What A Difference A Day Makes.

By Thomas Z. Leyton

I heard Dinah Washington singing ‘What a Difference a Day Makes‘ as I opened our duplex front door. I smiled, knowing that was Aunt Teresa’s favorite song. What I didn’t know was how accurate those lyrics would be for me today.

Friday evening, the end of a long work week where I’d spent ten hours a day, standing in a dusty cow pasture parking cars at the state fair. So I must have had a frown on my face when I walked into our half of the duplex to find my aunt sitting on our couch holding multiple festively wrapped white gift boxes.

“My goodness, Is my sweet little boy all tired out?”

Her soft, comforting, and mothering voice was a flashback to all those years auntie looked after me while my mother worked. But, of course, Teresa wasn’t really my aunt. She was my mom’s best friend since they first met in elementary school.

After college, they both married and lived separate lives until seventeen years ago when my father was killed in an oil rig accident. Teresa came back for my dad’s funeral. When mom bought half a duplex in the country with money from the death settlement, Teresa purchased the other half of the duplex after divorcing her husband for cheating on her.

Mom was a college professor, while Teresa was an information technology executive. She could schedule her office hours and work from home to care for me while mom was teaching. Both loved me unconditionally and spoiled me unbelievably. Still, my gender was a bit of a disappointment as they wanted a daughter. From infancy and on, I spent more time dressed as a girl than as a boy. From pink baby bonnets to my first pair of Mary Janes, they taught me to dress, walk, and eat like a female and schooled me in all the mannerisms of a well-bred woman. We had dinner nights out at the finest restaurants in Houston with seven courses, where I learned the complexities of fine dining.

I was Andrew on my driver’s license, but with very few exceptions, I was Angie. I was small in stature and fine-boned. I was never allowed out in the sun without a hat, umbrella, or ton of sunscreen. I had a smooth complexion even when I turned sixteen and hit puberty, no blemishes or facial hair. My ‘Angie’ closet had more clothes and shoes than my ‘Andrew’ closet.

“Hi, auntie. Yes, My eyes are burning from having sweat running into them all day, and I’m filthy and exhausted.”

“Please tell me you wore a big hat and put on sunscreen to block those damaging sun rays. Your mom and I love your beautiful creamy white skin, as delicate and pristine as new-fallen snow.”

“Of course, I put on a thick base foundation and a thick layer of SPF 50 sunscreen. Now, I want a hot shower. Are those gift boxes in your lap for me?”

“Yes. I’m so sorry I missed your eighteenth birthday celebration yesterday. Unfortunately, I got delayed in Houston, but I hope to make it up to you tonight. When you’ve finished with your shower, come over to my place. I’ve got dinner and a little birthday celebration for you.”

Feeling refreshed after the cleansing hot water, I slipped on a pair of panties and an extra-large men’s Tee shirt. I slid my feet into a pair of open-toed mules, taking a moment to admire my bright pink toenails. I entered Teresa’s home from the connecting door the girls had installed when they bought the duplex.

The delicious aroma of prime rib led me into her dining room, where Teresa greeted me with a big hug and deep kiss. Then, we were quiet as we enjoyed a wonderful candlelight dinner with several glasses of full-bodied red wine. Mom and auntie had introduced me to wine on my thirteenth birthday, and every birthday since then, they had introduced me to a new adult pleasure. So I wondered what surprise tonight would bring.

Auntie made a quick trip to the kitchen returning with another small bottle of wine and the presents. She filled our dessert wine glasses with my favorite port wine.

“Angie dear, I’m so sorry I’m late with your presents. Happy Birthday.”

“Auntie, it’s fine. I know you had to go to Houston. Plus, this way, I get two birthday dinners with my two favorite ladies. Can I open my presents now?”

“Of course.”

She handed me the largest box. Under multiple layers of white tissue paper, I gently pulled out a full-length deep purple silk nightgown with little pointed lace gussets with gold thread. I held the gown against my cheek, so soft and luxurious.

“I love it, auntie, I love it!”

“Well, try it on.”

I peeled off my panties and shirt and slipped on the gown. I loved the way it gently draped my body, so gauzy and light against my skin. I could feel an erection starting. Teresa saw it too.

“The gown fits you perfectly and looks so sexy on you.”

‘I love the way it feels on me.”

She laughed and said, “It shows as she held out the remaining small gift boxes. They looked like jewelry boxes. Two more gifts for you, but first, it is time to do our annual measure.”

She grabbed my hand and led me to the door leading into her bedroom. I knew the routine and stood up straight against the door casing. Then, using a ruler, Teresa pushed down my hair and marked a black line. I stepped away and looked. The line was the same as last year and the year before, and the year before.

“Andy, I think you’re done growing at 64 inches. Wearing four-inch stiletto heels and with your hair piled high, you’ll be Impressive without being intrusive. Now that we have your height, we have one more measurement to take.”

“What do you mean? My height is the only thing we measure every year.”

“I guess you were too young to remember but starting on your third birthday Shara and I began your potty training. It was hard because we didn’t have a man to demonstrate how. We took turns holding your little penis and asking you to sink a piece of toilet paper. It was then we decided to start measuring your penis, and we, that is, I continued to measure you until you turned twelve.”

“I don’t remember, and why did you stop when I turned twelve?”

“You got a hard-on. Your little dick was so cute and about the size of gherkin.”

“A gherkin?”

“A small pickled cucumber. That was when you were twelve. Let’s see what size your cucumber is now. But, first, let’s go into the bathroom. I’ve started running a bath.”

“I just took a shower before I came over.”

“And I took a shower while waiting for you to come over, but I thought it would be nice for you and me to bathe as a part of your birthday celebration. You used to love it when the three of us would bathe.”

I did love those baths. I remember watching the construction workers enlarge her bathroom to install the big square soaking tub. Still, we also stopped the three of us bathing when I was around twelve.

“Okay, a bath does sound good, especially since I am taking it with you and I smell my favorite bath oil, sugared vanilla. The fragrance is delightful.”

I couldn’t help but stare as auntie stepped into the bath. Her Hispanic mother and Irish father had given her a voluptuous figure and luminous skin tone, a reddish bronze topped with sparkling blue eyes and auburn hair. Her full breasts seemed to float just above the surface of the water.

We soaked in the tub, luxuriating in the soothing, warm, scented water. Auntie’s head was lying on a pillow on the edge of the tub with her eyes closed. I sat upright and watched her breasts float in the water. I was mesmerized by their gentle movement.

“Enjoying the view?”

I guess her eyes weren’t completely closed. “I’m sorry, auntie. I didn’t mean to stare, but your breasts are magnificent.”

“Don’t apologize. I’d be disappointed if you weren’t looking. My tits are pretty nice and thank you for noticing. Now, I want you to hop up on the edge of the tub. I think we have softened everything sufficiently.”

I did as she told me, thinking she talked about my flaccid dick until I saw her unzipping a small black case next to the tub. Pulling out scissors, a can of shaving cream, and multiple disposable razors.

“Angie, we’ve taught you how to shave under your arms and legs, and luckily you’ve never had hair on your back or chest. Other than the thick and lustrous hair on your head and your trimmed eyebrows, we want the rest of your beautiful body slick and smooth and not marred by any unsightly hair. So it is time for your pubic hair to go away.

In a matter of few minutes, auntie had reduced my long pubic hair to the stubble that she covered in shaving cream. Gently moving my dick around and lifting my balls, she quickly shaved me, changing razors often. Her hands-on my dick got me hard, and she promptly shaved my shaft. She then flipped me over and shaved my ass before turning me back over.

“There done and so much better, all clean and smooth. For the future, I have you scheduled in three weeks for a complete wax job, legs, underarms, dick and balls, and your ass. Now it’s time for lotion,” as she handed me a towel.

We walked into her bedroom, where she had several beach towels spread on the bed with several jars of lotion.

She laid me on my front and straddled me at my waist, and started gently rubbing lotion starting at my neck. She was in no hurry and free with the cream. As her hands and fingers massaged my back, I felt utterly relaxed. She played special attention when she reached my ass, spreading and rubbing my butt cheeks. I felt her finger probing around my anus. A strange but good feeling as I adjusted my body to give her hands more freedom, I felt her finger slide into me, and I moaned.

“I heard you moan. Am I hurting you?

“No, I was just surprised. It is a new sensation.”


“I like it.”

As I arched my hips a bit, I felt her finger slide in even further. She slowly wiggled her finger back and forth in me and on each forward thrust going a little deeper until I felt the knuckle of her hand. I said I was about to come. She pulled her finger out, slapped my ass hard, and told me to roll over.

She got up and left the bedroom, and I heard her in the bathroom then in the dining room, where she returned with another two glasses of wine and a ruler.

Looking at my soft dick lying on my shaved skin, she said, “Now that you have calmed down, I can get a soft measurement, then I will finish putting lotion on you. She gently lifted my dick and laid it on the ruler. “One and seven-eighths inches, we will call it two inches.” Again, she straddled me and started with my neck working slowly down my body and skirting around my dick until she finished putting lotion on my feet.

Anticipating her hands going to my dick next, I had an erection. She started with rubbing lotion and messaging my balls, and in moments I was rock hard and leaking precum. Then, out came the ruler, and I felt the end of the ruler touch my base as she laid my dick on the ruler. I heard her say three and three-fourths inches, base to tip.

“Sweetie, you have a small, almost tiny dick, but that’s okay. It’s a beautiful dick, your shaft is so smooth and blemish-free, and your head is perfectly symmetrical. It is a little work of art. She leaned forward and kissed me deeply, and while keeping her hand on the base of my dick, she quickly engulfed my turgid organ with her mouth and sucked and licked. In seconds I erupted, and she sucked every drop up.

“Delicious, your young cum is like nectar. You are going to be very popular with my honey bees.”

I didn’t understand what she meant with honeybees and gave her a wondering look. “I don’t understand.”

“You will, but now I need you to put lotion on me.” She rolled over on her stomach, and I started massaging her back with lotion, the same as she had done for me. When I reached her hips, I spent extra time rubbing and massaging her big, wide, firm butt cheeks, spreading them wide and rubbing my hand around her asshole. I said her ass was beautiful.

She looked over her shoulder, arched her hips up, and said, “I know now kiss it.”


“Kiss my ass. Gently run your tongue around the edges of my asshole.”

I spread her ass cheeks as wide as I could and started licking up and down her ass crack and circling her asshole. Then without me even noticing, my tongue started probing her asshole as my dick got harder and harder. As my tongue worked deeper and deeper into her ass, her body arched higher and higher.

Then with a quick motion, she flipped over and spread her legs wide, saying, “Eat my cunt.”

My tongue separated her lips, and I licked as fast and as hard as I could. She was moaning and writhing on the bed. She grabbed my head with both her hands and moved my mouth up until my tongue was licking her clit.

“There,” she yelled, “right there, now suck hard. Harder, fuck, fuck, oh shit, don’t stop.”

She arched her entire body, then collapsed. I slowed as I heard her say, gently, gently. I quit sucking and just licked as softly as I could. It wasn’t long before she told me to lick faster. Soon I was sucking and licking again as fast and hard as I could. Finally, after she came at least four times, she pulled me up beside her and gave me a gentle kiss.

We laid there for about ten minutes when she sat up and drank some of her wine. She handed me a jar of the lotion and said, “I want to watch you jack off.” Put some cream on that beautiful little dick and stroke it for me.”

I was still semi-hard, and it didn’t take me long to get fully erect. I watched my dick and balls bounce as my hand went up and down. It was the first time I really had looked since auntie had shaved me slick, and I liked the contrast between the redness of my penis and balls and my alabaster white body.

“Cum for me, cum for me. Look into my eyes and cum, now.” She demanded, and I did, shooting my cum into the air and landing all over my smooth skin. Auntie took her forefinger and scooped up a long thread of my cum and put her finger into my mouth, and told me to swallow.

“Like the taste, sweet isn’t it?”


Auntie smiled and opened another of the gift boxes. She pulled out a shiny short metal tube along with a few metal accessories. I couldn’t tell what they were, but I did recognize a small lock. As auntie slipped the metal sheath over my dick, she told me it was a male chastity cage. In a few minutes, she had it fully assembled and attached to me. Then with a flourish, she put the lock on and clicked it shut.

She held up two keys on chains. “I have a key, and your mom will have the other key.”

“My mom?”

“Of course, your mom and I are in complete agreement on how your life will be going forward. Now, your mom’s key is only for an emergency if I am not around.” She put the chain around her neck and held up her key with her left hand and pulled on my locked dick with her right hand, and said, “From this day forward, I am your Mistress. I will love and care for you completely, and in return, I demand absolute obedience to my every demand.”

Still not fully comprehending, I nodded. “Okay.”

She jerked me off the bed and spun me around to where my back was to her. She slapped me so hard on my ass cheek it lifted my heels.

“Never answer me with okay. Now try again.”

Tears were forming as I mumbled yes. Another hard slap on the other cheek and tears were flowing. This time I managed, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Better, much better. Now you can open your final gifts.”

She picked up the two remaining gift boxes and gave them to me.

I opened the first one to find a delicate necklace with a jeweled pendant. It was inscribed with the word ‘Owned.’ I slipped it on and opened the last box. A thin gold anklet with an identification plate ringed with rubies. I read the inscription “Property of Honeybees.”

“I don’t understand, Mistress. Isn’t Honeybees the name of your book club?

“Yes, but it is a very special book club, as you will learn at our next meeting. We have much training to do before I introduce you properly to the ladies. Now try on the ankle bracelet, left ankle.”

The necklace fit perfectly. It was at this moment I knew my life was changed forever.


The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.

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