The Panty Sniffer!
By Unknwown.

It was pretty nice having her around. Stacy’s really hot. I won’t lie. She would walk around the house in just her bra and panties most of the time. I got hard every time she walked into the room, and I wouldn’t be able to stand up until she left. My wife knew what Stacy did to me.
She was also secure enough to know I would never cheat on her, so my wife thought it was funny watching me try to cover up my embarrassing hard-ons in front of her and Stacy. I had to jerk off at least three times a day because of all the torture.
I woke up late one morning. Trish had already left for work. I went to the kitchen to have my morning cup, where I found a note from Stacy saying she had to catch up on some errands and probably wouldn’t make it home until after dinner. It was the first time since Stacy had been staying with us that I had the whole house to myself. After my cup, I headed back to our room for a good morning jerk.
As I passed Stacy’s room, I saw her door was wide open. I paused for a moment in front of the door. I hadn’t been in the room since Stacy moved in. The room smelt just like her. It was filled with all her stuff. She even had pictures all over the walls. It looked like she was planning on staying a while.
I popped an instant boner when I saw her overflowing hamper. Right on top was a pair of her dirty panties. I stopped and thought for a moment about how wrong what I was thinking about doing was. I knew I might never get a chance like this again. I slowly picked them up. I could still feel her warmth on them. She must have just taken them off before she left.
What luck. I thought again about how wrong it was but couldn’t help myself. I raised her freshly worn panties to my nose and took a big whiff. My hand instinctively went to my crotch, and I rubbed my cock. I came in seconds. Then I saw Stacy walk into the room.
“What the fuck are you doing with my panties, you freak? Are you sniffing my panties?” She stormed over to me.
I was in total shock. I dropped her panties and turned to her. She quickly noticed the big wet spot in my crotch and started pointing and laughing.
“Holy shit, you came in your pants from sniffing my panties. What a fucking loser. Wait ’till I tell Trish.”
I couldn’t think straight. I begged her not to tell Trish. Trish knew what a pervert I was, but if she knew about this… I don’t know what she would do.
“I’m so sorry, Stacy. Please don’t tell Trish. I’ll do anything.”
“Yes, I’ll do anything. Please don’t tell Stacy.”
“I won’t tell her, but you have to agree that from now, you are my personal slave and do whatever I say. If you even think about disobeying me, I’ll tell Trish what a sick pervert you are.”
“You got it, Trish. I’ll be your slave and never disobey you.”
“Good, then we have a deal. The first thing I want you to do is to clean yourself up. Come with me.”
Stacy told me to follow her, leading me to the bathroom. She told me to take off my clothes and get into the shower. I didn’t expect anything like this, but I knew I had no choice. I did as she said. As soon as I took my pants off, she burst out laughing.
“Your dick is sooo tiny!! Trish actually lets you fuck her with that tiny thing?”
It was so humiliating. I always knew my dick wasn’t that big, but I never had a girl laugh at it and tell me it was tiny. I was numb with humiliation. Then I felt my little guy start to throb and stiffen.
“I don’t fucking believe it. Is it getting hard? You’re getting off on this, aren’t you, you little pervert? Is that as big as it gets? Your dick is sooo sad. I feel terrible for poor Trish. It must be so frustrating to be married to a little pencil-dick panty-sniffing pervert.
I bet you’d love to grab your tiny pecker and jerk it off in front of me now, wouldn’t you? Well, that’s not going to happen. You’ve made enough messes for today. Get your pathetic ass in the shower. Now turn on the water, but only the cold.”
As soon as the cold water hit my dick, it softened and shrank. Stacy laughed and found the effect of what the cold water had done to my penis very amusing. Then she closed the shower curtain and told me not to get out until she said so.
I looked down at my dick. It shriveled up to a tiny little nub. I doubt it was even two inches. Stacy opened the curtain. She was standing there with her cell phone pointed at me. After she filled her phone with humiliating photos of me, she told me to get out and dry myself off so I could start my chores.
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.