My First Time Naked in Public!
By winkee.

All that has changed now, and I put it down to a single event.
My girlfriend and I had been going through a rocky time. She had slept with a male friend but still claimed it was me she wanted. To try and cement our relationship, I suggested that we go away for a week somewhere hot. She agreed, and we booked a holiday to one of the canary islands.
On our first day at the beach, we discovered many people naked. We assumed that we were on a nudist beach and walked some distance along the beach. Eventually, we got tired and chose a spot to sunbathe. We were still surrounded by people, some of which were naked. It didn’t bother us, not all were naked, but we drove to a different beach the following day. Again, we noticed that about half the people there were nude. We then realized that all the beaches were probably like this and that nudity was common.
That night we had sex, but after my girlfriend Kate was irritable, we ended up having a row, at which point she stormed out. She did not return till the morning, and then came the news that she wanted to end the relationship. Unfortunately, we had fixed tickets, and unless we bought more flights, we had no way of getting home. Neither of us had the money to do this, so we agreed to stay out of each other’s way.
Initially, I was devastated and spent the rest of that day moping around, feeling sorry. The following morning, however, I felt more a sense of relief than anything else. I had known that things were badly wrong for a long time in the back of my head. The end of the relationship was a relief. Kate didn’t drive, so she wouldn’t mind me taking the hire car, so I drove along the coast to a beach we had seen a few days ago but not visited.
I parked and wandered down to the beautiful long beach through the dunes. When I reached the edge of the dunes, the sight was stunning, several miles of golden sand, beautiful blue sea, and relatively few people, far less than the crowded beaches near the hotel complexes. Also noticeable as I walked across the sand was that almost everyone was naked.
I laid my beach towel down and began to undress. I had shorts and underwear on, so I needed to change into my swim shorts, but I felt suddenly reckless as I removed my underwear. ‘What the hell? Everyone else is naked. Why should I be the odd one out?’ For the first time, I lay back naked in public felt exciting freedom.
It took me a long time to pluck up the courage to stand up naked, but eventually, I did and wandered down to the sea for a paddle. Few people seemed to notice me as I paddled in the waves, but the sense of uninhibited freedom was fantastic. I was enjoying this. Swimming naked was a revelation. If you have never swam naked, you must give it a go.
As I emerged from the surf, I was content. I looked for my towel and realized that I had drifted quite some way down the beach as I had been swimming. I spotted my blue beach towel and set off on a diagonal course towards it. This path took me quite close to several people sunbathing. Some ignored me completely. Some smiled a polite smile until I came close to a group of four girls in their late teens. At that time, I was about 30 and in reasonable shape, but the first to admit I was no Brad Pit.
As I got to about twenty feet from the group, I couldn’t help but admire their gorgeous naked bodies. I would say they were in their early twenties. The girl on the left and nearest to me was slim with medium-sized breasts, long blonde straight hair, and no hint of a tan line anywhere on her body. Her legs were very slightly parted, and her shaved pussy was visible. I slowed my a little as I walked by, enjoying the view. As I came to within ten feet of her, she lifted her head, shielded her eyes from the sun with her hand, and squinted at me.
“Oh my God! Girls, you have got to see this,” she announced loudly. “How small is this guy’s dick?”
I looked down. My penis was indeed looking somewhat smaller than usual due to the coldness of the sea. My penis, as I have said, is not the largest, and usually, when soft does not hang, it sticks out. With the effect of the cold water, it probably measured about one inch! I froze, unsure whether to run, continue walking or try explaining I had just come out of the sea.
Three more heads bobbed up and stared at my tiny penis, and a cackle of laughs erupted. The girl furthest away from me, a gorgeous brunette with huge globe-like breasts and a little patch of neatly trimmed pubic hair just above her slit, called out, “That’s the smallest I have ever seen. Oh my God, that’s SO small!”
At this point, I came out of my frozen state and went for the most dignified option I had available. I continued walking towards my towel. But as I reached my towel, my tiny penis had come to life and was now standing fully erect at four inches, and I felt more turned on than I had since I was a teenager.
When I got back to the apartment, there was a note from Kate saying she had gone to stay at a friend’s apartment and may see me at the airport. I lay on my bed and played with my tiny penis till I came several times. I then wandered around the apartment naked with the curtains wide open, hoping that someone would see me again.
The following day I went back to the same beach, but the group of girls was not there. I spent the whole day naked and walked a considerable distance along the beach nude, allowing as many people to see my tiny penis. A few girls stared, one or two giggled. That was enough for me. I loved it.
Since then, I have always loved letting people see my tiny dick. I have encouraged girlfriends I have had to tease me about my lack of size, even asking them to tell their friends about it. All of which turns me on massively.
I did indeed see Kate at the airport on the way home. She had spent the rest of the holiday with a local man she had met. It was some months till we met again. We were now ancient history and talked calmly about our former relationship.
There was one thing I wanted to know. “Did the size of my penis have anything to do with our breakup?” I asked.
“I won’t deny it was a factor. I am used to much bigger and prefer big cocks,” she replied frankly.
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Remember, even with limited editing. It doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.