The Small Penis Club
By microminiman.

I started posting out there and sent her my picture (no face – just chest down and no pants naturally). We became pretty good email buddies and Kelli (she provided her name) asked for some more photos, but I never sent her any with my face. She liked one of me posing Captain Winky next to a 3.5″ floppy disk and nearly equalling it’s length. I really enjoyed her snarky comments and she said that I was probably the smallest member on her site. Of course that turned me on more.
She mentioned I was a ‘tiny white guy’ and when I asked her what her race was, she said she was Vietnamese. She liked to rub it in that of all the guys who sent her pictures, none were less than 4 inches like me! She also mentioned that the make up of her membership was nearly 60% white and 40% Asian (hmmm, she never mentioned any blacks or Latinos – strange…) She liked flirting around on the forums although sometimes she would launch some zingers. She really liked kidding around with her “little boys” as she called us.
Anyway, we got friendly enough that she asked about me and I told her my name and where I worked. She emailed me and said something like: “OMG – my brother Don works at the same place you do! He helped me build this site.” I came to find out her brother was a Vietnamese co-worker of mine. We were actually a pretty good friends. He was about 8 years younger than me and quite athletic (I was already starting to show a bit of middle age spread and I was in my lower 30s at the time). He was also at least 5 inches shorter than me in height.
She must have let on about me because one time at lunch he and I were talking and he said something like, “My sister Kelli runs that website for you little guys.” I was a bit nonplussed that a Vietnamese ‘boy’ who was about a head shorter than me lumped me in with ‘little guys’. Still, it was a bit intriguing that he said it like that and I wondered what he was hinting at.
Well, I got to meet Don’s family (he had 3 sisters, Kim, Julie and Kelli – she was the youngest). Kelli was really very young, just graduated high school. I actually found middle sister Julie to be very attractive and suggested movies, dinners, or dances. Anything to get together with them. I don’t think she found me as attractive as I did her (and I found out later Kelli had told her about me being a member of her little penis club), but I was handy to have around on dance floors etc. to keep some of the more aggressive grinders away from her. She was so tiny.
Anyway, Don and his girlfriend Jessica were going to Spring Break and he actually invited me and Julie to come along. We would be staying at some apartments in South Padre. I was keen to go as long as Julie was there, so I gladly accepted. I took some vacation time off and we headed down in a van we rented. We picked up some more revellers in Houston and kept going.
When we got there, Don and I were going to share one room and his sister and girlfriend would share the other. The first night we arrived, we were tired, but a hot tub beckoned and we decided to relax a bit before turning in. I got down there a few minutes before the rest and was glad to see Julie and Jessica coming down the stairs. Both were lovely little Vietnamese girls and had on very sexy bikinis. Jessica wore some contacts that made her eyes almost a violet blue and her suit was fiery read. Julie’s was a classic black with very small cups and a French cut bottom. I was in heaven. They got in and I nervously talked to them as I felt my Captain Winky start to get very stiff in my trunks.
Don came down with a towel around his waist. His muscular arms and torso were very impressive on his small frame. He stepped out of his flops and dropped his towel. His swim suit was a dark green Speedo. My eyes bugged as I looked at what he had stuffed into it: he had to lay his large soft cock sideways so that it nearly stretched to the edge of his right hip and his balls looked like they were straining to burst through the fabric! He yawned and stretched so that his pecs, abdominal and thigh muscles flexed and some pubic hair started becoming visible and then a bit of his scrotum started to appear.
“Don…” Julie yelled “…we don’t want to see your private parts! Well, at least Ron and I don’t.” Then she laughed.
Jessica joined in and I sat there dumbly as he reached down and pushed his obscene flesh back into the over-stuffed material. Surprisingly, my erection felt diamond hard at that moment, not that anyone besides me would have noticed.
“Uh… sorry about that,” he muttered and then took a step onto the seat of the hot tub.
He stayed standing there for a few seconds as he looked around for something. His package was right there in front of all our faces and shaking up and down and I guess Julie noticed my amazed stare.
“My brother could never be a member of the Kelli’s Small Penis Club, could he Ron?” Julie volunteered with some slight inflections on certain words and that brought on more giggles from the girls as my face turned bright red.
I looked up and Don’s face cracked into a big smile and he winked at me knowingly. He finally sat down and Jessica moved under his arm and melted into him with her violet eyes looking so proudly at him. I’m pretty sure her cute little hand was lying on top of that massive mound of man meat under the waves!
There was a change of plans that night, Don and Jessica decided they needed the bedroom he and I were to share. Julie gave me a quick hug and said “See you at breakfast tomorrow big fella.” and ran into the other room and closed the door.
I lay down on the sofa and a few minutes later I could hear the creaking of the bed springs in the other room. Muffled whimpers and moans started being emitted and I couldn’t help but imagine what damage Don’s huge cock must be doing to Jessica’s delicate little Asian pussy.
The creaking kept going and the moaning kept getting louder. I couldn’t take it any more and my hand quickly pushed down my shorts and underwear and I started jacking my little dick furiously with my index finger and thumb in time with the squeaks of the bed. I imagined how it must feel to have a Superman-sized cock tunnelling deeply into a tight cunt and heavy duty balls just slamming into a beautiful, exotic woman’s bottom. Short Don and his huge Asian cock definitely put me into the group of ‘little guys’ he mentioned before. I came long before Don and Jessica climaxed so I started again. They did it again too. It was a long night.
The next few days we went to the beach and Don even entered and won a Best Bod on the Beach contest. Like I said, he wasn’t tall, but he had a great physique and when he danced in his Speedos – all bets were off. Although I never got to fuck Julie, I probably had more action on that Spring Break than I ever did in my life.
The End.
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6:09 am
Are there others like me my friends call me llucasade
11:14 pm
Sorry I have no msnhood