Revenge of the Clone(d Cock)

by IttyBittyOne45

I had a sinking feeling in my gut as soon as I saw the box. Before she even opened it, I knew what it was going to be. It was the right size and shape. It was also diabolical and genius. I suppose I had no one else to blame but myself. Besides, there was nothing I could do to stop it at this point. In a matter of moments my tiny, little secret would be out of the bag.

All of my closest friends were about to see exactly how big, or more precisely small, my dick is. I heard the wrapping paper rip, and my heart froze during a moment of stunned silence followed by hilarious laughter once the box was opened and its contents revealed. That bitch Jessica had found the perfect revenge, and I can’t say I didn’t earn it.

Jessica and I had started dating in high school. We were each other’s first, and neither of us really knew what we were doing. She had heard losing her virginity would hurt and was pretty confused why her friends made such a big deal about it. To me, it totally lived up to the hype. Her hot wet pussy felt so amazing on my cock that I came in about 30 seconds of awkward thrusting.

“Did you cum?” I asked stupidly.

“Umm, maybe we can try again later,” she replied. “Amanda said that when she and Brad did it the first time he didn’t last very long either.”

I convinced myself it was just the nerves of finally losing my ‘V’ card. Next time I would totally rock her world.

Unfortunately for both of us I never got any better at lasting longer. Sometimes I would come before I even made it inside Jessica’s pussy. She was getting more and more upset with my lack of control as well as jealous of how amazing her friends claimed their sex lives were. I had read in a men’s magazine that toys could help a lot of couples having bedroom problems. So we worked up the nerve to go to the local sex shop and pick one out together. She didn’t want to go alone, and as she pointed out repeatedly, it was my fault she needed one in the first place.

We nervously entered the store which was surprisingly clean and very tasteful.

“Welcome to Couple’s Paradise! Feel free to ask about anything that catches your eye,” said the shockingly sexy girl behind the counter.

“Actually,” Jessica said shyly,” We have no idea what we are looking for.”

The 5 foot 10-inch beauty of a salesgirl, apparently named Megan, was more than happy to help.

“Is there something you need help with?” She said looking directly at me like she knew exactly what the problem was.

“Well, Speedy over there can’t seem to last more than 30 seconds if his life depended on it,” Jessica said in a desperate tone that made me want to die of embarrassment.

Megan explained that there were condoms and special lubes that would help me last longer but that my problem seemed to be pretty extreme so she doubted they would make enough difference. She said that if we really wanted to even up the orgasm scorecard the best option was a nice dildo. I must have looked slightly offended because Megan quickly shifted our eyes to a machine with a curtain around it.

“Or, we are having a special on our cock cloner.” Megan explained,” It is usually for long-distance couples who want to have a special toy to use when they are apart. But it could also work as a great way to finish the job after Minute Man Mike over here busts his load.”

“I think you mean less than minute man mike,” Jessica corrected as both girls laughed loudly.

We decided to try it out as the machine looked pretty fancy. It was a major improvement over the old low-tech clone a willy kits Megan explained. Instead of fast-drying plaster which most people ended up not getting their dick all the way into before they hardened, and therefore were left with a little stub of a vibrator, this machine had you stick your hard dick into a disposable sanitary sleeve. Then the machine’s 3D sensors mapped your dick, and it printed out a perfect although vibrating clone of your cock right there in the store.

Jessica seemed genuinely excited about it,” It will be like yours, but it won’t give up 30 seconds in!”

I was still nervous. I’d have to get hard right there in the store with nothing but a curtain protecting me from anyone who walked in the store. Not to mention that since Megan would be operating the machine, she would basically see my cock because the clone is a perfect copy. After 5 minutes of being indecisive, I finally caved in when Jessica and Megan both agreed to take off their tops while the machine was copying my dick. There was no way I could pass on that. Jessica had long brown hair, green eyes, a great ass, a slim waist, and fantastic C cup tits. Megan, on the other hand, was a tall, athletic blonde with washboard abs and a firm perky B cup. My dick was already hard just thinking about seeing them both naked.

By the time both girls had stripped I was on the verge of cumming right into my shorts. Megan started playing with Jessica’s nipples, and I stripped as fast as I could and put my dick into the machine so quickly that Megan couldn’t help but laugh. It only took about 10 seconds and actually felt kind of good as the sensors surrounded my throbbing cock. The machine beeped to indicate that I could take my dick out and wait for the cloned cock to print. Megan came to my side and glanced at the machine’s monitor. I could have been imagining it, but I swear she smirked as she looked at it.

“Great job there, Mike,” She said and gave me a quick smack on the ass.

That was all it took to send me over the edge. I came instantly, and both girls laughed uncontrollably.

“Wow, you weren’t kidding about being less than a minute Mike,” Megan said as she was struggling to breathe between laughs.

Luckily the sanitary sleeve caught all my jizz and made for easy cleanup. My cock, Megan explained would be done printing in about 30 minutes, so the woman encouraged us to have a look around. Admittedly we were so caught up with the fancy machine that we really had not taken notice of the rest of the store. Now that I did look around I felt my heart sink a little and Megan’s smirk began to make much more sense. The walls were filled with all kinds of dildos and fake cocks. They came in all shapes, sizes, and colors but they also all had something in common. Every single one of them was significantly larger than my cock. Jessica’s mouth hung partially open as this fact was clearly not lost on her.

“How are us real guys supposed to compete with these monsters?” I joked half hoping that Megan and Jessica would agree with me.

“Well some of these are pretty exaggerated,” Megan conceded,” Most women are pretty well satisfied by our more realistic cocks though.”

I felt a little better until my eyes followed her gesturing hand to a nearby counter. They were conveniently labeled small, medium, and large but even the smalls looked pretty big to me. Jessica must have thought the exact same thing because she said as much out loud.

“Well most studies say the average is between 5 and 6 inches so this right here is pretty much an average-sized dick,” Megan said as she set a flesh-colored dildo on the counter.

Just then the machine dinged again, and Megan retrieved our brand new vibrating cloned cock. She set it on the counter right next to the so-called average-sized dildo. The comparison was clear, my cloned cock was half the size of the dildo on the counter. Jessica looked confused and then turned bright red at the realization that we had ‘bigger’ problems than just my lack of stamina. Megan was grinning from ear to ear as she boxed up my dick. As we left, we could hear her calling a friend and laughing hysterically. The car ride back was awkwardly silent as neither of us had the words.

Since we were each other’s first neither of us was aware that I had such a tiny cock. Jessica later admitted that the first thing she did when she got home was to measure my newly cloned cock. The verdict was a pathetic 2.8 inches. She turned it to the highest setting, but it was so short and thin she felt almost nothing. Over the next year, things between us got tenser. She blamed it all on me for having such a pathetic dick. I later found out she went back to the sex shop and Megan had comforted her like it was some kind of abuse she had survived by giving her virginity to such a sad excuse for a penis. Megan felt so bad she actually let Jessica fuck he boyfriend’s 9-inch monster cock.

Jessica broke up with me 2 years later because she said there was no way she could ever marry such a tiny dicked loser. I lashed out a bit and said that maybe we could have worked on it if she hadn’t cheated on me like the slut she is. She walked out without another word, and I realized that may have been a bit too far. Jessica and I made no attempt to remain friends but since we had the same circle of friends avoiding each other completely was not an option either. In fact, we both got invited to the same engagement party for our mutual friends Liz and Steve. The party said to bring fun gifts for the after-party which would take place after the relatively tame party with the families was over. It was clear from the X-rated invitation that these gifts would not be family-appropriate. I had honestly assumed that Jessica had moved on from our contentious breakup because she had immediately started dating our friend Darren who just about everyone in town knew had a gigantic cock.

As Liz began opening presents Jessica leaned into me and whispered in my ear.

“You probably shouldn’t call someone a slut that has a perfect replica of your embarrassingly tiny dick.”

She wouldn’t… would she? Why would she even still have that? My mind raced, but I knew as soon as I same Liz holding the box from the sex shop that Jessica would, and she did. Liz read the card out loud.

“Just remember during the rough times that things could always be worse – Jessica.”

Liz thanked Jessica and said she had nothing to worry about because her man was the best and the room broke out into a coordinated ‘awww.’ She opened the box next, and I could barely breathe as she pulled out a very thin realistic looking 3-inch dildo. Everyone in the room laughed so loud that it hurt my ears.

“Oh my god!” Liz screamed,” There is no way things could get THAT bad. Even 13-year-olds don’t have cocks that small!”

She was laughing so hard that she knocked over the box and a receipt came fluttering out. Liz read the receipt and got a confused look on her face.

“Wait, this says it’s a clone a cock… Are you telling me this baby dick actually belongs to a real-life person?”

The entire party was actually quiet in shock at this statement until someone yelled out.

“Well, we all know that isn’t Darren’s or it’d be at least 3 times bigger!”

One by one our friends put two and two together since I was Jessica’s only other boyfriend.

“No way!” Liz practically screamed,” Are you saying… Mike? Please tell me this isn’t real!”

I couldn’t even make the words of denial come out of my mouth, and my face was beet red. Every single one of my so-called friends was practically on the floor laughing. Everyone was talking at once, but I could hear words like ‘baby dick, tiny, pathetic, shrimp dick,’ and just about every other insult you could think of. I tried to leave, but I felt hands grabbing me as the girls started chanting for me to show them my baby dick. Before I could barely think I felt my pants being ripped down and tossed into the corner. My cock was in full-on retreat as my soft. Usually, a 1.5-inch dick was completely internal except for the tiny cock head that was barely visible.

If the laughter was loud before it was straight up deafening now. I saw camera phones flashing and video recording as these people I considered my closest friends humiliated me for what could best be described as a birth defect or physical handicap. I didn’t ask to have such a small dick after all! But as you can probably guess things went from worse to straight-up hellish.

“Let’s see it get hard!” someone yelled.

And like that, I felt someone pinching at my cock. It became apparent that stroking it was out of the question as there was not enough dick to stroke. But Jessica and I had been together a long time, and she knew me too well. She smacked my ass from behind and tongued my ear.

“Guess it’s you who is the slut, after all, you little pervert,” Jessica whispered as I felt my cock start to get hard.

More pictures were taken, and no one even noticed Jessica sneak a quick finger up my backdoor. I came instantly, this was a trick Jessica had learned when she decided that my dick was just too pathetic to fuck anymore.

“Holy shit!” I heard Liz exclaim,” that redefines the term premature ejaculation. Thank god my husband to be has a real dick and not a millisecond micrometer peter like Mike.”

The rest of the night was a blur of insults, and dozens of pictures that were taken which I’m sure ended up in group chats all over town. Micrometer Peter became my new nickname around town after that night. I thought that maybe some of my friends would have sympathy and side with me over the bitch that ruined my life. As it turns out though no one wants to side with a loser that has a 3-inch dick, Jessica never even needed to explain that I had yelled at her and called her a slut. Micrometer Peter was a pathetic loser who couldn’t even last long enough to even enter a vagina, and that was all they needed to know.

Jessica had earned her revenge, but she definitely knew how to kick a man when he was down. It would appear that I was to be the male stripper for Liz’s upcoming bachelorette party. If I refused Jessica made it clear that the pictures from that night would end all over the internet along with links to my Facebook, address, and phone number so that absolutely everyone would know my tiny, shameful secret…

The End.


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