallow it. Open your mouth and show me it’s gone.”

He did. Obediently.

“Wicked boy. Lusty boy. I think you liked that. I love the taste of cum. I’m glad to find out that you do, too. Most of all, I’m glad you’ll do this for me.”

She repeated the actions with her finger. He repeated the actions with his mouth. They repeated them until all of the semen that he had ejaculated was gone.

She wrapped her arms around his stomach and held him tightly. She whispered again in his ear, “You’re a wicked boy and a lusty boy, but most of all, you’re my very, very good boy.”


The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed. The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech.

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