Our Readers SPH Experiences 57

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader lets women walk all over him… I’m a tall guy with a small penis. I’ve had 2 experiences hearing about short guys who were hung and how some girls correlate this inverse proportion. The first one was in high school. I was in the bus sat with another guy by my side, when the 2 girls from the seat in front, who were close friends,

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Unexpected Beach Reunion 1

By TJA I grew up near to and went to university in Brighton on the South Coast of England. It’s a ‘hip and happening’ city with lots going on, a vibrant night life and is often referred to as Britain’s San Francisco. I had left at 22 when a job opportunity had me move to Coventry, the polar opposite of cities, but the job was great, the pay even better, and houses cheap as chips. I am now 27, and

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The Guy Next Door

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This story contains adult sexual content and should not be read by those under 18, or considered minors in their country or locale. If you are under 18: CLICK HERE This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it.

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