Jamie’s Honeymoon

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This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this story, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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By Coto2332 (edited version)

Jamie sat down in the airline seat – back row, middle chair, and cheapest option available – with a huge smile on her face. In 12 hours she’d be touching down in Jamaica for her two-week long honeymoon. She could care less how she got there as long as Nathan was by her side. Jamie looked up at her hubby, struggling to get their luggage in the overhead bins, and thought back just hours ago to their beautiful wedding.

It was everything she’d imagined, the best day of her life. Her only regret was not getting enough time with her hubby after the reception. Only hours from their flight departing, all they could do was change into normal clothes before being whisked away to the airport. How badly Jamie had wanted to get a glimpse of Nathan’s penis before the flight, her own vagina moistening at the thought, but there just wasn’t enough time. At least she was able to slip on some sexy lingerie from her bridal shower, a white lace bra and matching thong. Jamie only had seconds to observe herself before Nathan called her down to the car. Her body was absolutely stunning, the lacy bra barely containing her perky B cups, the white thong only just covering her shaved pussy. Spinning around she smiled at her firm ass on full display. If only Nathan knew what he had been missing, she thought. A summer skirt and a tank-top was all she threw on to finish the ensemble.

Raised strictly Catholic, Jamie and Nathan had only gone so far as kissing before their wedding. No fondling or exposure of any kind up until this point. Despite her upbringing, Jamie felt she was no novice in the sexual arena. Unbeknownst to Nathan and her parents, Jamie had seen her fair share of penises. It was amazing how a few internet searches could calm her pent-up desires. For 22 years she had fought them, but now that she was free, Jamie was determined to prove to Nathan it had been worth the wait. Jamie knew he felt the same way after 20 years of following the rules their religion and families had forced upon them.

Her only wish now was to feel his penis in her velvety hands, watch it grow in response to her soft touch, and maybe even get him to orgasm on the plane ride. It would be safe to call Jamie a cock addict, even though she’d never experienced one first-hand. Everything about the penis amazed her, but nothing more than the inevitable orgasm. She longed to feel the sticky warmth of Nathan’s seed on her hands, face, and deep inside her. She yearned to see his manhood, feel it deep inside of her, and bring her new hubby to orgasm as his lovely bride. She smiled again to herself, imagining how many times she could get him to cum on their honeymoon and what she would do with it. They had already discussed starting a family, and what better way to conceive a child than on a Jamaican honeymoon.

Nathan sat down and smiled over at his wife of only a few hours. They grasped hands as the plane took off. Despite her intense desires, Jamie was thankful that her hubby had recommended a sleeping pill while waiting in the terminal. As blankets were handed out for the overnight flight, Jamie dozed off with her head on Nathan’s shoulder and thoughts of his thick erection in her hands when she awoke.


Lazily, Jamie squeezed her hubby’s arm while still half asleep. Whatever was in that pill did the trick. She must have been out for a few hours and still didn’t feel like opening her eyes just yet. Her hands slowly found their way to Nathan’s thighs. What better place to begin her lifelong exploration of Nathan’s cock than under the blankets on their honeymoon flight? She felt him stir, probably half asleep himself, but he opened his legs slightly to her roaming fingers. Her eyes still closed, she couldn’t help imagine what it would feel like the first time she grasped his manly rod in her delicate palms.

Hands still roaming, but with a purpose now, she found her way to Nathan’s zipper. She wanted to pull it out quickly, before it was hard, so she could help massage it to the full erection she so desperately wanted. Hastily she yanked the zipper down, undoing his button in one motion. This was it, the moment she had waited so many years for. Her hubby’s cock was just centimetres away from her aching fingers. Slowly, delicately, she moved her hand inside the hole in his boxers to find his flaccid member.

A smile crossed her lips, eyes still closed as she burrowed herself into his neck. Her fingers could barely wrap around his thick smooth shaft. She was in heaven. Not only was Nathan large, but he had taken care of himself beforehand, completely shaven. Slowly she ran her index finger all the way down the length of his cock, counting the inches as she went. 1… 2… breathing faster now, 3… 4… her vagina heating up as she continued, 5… 6… to the sensitive tip of his 7 glorious inches of man meat, feeling it twitch as she reached the head. Jamie gently used her fingers to pull his cock free of the cloth prison, out into the open air but still protected under their airline blankets.

She knew Nathan was endowed with a wonderful cock before even touching it, she just knew. After all these years of waiting, pent-up desires, and private internet searches, this was her gift for the rest of her life. Jamie held it loosely in her palm, gliding her hand slowly up and down the length of her honeymoon present. Nathan was responding now, his breath speeding up along with his heartbeat. Jamie could feel the thump thump in his chest as he pushed his manhood ever so slightly into her wandering hand.

This is for you my love, she thought to herself, her eyes still closed. No more holding back. Her soft fingers grasped his girth, squeezing slightly as she slowly began stroking his cock to life. Up and down her hand went as she felt it start to grow. It twitched in her grip, hardening in her hand until it was a full-on erection of at least 9 inches. Her newly wed husband’s fully erect cock in her tiny palm sent shivers down her spine all the way to her pussy. What would it feel like deep inside of her? As she released his metal rod, she traced her fingers up and down his length again, teasing his sensitive head and encircling it with her fingernails. How lucky she was to be blessed with such a well-endowed husband, it was the perfect beginning to their perfect honeymoon. Her cunt was on fire. The white lace thong she wore was already soaking, and her husband’s responses to her advances only fuelled it further.

Nathan was breathing heavily now, faster and more laboured than before. He was practically humping her hand as she grasped his dick again, this time with more force. Up and down she ran the length of his cock, quickening her pace, wanting so badly for him to cum all over her fingers. She couldn’t contain herself and jacked him off faster, his breath quickening as she reached down with her other hand to cup his balls. Nathan was doing his best to stifle his moans now, and Jamie could tell he was approaching a climax. She slowed down her pace and circled his penis head with her fingers again. With eyes still closed, she leaned in close and whispered in his ear,”I’m all yours, cum for me baby.”

Nathan gasped as Jamie stroked him up and down at a furious pace, her hand on his balls kneading and massaging with a purpose. His cock twitched in anticipation and Jamie opened her eyes so she could see her hubby’s face the first time she brought him to orgasm. This was the single moment she had thought about for so many years.

But the face looking back at her was not her husband’s.

A 30-something year old man, handsome, with dark eyes and a masculine jaw line locked eyes with her in one fleeting moment, his mouth opening slightly.

Like a volcano Jamie felt the huge cock in her hand explodes in an eruption of cum. Wave after wave of liquid hot jizz flowed over her fingertips and down to the hand still holding his balls, his cock twitching over and over, shooting more warm cum over her innocent little hands. Again it hit her. This was not her newlywed husband, the man she had just vowed her entire life to only hours ago.

Glancing over her shoulder she saw Nathan knocked out cold in his aisle seat, mouth open and drooling slightly. She was in a trance. Everything inside of her told her to let go of this stranger’s enormous cock and leave the situation immediately, but something was stopping her. This stranger’s manhood was still spewing warm cum over her hands. Hot… warm… beautiful cum. She turned back to look at him again, his body shuddering as he reached the end of the ultimate orgasm. Without thought, the hand holding his balls squeezed ever so slightly. The hand grasping his thick rod slowly pumped the remaining cum up and over his mushroom head. What was she doing? Her thong was soaked, her mind caught in a ball of confusion. His cock was incredible, his cum even more magnificent. It seemed to warm her entire body from her fingertips down to the folds of her pussy.

Snapping back to reality Jamie pulled her hands out from under the blanket and squirmed herself into a seated position looking forward. How embarrassing. Maybe if she didn’t say anything to him the stranger wouldn’t make a scene and just let her be. She looked down at the jizz dripping from her fingers. She held her hand up and watched as this stranger’s sticky hot cum streamed down her ring finger, bubbling over the wedding ring Nathan had worked so hard to buy, down her palm and over her wrist. The smell was intoxicating to her, bringing another shudder through her sopping wet slit. Wait… she had to figure out what to do before Nathan woke up and saw her. She loved her husband too much to allow him to see this.

“Are you just going to leave me like this?”

The words hit her like a ton of bricks. The stranger’s voice was so masculine, so full of strength, something she never noticed in Nathan. She turned her head slowly, her face immediately flushed with embarrassment. The stranger had pulled the blanket down, revealing his gigantic cock and balls completely smothered in cum. It was still hard, bouncing slightly with the plane’s movements. His cum-laced cock was hypnotic to her, a sight she had longed to see, just not one that belonged to a complete stranger while her newlywed husband sat inches away.

“Lick up my cum you slut.”

Again, her face flushed with embarrassment, her eyes still locked on his steel member. All 9 inches of it pulsing with energy, the cum slowly dripping down his length. Again she heard the wonderful masculinity in his voice, his sudden command over her. It felt as if the stranger’s cock was manipulating her feelings, everything she had stood for.

“I’m sorry, it was a mistake. I…” Jamie was fumbling her words. She turned back to look at her husband, hoping he might be able to step in and help her. Nathan was snoring like a chainsaw.

“Shut the fuck up and lick up my cum… you little married SLUT.”

Jamie turned back around and saw the stranger’s cock in all of its cum-covered glory. Her pussy tingled and something inside of her brain snapped.

“Start by cleaning those filthy hands, and then you can service my cock you whore.”

As if some invisible force was willing her on, Jamie’s hands methodically made their way to her mouth. As they reached her lips, the smell of the stranger’s cum sent her over the edge. How desperately she had wanted her first cumshot to be pumped from her hubby’s dick, but this was too much for her, she had to have it. She had to taste it.

Starting with her index finger, she licked off the cum from base to tip. The taste was incredible. She couldn’t control herself. Quickly she began sucking and licking every crevice she could reach. It made her woozy, drunk of the taste of this stranger’s cum she swallowed every morsel. Lastly she sucked the cum off her wedding ring. Completely covered in spunk, she sucked it dry, watching it glisten afterwards. She still loved Nathan and she promised herself she would make it up to him, this stranger’s cum was just too much for her to handle.

Hungrily her gaze turned from her hands to the stranger’s manhood. It was dripping in deliciousness, a feast of jizz just waiting for her starved mouth. She hopped up on her knees, facing the stranger in her chair.

“That’s right bride whore, I want you to suck my cock completely dry. Clean up the mess you’ve made.”

Denying Nathan her mouth’s virginity, Jamie lowered her lips onto his steely dick with her skirt-covered ass up in the air, right in Nathan’s snoring face. Her pouty lips slipped slowly over his mushroom head, opening wide to fit its entire girth. Swirling her tongue around his engorged member she tasted her prize. Like a lollipop, Jamie sucked and licked this stranger’s cock from base to tip, her hand helping to keep the monster steady. Bobbing up and down, she watched as the cum pooled up around her hands. There was so much cum she felt full, like drinking a gallon of milk. Jamie made her way down to his balls, licking and sucking as she went. Her soft lips took in each one of his nuts, slowly sucking them clean of their filthiness. It was an incredible feeling, and her sopping wet cunt was evidence of that.

“Mmmmm, so good you slutty bride,” moaned the stranger she was sucking off.

She was a bride whore, a married slut, she was all these things and she couldn’t stop herself. Inside she still felt confused, and her love for Nathan was very much alive. In the end she promised she would return the favour to Nathan before they landed and would never speak of this again.


For the next hour on the flight Jamie fought her feelings of betrayal to Nathan. The stranger whose glorious cock she had milked and licked clean was sound asleep, but she couldn’t help continuing to glance at his crotch. It was an incredible feeling and she loved every minute she had spent pleasing his manly dick, but she knew it could only be a one-time affair. She was going to nip this in the bud right now by rekindling her love for her hubby. It was still the middle of the night and at least 6 hours were left on their flight, plenty of time to re-enact exactly how she had milked and sucked the stranger’s cock and guzzled his hot cum down her throat.

She felt confident in herself, knowing exactly what she should do. Her inner-slut returned as she reached under her hubby’s blanket and started running her hands up and down his thighs. Nathan stirred in his chair, slowly coming to, his legs spreading slowly just as the stranger’s had. Jamie was back to her old self, desperately trying to erase the thoughts and feelings she had for this stranger and his cock, while at the same time replacing them with the love for her newlywed husband and his manliness.

Just like with the stranger, she wanted to pull his cock out of his pants before it got hard. It was so empowering the way the stranger’s limp, warm member had grown so big and hard through the work of her smooth hands. Quickly she grabbed Nathan’s zipper, yanking it down and pulling the button open with it. Her pussy ached, her fingers longing to feel his manhood in her tiny palms. Nathan moaned slightly, and turning to look at his new bride, he smiled and winked at the same time. This was what Jamie wanted, the feeling of love that no stranger or his cock could ever emulate. She returned the smile and brought her lips to his as her hand slipped inside the hole of his cotton boxers. Thoughts of how big and hard his cock would be after 20 years of celibacy ran through her mind as her tongue swirled in Nathan’s mouth.

The first thing her fingers felt were his pubic hair, much different this already was than the large smooth member of the stranger next to her. It was okay that Nathan hadn’t cleaned himself up for their honeymoon, Jamie reassured herself, we’re both completely new to this. But where was his penis? Abruptly ending her lip lock with Nathan, Jamie was frantic now, groping around his pubic hair to find something, anything. Where the hell was it? Then she felt it. She quickly likened what she held in her fingers to a three-inch limp noodle buried in his pubes. Was that really it?!?

Calm down Jamie, she said to herself. Give it a chance. Smiling at her hubby, she again pulled his lips to hers. She remembered how she had tamed the stranger’s flaccid member into a steel rod in just moments. Maybe Nathan’s would do the same, but it was so small compared to the other man! Reliving the moment in her mind, she tried to pull Nathan’s cock out of his boxers, but it was too tiny to make a difference. Okay… Okay… she thought. Let’s see what we’ve got to work with, there’s still a chance.

Jamie reached in and started teasing the noodle with his fingers. Running her fingers all over and tracing around his mini-cock. Nathan was moaning slightly to her touch, but she felt no difference in size. Pathetic little twitches here and there, but for all of her effort it was only semi-hard. When Jamie squeezed it in her hand, she felt like she was squeezing a little smoked sausage.

“Ohhhhh,” Nathan stifled his moan as he turned his face into Jamie’s neck, his hips rocking back and forth. Jamie felt a tiny spurt of liquid hit her palm, cold and slimy.

“Wow babe, that was incredible,” Nathan huffed in her ear, “thank you.”

Did he just cum? Was that it?!? I didn’t even stroke his cock, I barely even squeezed it! Jamie was seriously panicking now. The stranger made me clean him up there was so much cum. I was literally full after swallowing it all. Doesn’t he want me to clean him up too? Calm down, calm down, she thought again. If this is truly what I have to work with, at least there is some cum down there. I can still salvage this honeymoon.

“Oh I’m not done with you yet, I’ve still got to clean you up my big boy,” Jamie purred in his ear.

Hopping onto her knees she dove her head under Nathan’s blanket, her ass now in the snoring stranger’s face. Not letting go of his quickly deflated and limp penis, Jamie brought it to her mouth. It barely went past her lips, and what was that taste? It was like someone had thrown up and covered it in salt. She gagged slightly, determined to clean him properly, but there was nothing left to clean. Was this really what she had to look forward to, not only during the honeymoon but every night after that? Jamie pulled her lips off his pathetic noodle dick, she couldn’t even find his balls. Her anger swelled up and she felt betrayed by Nathan.

Why had he led her on like this only to disappoint her in the end with his sad excuse for a cock? How could she even expect him to get her pregnant? There was no way his seed was going to reach her womb. What if by some miracle they did get pregnant and it was a boy? He would have the same pathetic manhood as her husband. She couldn’t let that happen. Immediately she made a decision that would change their lives forever. No matter how much she loved Nathan, his pathetic little cock made her hate him just as much. She might pretend to love him for a while, but this slut bride was going to get the cock, cum, and pregnancy she desperately wanted.

It was then she felt it, a rough hand on her leg. It slowly snaked its way up the smoothness of her inner thigh, teasing her thong-covered snatch, yanking the G-string out of her ass and snapping it back. A jolt of electricity shot through her crotch, she opened her mouth to moan and took in her husband’s limp noodle dick to quiet herself. The stranger was groping her crotch roughly and she immediately wanted it. Her husband’s stupid cock twitched slightly in her mouth, responding to her lips.

If she had to please this pathetic little penis in order to keep Nathan’s attention at bay, that’s what she would do. She craved a man’s touch and that’s what her pussy was getting from the stranger. Jamie flicked her tongue out, teasing her husband’s disgusting dick. Nathan humped her mouth, moaning slightly as she worked it back to semi-hardness. The stranger had now grabbed her thong and pulled it down to her mid-thigh. The darkness of the cabin hiding his actions, he took two fingers and ran them up and down her gushing cunt.

It was so wet, dripping her juices on his fingers as he ran them up and down and all around her swelling lips. They stopped on her clit, slowly massaging her ultra-sensitive nub, rubbing it to a swollen lump. Jamie couldn’t take it, electricity shot through her crotch, and the stirrings of a giant orgasm began to build deep inside.

Without warning, a tiny spurt of Nathan’s nasty cum shot in her mouth. It was all Jamie could do to not throw it back up. With Nathan finished, she wouldn’t be able to continue the stranger’s onslaught of her pussy unnoticed. A vengeful idea overcame her, and she quickly raised her lips to meet Nathan’s. As she swirled his sickly cum around both of their tongues, Jamie laughed at the idea of him getting a taste of his own gross medicine.

With one hand she roughly grabbed Nathan’s and clasped it to her right boob. With her other hand she reached between her legs, grabbed the stranger’s wrist, and forced him to shove his fingers deep in her slippery cunt in one quick motion.

The orgasm was intense. Her lips were still locked onto Nathan’s and at this point practically spitting his disgusting seed back into his mouth. Nathan groped her boob roughly, inexperienced, but stimulating still the same. He could serve a purpose, Jamie thought to herself. The stranger’s fingers were now pummelling her pussy as it convulsed on his fingers, squeezing them tighter and filling up her insides. If only Nathan knew what was going on under my skirt, Jamie couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him.

Quickly she thought back to his puny cock and premature ejaculations. Immediately she quit feeling sorry, he was a pathetic excuse for a man. Her hubby was nothing like the stranger behind her, loaded with a 9 inch cum cannon and fingers of orgasmic power. As her orgasm subsided, Jamie pulled her lips away from Nathan’s. He smiled and thought how lucky he was to have Jamie for his new bride. He couldn’t wait to continue their exploits in Jamaica and start trying for the child they had spoken of.

Jamie felt the stranger’s fingers pull slowly out of her sopping pussy. She immediately missed him inside of her, knowing that Nathan would never be able to deliver in the man department the way this stranger just had. She smoothed her skirt and sat back down, pulling her thong back up to cover her snatch and then sliding her blanket around her. How had she begun this flight with such different feelings for her husband?

She was really looking forward to their time together, but now all she could think of was ways she could get other men to cum all over her, inside of her, and impregnate her womb like only a real man could. Her hand wandered under the stranger’s blanket again, inside of his unzipped pants and around his entire manhood. She let out a sigh and realised she wanted it now more than ever.

Nathan got up and headed to the bathroom. Her eyes shot to the stranger and they locked gazes. This slutty newly wed had at least 5 minutes to do whatever she pleased with his manly cock.

One comment

  • Sean

    Good so far. But I hope she mounts him and he cums deep in her before her hubby returns.


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