So You Have A Small Cock?

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These stories are the artistic expression of the authors who wrote them. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this post, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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By Anon.

The hotel door opened slowly until the chain caught. On the other side was an older man about six-foot three, and broad shoulders. His neck was large and he was strong-looking. He looked at me with appraising eyes and I told him my name. I said that I had talked to him and his wife online and I was there for a planned meeting. He said, in a rather booming voice, “You look shorter than your picture.”

I felt my face turning red in some embarrassment and in some part anger. He slowly closed the door keeping an eye on me the as he did and after a long moment he unlatched and opened the door. He wore a business casual attire and though he was clearly old enough to be retired. I could tell he was still active as some sort of business man or professional. He carried a presence of being in charge. He said his name was Jim. He offered me a drink and I welcomed it. I was nervous as hell. I had never meet up with a couple before and I was unsure of myself. He never offered me a seat. And looked at me with concern. Suddenly he asked, “So you have a small cock? How long is it?”

“Four and three-quarter inches,” I replied.

“Is it thick?”

What could I say? “It’s pretty thick, but not a chode,” I said.

“You said your weight was about average but it looks like you are what a thirty-six waist?”

He barked out like I was on trial. I was just about to abort this mission when the door to the hotel bathroom opened and a petite lady about ten years my senior stepped out in a bath robe. Her hair was long and so grey it was almost pure white. She had the worn face and very sweet smile of grandmother playing with her grand-kids. When I lowered my eyes to the robe I was startled. It was cinched tight at the waist which could not have been over twenty-six inches. The front of the robe jutted out at her chest and I could see distinct points even through the terry cloth. Below her waist the robe widened out like the bottom of an hour-glass. I tried to keep my attention on her smiling face but I was so curious as to what lie under the robe.

Her presence was just the opposite of Jim’s. She walked up and lay her hand on my cheek and said, “You must be Bill. I’m Alice, I’m so glad to finally meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” I said, as I got a glimpse of her ample thigh when the robe parted just a little.

She offered me the chair and Alice and Jim set side by side on the bed. The chair was low and when Alice sat down I could see more leg and it stirred my curiosity more. Jim looked sternly at me but Alice did the talking and she always had a smile on her face. We talked about our likes and dislikes sexually but nothing else came up in the conversation. Alice confided in me that my desire to perform oral sex and the fact that I was not huge was what interested her in me. She said that I was attractive and she would like to continue if I found her desirable. She stood and opened the robe and let it fall to the floor. My tongue got thick and I found it hard to speak when I finally did it was just, “Oh my God.”

Her chest was narrow probably thirty to thirty-two inches, but her breasts had to be DD and hung heavily. Her nipples were long and as big around as my thumb. Her waist was narrow and her hips were a good thirty-eight inches. Her thighs were ample and tapered to slim legs before the knee. All I could think was I must have gone to heaven. I was instantly hard. She looked down at my slacks and said, “I guess I can take that as a yes?”

I told her I had dreamed of this moment when I could help a man please his sexy wife to a level that one man cannot do alone. She smiled a little sheepishly and Jim said that it would just be me. He was there to observe.

Alice unbuttoned my shirt and Jim retreated to the chair in the corner of the room. Her fingers lightly stroked my chest pausing on my nipples from time to time. She was in no hurry and completely undressed me. She brushed her finger tips over my entire body. When she removed my socks she kissed my calves and slowly worked her way up my legs with kisses and light brushes of her tongue. Her tongue was so warm. I could feel it building a fire in my groin. After licking my balls she abruptly took my whole cock into her mouth. I cried out and I felt the velvety warmth engulf me. I looked down and seen her smile and watched her breast swing as she move her head back and forth. I knew this was not going to take long. She was so good at this, and when she started moving her tongue against the bottom of my throbbing dick I cried, “I’m about to cum!”

In order to give her warning. She did not pull me out instead she drove down hard and I could feel my swollen head strike the back of her throat. I came in one big squirt down the back of her throat. My body trembled and my knees shook. My breath was ragged and my eyes were a little blurry. “Now you can concentrate on your task and not on your throbbing cock,” she said, with a big Cheshire cat grin.

She turned and raised her hair up from her shoulders. It was like had read my mind. I reached around her and caressed her heavy breast in my palms and stroked the firm nipples with my thumbs. I kissed and licked the back of her neck and she voiced her approval with little moans of pleasure. I kissed and licked all around her collar and shoulder and back. Slowly working my way down. As my lips lowered so did my fingers I barely let the finger tips touch her sides and her belly slowly working my way down in circular motions. I let my tongue trail down her spine. When I got to the cleavage of her hips, she said in a husky voice, “Don’t go there until after you kiss me.”

She turned and her lips met mine. They were much softer than I had imagined they would be. They were warm, wet and sweet. We kissed lightly at first then as the passion built the kiss grew hard and filled with lust. I eased my tongue between my lips and as I did her tongue pushed it aside and she filled my mouth with her tongue tasting me and fuelling the passion between us. I found it hard to breath and pulled away. I let my lips rest on her neck and continued to kiss and lick the front of her body as I had the back. When I got to her navel she eased back on the bed a slid a pillow under her wonderful ass. I raised her legs and kissed each ankle. Ever so slowly I worked my way down from one leg to another. I smelled her musk as I moved down her legs. It only made me want to taste her more.

Her skin seemed warmer with ever inch I moved down. Her thighs were so silky smooth and I dwelled on licking them as I got close to her Labia. Heat was radiating from her and I was amazed that she radiated so much more warmth than the younger women I had been with. I let my tongue lightly touch her lips and she let out a soft moan. I heard a noise and turned to see Jim. He too had moaned. He was naked. His eyes were glazed and he was stroking his cock with some kind of oil on it. It was huge. I bet eight inches and the light from the table lamp shimmered on it.

I slid my tongue inside Alice and tasted the sweet nectar of her sex. Damn her pussy was warm like she had a fire inside. The taste and the warmth almost caused me to lose control. I had to reign in my lust for this wonderful woman. I withdrew my tongue and methodically licked her lips, teased her clitoris and kissed her thighs and mound. With each pass I would let my tongue dive a little longer, a little deeper inside and tease her clitoris just a little longer than before repeating the process. Her moans became steady and louder with each pass. Her breathing was ragged and loud. Eventually I was licking her clitoris and nothing else.

She was lifting her butt and pushing her swollen clitoris harder against my flicking tongue. I parted my lips and let her clitoris ease between them. I sucked it hard and trapped it between my lips as I pressed down with my tongue stroking it fiercely. She thrust hard and I felt her pelvis strike my face. A scream tore from her lips that had to startle the other guest. Her body shook and she bucked. Her breath was in gasps and she seem to have several orgasms. I was out of breath and did not see her foot before it struck my head. With a lot of force she pushed my head away and she turned and lay in a foetal position. Her breath was harsh and gasping as was mine. I was soaked in sweat and I thought my heart would beat from my chest. We lay their breathing hard until we got our composure.

I thought we were done for the night when she rolled to her knees. On all fours she looked so inviting. All I could think about was holding her wonderful ass in my hands. At that thought my cock sprang to life. I eased behind her and guided the head of my swollen cock to her pussy it was soaking with from her juices and from my tongue. I lubricated the head well and slid it easily inside. Her warmth penetrated me as much as I penetrated her. I pulled all the way out to feel the wonderful warmth again when she placed her hand between her legs and on my cock. She said, “Put it here.”

She lifted my stiff dick toward her anus. It was all clear now. Gee I can be so dense at times. Of course she wanted anal. That is why she wanted a small dick not the monster of Jim. My cock was so hard and so slippery from her juices it went in easily. Her butt was warm and so tight. I looked down and watched my cock disappear in to the most wonderful ass I had ever seen. The sight caused my body to sing with electricity. I could feel the skin tighten on my cock as it swelled to the largest it ever had. I felt that my thighs were vibrating as I watched my body disappear into hers. With each stroke she pressed back hard against my thighs and belly.

The warmth of her butt would soak into me each time. Her anus had a tight grip on me as if it would never let go and I had a sensation of being milked The sight of her small back and full hips before me was like nothing I had ever experienced I felt like all my dreams had come true and sense of pride came over me. Her rhythm was quickening and her ass was slamming harder against me. I saw her fingers below my cock as she stroked her pussy madly. Once again the moans came faster and louder and I felt the pressure building deep inside of me. I held back with all my might wanting to be deep in her to the end but like a bursting dam I felt the tension release. Wave after wave of pleasure flooded over me and I felt my seed wash deep in her ass.

That was all it took for her as she cried out and began to jerk all over. I held here ass tight against me until my dick had shrivelled to nothing and eased out. I still was in wonder of the big round ass I had in my hands. Alice eased down on to the bed and said in an almost begging tone. “now you can lick me there. Lick your come from me lover.” Still on my knees I leaned over and rested on my elbows and slid my tongue between the cheeks of her ass. I felt cum oozing from her and it was very exciting.

Without warning two strong hands clasp down on my waist. I felt my own anus give way as a well-oiled cock stretched me to the limits. Jim grunted and slid the entire length of his massive cock into me. The pain took my breath away but I had such a sensation of being full and he felt so hot. I have used vibrators to stimulate my prostate, but I had never felt like this before. It seemed that I could feel his heart beat deep inside me and he was so warm. As he began to stroke in and out I felt a pleasurable feeling behind my balls and my cock became erect again. It was as if heat was rushing in and out of my body.

Alice rose to her knees and guided my cock in to her pussy I stood still as Jim moved his cock in and out of me and Alice moved my cock in and out of her. I felt like a fire was roaring at both in front and back of me, and I was being consumed in heat. A desire like I had never experienced began to rage through me. I closed my eyes and let the lust and need take me away. Alice arched her back and began to moan. Jim was moaning in my ear and I was moaning contentiously. Jim cried out and I felt his cum wash into me like a fire hose. The warmth of it seem to go straight to my balls as I let out a slow deep moan and delivered my load into Alice’s wanting body. We all crashed to the bed and lay there tangled up and panting for a long time.

I was relieved when Jim’s cock went down and it eased from my sore butt. There was almost a sensation of being empty. It was strange how I was glad to have him out but longed for the experience again. Jim cut out the light and I spooned up next to Alice’s back, with my arm around her waist and her round butt tight against me. Jim put his arm around my waist and pulled his thighs against my butt and we fell off to sleep.

The End.


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