Second Place: Part 2

  By runtz4   Read Part 1 – Click Here!   Part 2… The following weekend we made plans to get together with Melissa and Mark to, “watch some movies.” But we all knew what we were really doing. I got to the dorm and text Angie to come check me in. A few minutes later Melissa came off the elevator greeting me briefly and signed me in under her name. As we got in the elevator I asked her

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 27

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader found his small problem held him back… This past weekend I was at a party and there was this girl. I saw her, we locked eyes. Following my instincts, I went up to her and introduced myself. She was very receptive and we ended up chatting on and off throughout the night, took some shots, smoked some weed. It seemed like she was as into

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