The Porno Booths (Gay Themes)

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This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this story, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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By TinyTroy. (Edited)

I paid the admission in the store front and was buzzed into the non-stop movie arcade. I was confronted by a dark corridor which held 16 booths, 8 on each side. In each booth was a chair, a trash receptacle for used paper towels, and a TV with up and down buttons so you can scan through the 36 porno movies playing at any one time. Some of the porno’s were straight, some gay, some with fetishes, in English, German, French, and other languages. It was a real mixture of stuff porn that’s for sure.

Men cruised down the hallway looking into rooms predominantly to find other men who to play with in the private booths. In some rooms men would sit in their chair clicking the channel buttons and rubbing their crotch through their pants in an obvious manner. Their doors would be slightly open to allow men outside to peek in. Rules of the theatre forbid two people in a booth at one time, but this did not mean it didn’t happen.

It just meant it was done on the sly.

At the far end of the hallway where is was more secluded and blocked from view, were the busiest movie booths. What differentiated these booths from the ones at the front was that each one had a hatch that would open so you could see inside to the booth next to it. The only drawback was this was not some kind of glory hole as under the hatch was glass.

In each booth the person inside could close the hatch for private stroking, or open the hatch to put on a show for whomever was in the next booth. There are 3 such coupled booths on each side of the hallway and these are the most in demand, of course.

Men would naturally seek out these booths as most of them came to try to hook up with another guy.

If the person in the other booth is unappealing though, they will close the hatch hoping to wait it out until someone more to their liking will replace him, or the rejected guy has either cum or given up and left.

On my first visit it took a long time waiting to get one of the coveted exhibitionist booths so I was very excited. But the first guy I seen through the glass was an unattractive senior man who was masturbating. I opened my booth door all the way hoping that guys walking down the hall would see the old guy masturbating through the hatch in my booth and make him leave quicker.

It didn’t. The old perv.

Finally after the ugly elderly man left an attractive man took the booth next to me and I felt my sense of excitement grow again. We locked our respective doors, took off our coats and began putting on a show for each other through the glass. We began rubbing our cock’s in our pants and I couldn’t help but notice his bulge was very large.

We opened our pants.

He had on very loose-fitting grey boxer briefs and even with all that fabric his penis was clearly huge. We stroked ourselves with our pants pulled down teasing our cocks in our underwear. He was smiling as we were both putting on quite a show for each other playing peekaboo with our balls, and roughly fisting ourselves through the underwear. I motioned for him to pull down his boxers.

He did and as predicted his penis was HUGE, and not even all the way hard yet but already thick as my wrist and over 8″ with a huge head sliding through the foreskin.

I pulled down my tight boyish little briefs to reveal my shaved crotch and small stiff penis. He looked at my 4.5 inch dick and immediately pulled up his pants and left.

Was mine too small?

He was then replaced by another senior who had his cock whipped out before he even shut the door. His penis was also huge making me feel even more self-conscious about my own cock. I closed the hatch and masturbated my little dick alone that day feeling very embarrassed.


On my 2nd visit a really cute guy played show and tell in the next booth with me. He signalled that he wanted in to my booth and I allowed it. He snuck in as quickly and quietly as possible and began to hold me and feel me up in my clothes. He stroked my hard little ass and opened my pants. I struggled with his belt until he finally pulled his own pants down.

Again, his penis was huge. About 8″ uncut and very, very thick. Down came my pants. I was humiliated again. We sat on the floor and began masturbating ourselves. He tickled my hairless pink opening with his big finger and I held his big balls. We both looked at our cocks next to each other and noted the differences between his cock and my pee pee.

He stood leaving me on the ground and we both understood that the guy ‘without a man’s cock’ should pleasure the man with the dick. He mashed my face into his balls which I admit smelled great. I lapped all over his balls while he skinned his cock-head free and lightly fingered his hugeness. I lapped the sides of his huge shaft holding on to his ass cheeks.

Then he turned and put his butt right in my face.

I absolutely loved it. So I pushed my face as deep into his ass as I could, and reached around to stroke his big cock with one hand while squeezing his big balls in the other. My own dick went soft and received no more attention. After about 10 minutes of this scenario he abruptly and without warning blew a big load of cum and then started cleaning himself up.

Then without a word he left.

I opened the hatch again now I was alone to find an attractive older daddy type. He was thrilled to see a cute younger guy on the other side of the hatch and promptly pulled down his underpants exposing his cock to me. After a few strokes he pumped up his dick and unbelievably he too was very large. I pulled out my hairless prick and he seemed to like that I was like a little boy with a boy dick. He grasped his cock firmly and thumped it against the glass.

I felt like he was telling me, “Son, this is what a man’s cock looks like. Maybe you’ll have a man’s cock someday. Now, fondle your pee pee for daddy.”

I got really excited and was just glad he wasn’t turned off by my small dick. His cock was so plump and firm, and he stroked it with such a manly grip, while I diddled my cocklette with a thumb and one finger showing my daddy how stiff my “little boy dinker” could get. I let go of it and let him see it throbbing and bouncing up and down.

I came so quickly as little dick masturbator bois sometimes do.


On visit #3 one of the coupled booths had both doors closed and locked. Another set featured a completely naked senior who had his door slightly open in addition to the hatch and was occasionally spanking himself. Were he able to be fully erect his penis would have been huge as well. As it was, it was already very fat, and 7″ long. An impotent senior showing a whole lot more dick half-hard than I ever will rock hard!

After a while I got the very back coupled booth which I liked. A cute guy walked in and we both closed our doors and opened our hatches and began rubbing our crotches for each other. Just my luck his penis was almost 8″ as well and three times my thickness. We watched each other for a while, me showing off my hairless balls and flat tummy and him obviously aware that with his big meat compared to mine he needed to do nothing but show his dick. After a while he put his big dick back into his underwear and left which made me disappointed.

But suddenly he was behind me in my open doorway wanting to come into my booth.

To be honest I wasn’t really sure I wanted him to as he was just a little creepy somehow. He tried to nudge me inside and I said, “No!”

He just smiled assuming it would only be a matter of time, him having a penis and me not, before I gave in. I opened the hatch again to see that a nasty looking overweight old guy with a thick grey moustache was now there, and he gave me the impression he wouldn’t be giving up his booth anytime soon.

The other creepy guy with the 8″ dick returned to my doorway again and tried to grope my dick through my pants, shielded from sight by my door (since I was at the furthest booth in the hall)> He reached for my dicklet and I slapped his hand away. This guy was now pissing me off.

The man in the next booth was not even touching his trousers as he watched the porno film and clearly wasn’t going anywhere, nor were there any other coupled booths available. So I closed the hatch and made it clear he would be sitting alone until hell froze over. Then I noticed a cute guy hanging out nearby smiling at me.

The man in the booth coupled with mine gave a tentative look at the newly available coupled booth across the hallway, and by the time he could see that it was the nasty masturbating senior with erection problems, the cute guy smiling at me had stolen his booth. I immediately returned to my booth and locked my door, opening the hatch as fast as I could.

We fondled ourselves through our clothes and eventually pulled our dicks out. Mine was as hard as a bone. He stroked his with his hand in such a way that his cock remained hidden from me. When I could get a peek it appeared he wasn’t getting hard. But he had really small balls and his cock looked nice and thin. Not long after we had starting mucking about he suddenly pulled up his pants and left his booth leaving me a bit disappointed.

I pulled up my pants and unlocked my door but to my surprise he was standing there smiling at me. He stepped inside my booth and shut the door locking it and then turned and began stroking my ass, and fondling me through my pants. I closed the hatch as that ugly old man was back had already reclaimed the coveted booth, and there was no way I was going to let him watch us.

We pulled down our pants and underwear and checked out each others dicks. Lucky me, his dick was tiny. His small, uncut, finger-thin cocklette hardened and I realised that it had been hard before when I was looking through the glass, just hidden because his palm completely covered it.

He began stroking my cock and before long it was at its full length and girth of 4.5 inches.

Now my little peeny was the bigger one.

He lost his erection.

I liked his dick even more, the smaller it got!

I held his cute little worm in my hand getting more and more excited. Had he stroked me well I would have cum very quickly. Luckily, not being used to cut dicks he went nowhere near the head so I was able to hold off cumming for almost 20 minutes. I watched him tug on his tiny flap of skin, his little penis staying hidden inside while I lightly fondled his baby-sized balls.

He got me off eventually and was appreciative to have had such a nice body to work on. I was glad to finally see a cock that didn’t dwarf mine. I’d have gladly played with him longe, but he was ready to split.

So was I.

It was a good visit.

Alls well that ends well.


On my next visit the booths were all taken. After waiting about 45 minutes I finally got one of the coveted back booths with observation hatch. No sooner had I snared that one, the one next to it opened up and a cute guy in his 20’s grabbed it.

We immediately went into our booths, locked our doors, and opened our hatches. Upon seeing me he gave me a thumbs up and had this sexy boyish grin that really turned me on. We made a big show of rubbing our crotches in our jeans, then both opened our jeans. We rubbed ourselves through our underwear. He didn’t pull his down too quickly which was a good sign because smaller hung men often like underwear play in my experience.

He was gripping his shaft through his undies and it looked great to me. I wasn’t sure how hard it was but it was clearly not going to be one of these huge dicks I’d seen in some of my previous visits (thank god). He was smiling and giving me thumbs up and other signs he liked what he seen on my side of the booth. I showed him my tight body, flat tummy, and pointy pink nipples on a muscular shaved hairless chest.

I was buff.


Finally we pulled our underpants down and he gave me another thumbs up, and another big grin. I liked what I saw too. It was about the same length as mine, but his was uncut and VERY slender. He played with it and stroked it and then pulled it down so I could watch his stiff little dicklette bounce up again. We continued like this for about 5 minutes more until I indicated through the glass that I wanted him to come into my booth, so we could have more fun.

He signalled ‘Okay’ and pull up his pants up and I closed the hatch on my side (since the booth would be snapped up by someone else once he left it, we couldn’t let the new person see that there were two of us in my booth or else we’d get kicked out of the theatre).

Once he was in my booth we embraced and finally undid each other’s pants. We began fondling each other through our underwear, which I liked. He felt small and stiff inside. We pulled our underpants down to our knees, and took hold of each other’s boners. I began to move the smooth skin up and down the shaft of his hot little member and in only a few seconds he stilled my hand afraid to cum too quickly.

He tickled my hairless pink balls, as I lubed up my cut cock aiming to catch up to him. I held his thin rock-hard shaft in my fingers letting him hump into my fist slightly which was the most stimulation he could endure without cumming. Feeling how stiff his nearly finger-thin cock was, excited me tremendously.

Soon I was ready to blow too and it took only a few firm strokes on his rock-hard little dinker to get him off as well. His little cock bubbled a bit of juice while mine sprayed several feet out into the air which made him smile that beaming boy grin at me again. His little cock stayed hard and he held onto the booth ready for another round. I dressed and left after mopping up all the cum. My huge load had definitely taken care of me.


My next visit brought with it a surprise… they had opened up a new basement area which was more like the sex arcades of other cities. Rooms where several men could sit on a bench (and fondle each other), as well as a curtained dark area (with purposely cut glory holes) complimented the new booths.

I immediately saw an Asian man of about my age who was shortish, very thin, and quite cute. He sat next to me on a bench as we looked at the gay action on the screen. I wasn’t ready to go right to it so after walking around a bit and checking out the other men there, I went into a booth leaving the door slightly open until he found me.

I nodded to indicate he could come in and he entered the booth and locked the door. We stripped our shirts off and pulled down our pants. I touched his tiny erection and marble-sized balls through his silky underpants. He began grinding against me and it seemed clear he wanted his tiny bottom fucked.

To be honest I did not intend to fuck him, I only wanted to suck his little dick and maybe kiss his bottom. Then if everything went to plan, leave with a nice hand job. But looking back I understand where the signals got crossed. At first I first sucked him, then turned him around to kiss his glorious perfectly clean hairless ass. I put lube on my stiff dick so he could jerk me off.

Of course he thought I had sucked him only enough to arouse not to get him off, I loosened his ass with my tongue and then he started milking my prick with practised strokes. He rubbed my cock against his bottom and the next thing I know his ass had greedily sucked my dick inside it. I was in a quandary as I didn’t want to be inside him without protection, but even though fucking him felt great I withdrew my cock and went back to sucking him.

He began fucking my mouth but with his tiny thin penis, there was no challenge to this whatever. He resumed pumping my hard on as I stroked his deep red 3 inch dick. Then he grabbed his own dick and began pumping fast working towards the two or three drops that were his little climax, quickly.

He then resumed stroking me but wanted to watch me jack myself off which I did. He was the best sex partner I had ever found in a sex corridor.


Hooked, my next visit came only 2 days later. It was a Saturday so I figured it would be busier than ever.

Boy was I wrong.

I guess their stock in trade is people sneaking away during the work day, not people spending the weekend hours. There was only one other guy, an older daddy type. I figured if it was going to be him then I’d rather watch some films for a while and tease him. Make him follow me around like a horny old dog if he really wanted it.

He did!

Eventually I seen him masturbating in a booth with an observation hatch and I started rubbing my cock in my pants letting him watch. I teased him, showing him my hard on in my pants then in my baby blue bikini briefs. I pulled the waistband down, showing him my hairless groin, and wrapped the blue underpants around my thick dick for a peekaboo jack off session with him. Perhaps, I’ll go back, next time I’m in town. It seems the right kind of “sex” for a small dick masturbator.

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