Small Penis Confession!

By Unknown Author. I suppose it was in High School, seeing other guys in the shower, that I began to suspect I had a relatively small penis. But this never really seemed an issue, even when I started dating girls. (None of them ever mentioned that my dick was small. They never mentioned my dick at all, which probably says something. Then, in my early twenties, I got into a more serious relationship with a girl called Rachel. Sex was

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Our Reader’s SPH Experiences 16

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader reports his wife does kiss and tell… I have just discovered my wife has been telling her work mates about the size of my small cock (I’m a silver member). One of her friends sent me a hollow strap-on dildo measuring 7″ x 5 in the post, with a note that reads: Use this dildo so Helen can get a taste of a real cock

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