Small Cock Coach (CMNM SPH)

By cmnm.

Kevin Clark felt his face flush red, and his dick shriveled with embarrassment as his teammates yanked down his shorts. His hands were tied to the clothes hook above him, leaving him incredibly vulnerable. All that kept secret between his legs being revealed were his boxers. And once his boxers were down, he’d be unable to cover his manhood. He was on the edge of complete humiliation.

He’d been coaching the village’s local football team for years now. The team varied in age, with him being one of the youngest at 26, while some older members were in their 50s. It wasn’t supposed to be a serious team – just some local lads having a kick about and a few matches against other teams in the area. But Kevin had taken the role of the coach more and more seriously with each passing year. Early morning training, shouting at those who missed a session or were late, cutting folk from the team. The other men had had enough. This was meant to be fun, but now some young guy ruined it for everyone. It was time to take him down a peg or two.

And that’s how Kevin had ended up here. He’d been giving very harsh “constructive” feedback to the players in the dressing room when suddenly, they pounced on him. Before he knew it, he had his hands tied up above him, and he could not escape.

Kevin wriggled and squirmed in his constraints. He had a fairly good muscle definition, but his flexing biceps could have been better now. He was trapped.

Kevin was an attractive guy. Slight stubble dusted off his handsome face, topped with light brown curls. He was only 5ft10 but held himself tall. Despite his facial hair, he had a boyish face. He was also in good shape and often caught the eye of many local girls. However, only a few had had any luck getting him to bed. They all stared wistfully as he ran about the football field, sweaty, muddy, but undeniably sexy.

As he stood there trapped, he felt his heart rate increase. Despite having one of the better bodies on the team, he felt incredibly self-conscious in the changing room. He’d never showered with the guys and always wore loose, shapeless boxers that revealed nothing. His team was soon going to find out why.

“Right, very funny, lads, but untie me now,” he said. He tried to speak authoritatively, but his voice cracked with nerves.

“Not so quick with the comments now, are you, Kev?” said one of the guys. “This team used to be fun, but it’s been horrible since you’ve gotten a bit too big for your boots. We’ve had enough.”

“Okay, if I promise to be nicer, will you untie me?” pleaded Kevin. There was no hiding his desperation now. Tears were forming in his eyes.

“Oh, it’s already too late for that,” was the last thing Kevin heard before a large pair of hands grabbed his boxers and yanked them down. Kevin gave out a girlish yelp as the cold air hit his junk.

There was a brief silence before the entire room erupted with laughter. Between Kevin’s athletic thighs was a teensy tiny nub of a penis. It stuck out about an inch long and was shaftless, unable to hang down properly. His balls looked equally tiny, like two marbles in a tiny, shrunken sack. His public hair was trimmed, which only highlighted how small it was.

Kevin dropped his eyes in shame. He couldn’t bare to look at his laughing teammates.

“Not such a big man now, are you.”

“Christ, my son’s dick is bigger than that.”

“Poor lad.”

“Always knew you were overcompensating for something.”

Then, to make things worse, Kevin heard a phone taking photos.

“Hey! Please don’t! Please!” he begged. “Don’t tell anyone.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have acted like a dick when you don’t even have one.”

The comment stung. Tears were now rolling down his cheeks. He felt utterly degraded. No one would ever take him seriously. His shortcomings would be spread around the village like wildfire.

But to make matters worse, it also… turned Kevin on.

He felt a new wave of embarrassment as he felt the blood rushing to his cock, and it begins to grow. He had never been so humiliated, yet his body seemed to love it. Being made to feel so small and insignificant awakened something in him. Something all his macho bravado as a coach had desperately tried to cover up. A submissive side that wanted to be teased and dominated. His dick was ultimately useful, other than to humiliate him.

Soon his dick was at its maximum length, pointing straight up at the ceiling. Fully hard, it was only marginally longer and still incredibly skinny.

“Christ, Kevin’s got a bone!”

“Not grown much, has it!”

“Would a condom even fit on that?”

“Let’s measure it.”

Kevin opened his mouth to protest again but found a pair of smelly underpants shoved into it, silencing him. To his horror, he watched as one of his teammates put a ruler up to his dick. He felt it gently rub against it. Panic rose in him. He knew what would happen very soon if they continued to touch his dick.

“Jesus, lads, his dick is only 3 inches long…”

This caused more laughter. As the ruler was pulled away, it slid over the top of Kevin’s glands sending waves of organic pleasure through his body. Thankfully his moan was covered up by his teammates’ laughter.

“Anyone got a condom on them? Let’s see if he’s able to fit into one.”

There was a bit of faffing as someone dug a condom out of their wallet and ripped it open. Kevin felt tense up with anticipation. He already knew how this would end. He’d spent years as a teenager constantly checking to see if he’d finally grown big enough to fit into a condom.

“Right, let’s see how he fits into a regular-size one.”

Kevin felt further waves of pleasure spread through him as they rolled the condom onto his cock. He was close to the edge.

The condom was much, much larger for him. His girth barely filled it and hung baggy off him. This made his teammates laugh even more.

And then, one started to pull the condom off his cock. The light friction caused by this was too much for Kev.

He began to cum.

He let out a moan and felt his eyes roll up into his skull as pleasure erupted from his cock. It squirmed like a firehouse. His dick may be tiny, but that didn’t affect how much he could cum. Thick streams oozed out his skinny cock head.

His teammates were bent over pissing themselves laughing.

“A tiny cock and a premature ejaculator? How pathetic.”

“How can balls that small contain that much cum.”

“No wonder he never has a girlfriend.”

Now that he had finished cumming, Kevin’s dick began to shrink back to its nub state. He looked down at his tiny cock, hoping to avoid the gaze of his teammates.

This was the worst, most humiliating day of his life. And deep down, he loved every second of it.


The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website.

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