Seasons Greetings To All

Hi all,

We’ve had a big year this year at The Small Dick Club. We’ve migrated our site to a new host and changed our domain from smallest-dick-on-earth to the-small-dick-club. We’ve posted more content this year than in any other year, so I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Thanks to everyone who has bought memberships and the smashwords eBooks. This helps keep our site running.

From the 22nd of November, I’ll be away until after Christmas. This means I won’t be able to post content as much as I have been lately. There will be sporadic updates here and there. Once Christmas is over, I will be back to normal again.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience. We have plenty of content on this site to keep you entertained during this dry spell. You could reread some stories you haven’t read in a while. Check out some Galleries you haven’t seen in a while. However, I’m sure many of you will also be busy over the holiday season.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New (Small Dick) Year.

All the best.



  • bambiegirl

    Love this site. Thanks for all you do here. Enjoy your time off.

  • Babydicklover

    Thank you so much! Love this site, and thank you for featuring my writing. 🙂


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