My Small Penis & Me Part 1

By Anon.

My name is Timothy, but most people call me Tim. I am currently out of a job and living with my Aunt Deborah and her son Jon. Jon and I have always been close, almost like brothers. We are about the same age; we went to school together played sports together; he was a pretty good athlete. Jon always got a lot of chicks in high school, “probably because he is on so many sports teams,” I always thought to myself. Now we even attend the same community college.

One day I got an email from an old high school friend, a girl named Zoey, reading, “Hey Tim, I haven’t seen you in like forever! We should catch up, maybe go out on a date :).” Zoey and I used to be terrific friends, not to mention she was pretty hot. Back in high school, I heard stories from a few different guys who said she got around, but when I asked her, she said she only had sex once and went down on one of her old boyfriends a couple of times. I replied to the email and said it was a great idea, so we went on a date the very next Saturday.

When I saw her that weekend, she didn’t dress too fancy, but she still looked just as sexy as I remembered her from back in the good ol’ days. We went out to get some pizza at California Pizza Kitchen. I thought it was going pretty well since I’m usually pretty nervous around girls. She was flirting with me a lot more than I was with her. She wouldn’t even try to beat around the bush. She blatantly asked, “Do you think I’m sexy?” and said things like, “I bet you an animal in bed.” I didn’t know how to respond except by saying yes and yes. After a while, she asked me if I wanted to go back to her apartment, and I said, of course.

I drove us to her apartment, and the minute we walked in the door, she jumped on me and started making out with me. I hadn’t had much experience making out with girls, I had never had a real girlfriend, and I’d only kissed a few girls in high school. I was a bad kisser, but she didn’t seem to mind. Besides, after a few minutes, I felt like I was getting the hang of it. It felt like it had been an hour of us kissing on her bed. I’m not a guy who gets into romantic bullshit, but I was starting to realize for the first time how hot hooking up was.

“Hmmm… it seems like someone’s getting excited,” she said.

When she said that, I just noticed that I had had a hard-on for some time now, which her leg was pressing up against.

“You want a blowjob?” she asked.

I eagerly responded, “Yes.”

While still kissing me, she reached her hands down and began to unzip my pants. Then she pulled down my boxers just enough so that my hard penis flopped out. She stopped kissing me and looked down at it.

“Oh….uhhh, are you hard right now?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said

“Like all the way?”

“Yes, why?” I answered sternly

“No reason, so do you want that handjob now?” she asked, with her eyes fixed on my crotch.

“I thought you said you were gonna give me a blowjob?” I said

“Yeah, I did, but I just realized that I’m not in the mood. But you still want a handjob.

I was upset that she wouldn’t drop dome on me, but I didn’t want to say anything else and get denied the handjob. So I said, “Yeah, that’s fine.”

She got up and went into the kitchen, then quickly came back with a box of kleenex and some vaseline. She put the vaseline on her right hand and started to jerk my cock very slowly. I couldn’t tell what was wrong, but something seemed off with her. She was now staring intensely at my dick as she jerked it. I was starting to get irritated because she was doing it so slowly, so I asked, “Could you do it a little faster?”

She acted as if I hadn’t just said anything and asked, “Do you mind if I measure your cock,… I mean penis?

Not knowing what she meant by calling it a penis and not a cock, I answered, “Yeah, I guess so.”

She pulled out a ruler (which I was surprised she already had on hand) and lined it up directly next to my stiff member.

She announced, “2.5 inches, hmmm, not quite what I expected.”

“What do you mean? What’s wrong with it?” I immediately got defensive.

“Nothing, nothing’s wrong. It’s just a little below average, is all,” she responded.

“What are you talking about?! What average?”

“Well, the average penis size is five inches; some people say it’s five, though. Either way, you’re a little bit smaller than most men.”

“But it’s okay, right?! It’s not a big deal, right!?”

“Hahaha, yeah, it’s not a very BIG deal at all,” now she was having fun with me.

“Fuck you, Zoey.”

“Awwww, don’t get mad at me; it’s not my fault you have a small dick. Besides, I think it’s kinda cute.”

I didn’t know what to say. I felt so mixed up. I wanted to be angry at her for being so insensitive, but at the same time, I realized she was my only chance of getting laid since most girls didn’t like me. She went on to say, “You mean you never noticed that the other boys in the locker room were bigger than you? Have you ever seen a man’s cock?”

I admitted, “One time I walked in on my dad…”

“That’s probably not the best example since he’s the one you got your little guy from,” she said sharply. “What about your cousin, Jon? I’ve heard from many people that he’s got a huge dick. That’s sort of why I invited you here tonight, I figured it must run in the family, but I guess I was wrong.”

I felt like shit. My high school crush was telling me not only was I inadequate but that my cousin was better endowed than me. Zoey could probably see I was feeling down because she said, ” Hey, cheer up, Timmy. It’s not all bad. I’m still gonna give you that handjob. Will that make you feel better?”

“I guess,” I said sadly.

“Good,” she said. And with that, she took off like a rocket, her greasy hand pumping furiously on me. I couldn’t stay sad for long because I was way too caught up looking at Zoey’s face. She was biting her lip and, once again, gazing intensely at my dick.

“You like that, Timmy?” she cooed, “Do you like when I touch you little pee-pee?” Her hand was still moving fast as lightning.”Does it excite you, little Timmy? Answer me, bitch.”

“Yes!” I said unwillingly,

“Yes, what?” she said, almost threateningly.

“Yes, I like it when you touch my pee-pee!” I nearly yelled

“Cum for me, bitch!”

“Zoey! Oh my GOD, you’re gonna make my little penis cum!” I screamed, and then my semen blasted like a cannon, the first drop going about a foot high and then landing on my chest.

The second blasted not as high and landed on Zoey’s sheets. The rest dribbled out onto Zoey’s hand and on my balls and stomach.

She said, “Wow, that was epic! You screamed like a girl when you came, haha! Was that your first handjob?”

“Yes,” I answered, clearly embarrassed.

“No Way! So then your a virgin too, aren’t you?”


“Awww, that’s sooo cute. That’s why you prematurely ejaculated. Oh my gosh, that explains why you didn’t know how small your penis was! Cause no girl has ever seen it and told you. I guess I kinda popped your cherry.”

“So what? lots of guys my age are virgins.” I was starting to get defensive again.

She said, “Not really, finding virgins are like finding unicorns.”

“Whatever,” I said, “Are we done here?”

“No, you still need to eat me out,” she said

“What?! I didn’t agree to that!”

“Oh, so you thought you could waltz in here, get a free handjob and leave? You have some nerve. No, you’re going to get down on your knees and eat this pussy like it’s a steak dinner right now!” She was pissed.

“Or what?” I retorted

“Or I’ll tell everyone about your little dick!”

“You wouldn’t!”

“Of course, I would now get over here!”

She had me now. I hadn’t seen it coming, but I felt like I had no choice. I looked around the room to see if anyone would help me, then I got down on my knees next to her as she began to take off her pants.

She got them entirely off and slipped off her panties too. Instead of sitting down and having me do it like a bj, she stood up and bent over as if she was going to fart in my face. Without being told what to do, I began aimlessly licking at her pussy as she said, “now there’s a good girl, lick mommy clean.”

After a couple of minutes of this, she said she was tired of standing. So she had me lay down on the bed, and she got on top so that she could ride my face. After about 15 minutes of her humping my tongue and calling me names like slut and bitch-boy, she achieved an orgasm.

She got off my face and said I could go now and that, ” I’m sorry about your small penis, and I hope you don’t hate me for making you eat me out.”

“It’s fine, just forget about it,” I said even though I was still kinda pissed as I reached for the door.

But before I could leave, she said, “Wait, Timmy!”

“Yeah, Zoey?”

“This was just a one-time thing, okay? I mean, we should be friends from now on, right?”

I felt the opposite because she was the only girl who went farther than first-base with me, but I still said, “Yeah, of course.”

I walked out the door, and just as the door was closing, she managed to slip in one more request: “Tell Your cousin, Jon, I said Hi!”


Read part 2…


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.

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