The Night Watchman
By Anon.

I was sitting at my post, thumbing through a Playboy, when I saw camera six shut down out of the corner of my eye. I gave the monitors a little tap, and suddenly camera five went to fuzz. One through four quickly followed. I rolled my chair back to get up when I felt something push against the back of my head.
“Don’t bother getting up, Rambo.” A cool, calm feminine voice hissed.
She then noticed my reading material sitting in front of me.
“Looks like you might already be up.” She sneered with a slight laugh. “Ok, Willy Wanker, listen and listen carefully. I have a nine-millimeter with a silencer pointed at the back of your skull. I could splatter your brains all over your nudie mag there, and no one would be the wiser. So, if you want to live to jerk off another day, you will do what you’re told, when you’re told, no questions asked. GOT IT?!”
I nodded.
“Good. Now stand up, and don’t even think about hitting that silent alarm button under your desk, or you’re a dead man.”
I did as I was told and slowly stood.
“Put your hands on that wall and spread your legs.”
She quickly grabbed my gun out of its holster.
“Do you have any other hidden weapons on you that I should know about, Killer?”
I shook my head.
“Well, we’ll see about that. Slowly take off your shirt and throw it in the corner.”
Again I did as I was told and slowly removed my shirt and gave it a toss.
“Good, now take off your shoes and pants.”
Being robbed was frightening enough, but this took it to a whole new level. My heart pounded as I removed my shoes, undid my pants, and let them fall to the floor.
“Now, take off your boxers.”
I paused for just a second, and I heard the cocking of a trigger. As humiliating as it was to strip and expose myself to a girl at gunpoint, I knew I had no alternative. Down went my boxers.
“Now, put your hands behind your back.”
I felt handcuffs slap on my wrists, leaving me trapped and completely vulnerable.
“Turn around and let us have a look.”
I held my breath and turned around. In front of me were three medium-sized women wearing dark coveralls and ski masks that covered their faces. They were all looking straight down at my groin as I turned, waiting to look at my cock. To my horror, though, one of them was holding a camcorder filming everything.
“Holy fuck! That thing is so fucking tiny,” squealed one of the girls.
“That’s the saddest excuse for a dick I’ve ever seen,” said the leader.
“No wonder he carries such a big gun he‘s trying to compensate for his utter lack of manhood.” the third woman laughed.
“You call yourself a night watchman? You look more like a night watch girl from where I’m standing,” the other said.
A peal of laughter followed every comment, and it was even worse than I had thought. The three women mocked and laughed at me because I had a small penis. I was so scared and humiliated that my little guy was probably shriveled up like a tiny acorn.
I let out a whimper when one of the women stepped forward and put the barrel of her gun up against my balls. Then it touched my penis. Slowly, it circled the head and teased the underside of my dick. Although it terrified me that a gun was being used with my member, I felt my stub begin to throb.
“Oh my god, is he getting a boner!?” One of the girls yelled, followed by more laughter.
It was accurate and out of my control. I was at my full-blown 3.5 inches and as hard as a red rocket in no time. I couldn’t blame the little guy. It was the most action he had experienced in some time. The cold gun rested itself under the length of my hard-on as if it were holding it up.
“Wow, you sure have a pathetic dick. I know a little pervert like you measures it to see if it has grown any, so I want you to tell us exactly how small it is. Keep in mind we may be holding a ruler to it, and if you lie, we might blast your little thing right off.”
I swallowed hard and whispered, “Three and a half inches.”
The girls giggled, and one of them said, “I didn’t catch that dime roll, repeat it and repeat it, louder.”
“My dick is three and a half inches.”
They all roared, “Your dick? I don’t see any dicks in this room. I only see one sad little cocktail weenie.” a voice cooed.
Any ounce of pride I had left was now gone. These girls had reinforced and confirmed all the insecurities I struggled with all my life with their brutal honesty. My “cocktail weenie” could still cut diamonds to spite all this.
Just when I thought it could get no worse, this humiliating experience was recorded. The leader was standing beside me. I gazed down at my object of ridicule and saw that it was my gun placed under it.
She slowly slid the gun alongside my hard-on, and it felt amazing. The joy was written all over my crimson face.
“It looks like the little pervert is getting off on this.” The girl holding the camcorder sneered.
“You’re fucking pathetic, loser.” The girl pointing the gun at me added.
“You like having your little weenie rubbed by this big manly rod, don’t you.” The girl with my gun teasingly said.
Without thinking, I nodded.
“You know what the only thing your little prick has in common with the big, thick long rod? They both look like they could go off any second.”
She was right. As the girls started a new round of laughter, I splashed my load all over my gun.
“I don’t fucking believe it. You fucking came. Did you get that?”
“Oh, I got it all right.” The girl with the camera answered.
“Ok, loser. Now open up and say AHH. Zoom in on his face.”
I fought back the tears and opened wide.
“Now suck it, faggot.”
I took the barrel into my mouth, tasting the bitterness of my sperm and the steel of the gun.
“Suck it clean faggot, like a good little bitch.”
The girls laughed and jeered as I sucked and licked the gun clean of my cum.
Suddenly another masked female walked into the office, pausing for a moment as she took in the scene and, in particular, my small cock. “Jesus, what did you do to this guy’s cock?” she asked, looking at the woman holding the gun in my mouth.
“I didn’t do anything. He was born this way!” she laughed.
“Thank God! I thought you might have shot it off or something for a moment, but it’s just a tiny pin dick!” she said.
“Yeah, well, why are you here? You’re supposed to be loading the goods!” The leader chided.
“We have a problem. Some of the boxes are heavy and are proving difficult to get to the van,” She reported.
“Hmmmm, well, our pin dick security guard here might have some use after all,” the Leader said, taking the gun out of my mouth.
“Good idea. I will meet you down at the storeroom,” she said and left.
“Come on, babydick, time for you to prove not all your muscles are useless!” the leader said, waving the gun to the door and gesturing for me to move.
“Please, can’t I at least put on my clothes?” I begged.
“Ohhh no, you are doing this all nude, so we can see and laugh at your small cock as often as we want, and of course, it will all be recorded,” she spat, then pushed me, so I walked out.
It was so embarrassing walking through the building nude and a little exhilarating. We made it to the storeroom in question, and I realized they were stealing the raw ingredients to make amphetamines. There were several other masked women there, and they all let me know in no time what a pathetic loser I was with such a small cock. My tiny dick was rock hard as they all laughed at me.
So there I was, carrying heavy boxes out into the street completely naked while they filmed me. I was just entirely under their control, and there was nothing I could do to change the situation. Once I loaded their van, one of the girls even had me walk out onto the street and show myself to passing cars. God, if my boss gets wind of this, my arse is grass.
Eventually, I was back in the office with the Leader and two other women. “Alright, sissy man, get your clothes back on!” the Leader ordered, and I dressed again while they watched.
“Good, now sit down in your chair there like a good little boy and place your behind your back!” she ordered, and I did so, and quickly they cuffed me.
“Ok, girls, you know what to do. I’ll finish up here.” The girl holding my now shiny pistol at me instructed.
They left silently, leaving me alone with the Leader who still pointed my gun at me menacingly.
“Ok, babydick, this is how it will go down. Thanks to your kind help, we will now leave this place without anyone knowing we were here. The only hitch to our plan, though, is you. But since we have you on film carrying out all those goodies while completely nude and your tiny cock hard for all to see, then I think you may realize it is not going to go well if you blab about us to the cops!” she told me.
“But what about when they discover all that stock is missing. They will be asking questions, and you did damage the security cameras,” I said anxiously.
“Oh, they will know they have been robbed, but they won’t know by whom, and you will not tell them anything, or else this video of you will fall into the wrong hands. Then the whole world will know what pathetic no dick loser you are! I am sure you don’t want that do you?” She said seriously.
Do we have a deal?”
As if I had an option, I agreed to her proposal. Then all of a sudden, she whacked me over the head with the butt of my pistol, and I became unconscious immediately.
I was woken by a co-worker who was the first to arrive that morning, and they called the cops. I was questioned extensively and just told them I noticed the cameras were malfunctioning, and I was about to go and investigate when I was hit from behind. I didn’t see or hear a thing. Thankfully they believed me, and they sent me to the hospital to get checked out.
As I was leaving the hospital, I reached into my pocket and found a note. It read, “Don‘t forget about our LITTLE secret.”
God, they were even belittling my cock in this note. What a night I needed to get home as fast as I could so I could jerk off.
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.