Femdom Family Sex Education

By TooSmallDave.

My wife Laura had gone out after dinner, leaving me to wash the dishes and tidy up while our 18-year-old twin daughters Rosie and Chelsea worked on their university assignments at the kitchen table.

I was wearing the pinny that my wife had bought me to wear when I do my chores in the kitchen.

Laura is very dominant, and I am rather submissive. It’s not something we hide or that we’re ashamed of. I agree with her that a female-dominated household is a better household. However, I sometimes find it a little humiliating, especially when she scolds me or teases me in front of the girls.

But she is a wonderful wife and mother and a role model to our daughters. Rosie and Chelsea have grown up the better for having been raised in a female-led family. They are becoming confident, assertive. Powerful young women used to get their own way.

Rosie suggested I take a little break from my chores to make us all some hot buttered crumpets and a pot of tea and join them at the table. It was nice. I just hoped their mother didn’t come in and catch me resting.

They explained that they were both working on a sex education project for uni and that I could help them by answering a survey.

I was a bit nervous discussing sex with the girls, but it was so nice to be shown a bit of respect for once that I agreed.

Chelsea went first:

“Okay, dad. Question one: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: once their daughters and sons have become adults, parents need to be honest about sex?”

I nodded: “Oh yes. Definitely. Being honest about sex is very important.”

I felt confident that I was saying the right things.

Rosie smiled at me: “Nice answer, dad: you’re so right.

“Now. Question two. Would you say that you and mum have a normal sexual relationship?”

This made me a little more uncomfortable, but I nodded again: “Oh yes. Of course, we do.”

They looked at one another and smirked.

“We have heard you at night. At least we’ve heard mum spanking you. Is that what you call a ‘normal sexual relationship,’ dad?” asked Chelsea.

I didn’t want to talk about this. I know they’ve probably heard their mum spanking me at night. But I’d hoped it was something I would never have to discuss with them.

“Maybe. Yes. No. I don’t know. It’s a bit complicated.”

They smirked again.

“It’s not that complicated. Come on, dad. You said it was important, to be honest. Tell us about what you and mum do.”

They were both looking at me intensely. But with the hint of a smile on the corner of their mouths and a little scorn in their eyes. I began to stutter and go red.

I was feeling embarrassed and ashamed, not least because I was aware that their interrogation aroused me. My little dick was becoming hard, and I was worried that it would show beneath the flimsy fabric of my pinny.

“Look, girls, this is all very well, but I should probably finish the dishes before your mother comes back. I think perhaps you need to ask her about all this. Not me.”

Chelsea looked at me sternly: “No, dad. We want to hear what you say. Leave the dishes. Mum’s not here, so we’re in charge, and you have to obey us.”

I protested that if she came back and I hadn’t finished, she would…

I found it hard to finish the sentence, but Rosie butted in:

“She would ‘what’ dad? Spank you? Is that what you were trying to say?”

I nodded.

“Say it then, dad.”

“Okay then. She’ll spank me.”

“Good, dad. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

I shook my head: “No, Chelsea. Sorry.”

Rosie laughed cruelly: “Perhaps mum will spank you, dad. But if you don’t do what we want now, we’ll spank you.”

Chelsea added: “Yes, dad, and right now, you’re really pissing me off. I’m this close to losing my temper with you.”

They both gave me a look of such ferocity and scorn that I felt afraid and became obedient.

I opened my mouth to say, “I’m sorry, girls,” but my throat was dry, and all that came out was a pathetic croak.

They were both looking at me with contempt. Their rosy cheeks had flushed with anger, and their strong shoulders and bosoms seemed to swell and glow with emotion.

My gaze involuntarily went to Rosie’s firm breasts, then to Chelsea’s before I managed to look down at my lap guiltily. Desperately hoping they hadn’t noticed me looking at their tits.

“What the fuck was that, dad?” barked Rosie.

I coughed and whimpered:

“I meant to say ‘Sorry girls,’ but my throat is dry. It happens when I’m nervous and frightened. Sorry”

I didn’t dare lookup. My hands were crossed on my lap. I felt my little 3-inch erection poking against my fingers and pushed down on it, making it a little harder.

“No, dad. I mean, what was that you just did with your eyes? Were you looking at our tits?”

I shook my head.

“You bloody were. He bloody was as well. I bet he’s got a hard-on.”

They ordered me to stand up.

As I stood up, my erection was obvious, sticking out against the silky fabric of my pinny.

I looked up at their faces, pleading and making an effort not to look at their bodies.

“Please, girls. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

They told me to stop whining and pull down my trousers.

Then they told me to lift the front of my pinny.

I reluctantly obeyed.

They both sniggered when they saw the pink lacy knickers I was wearing and my little erect penis poking out of the top.

“Oh my god, dad. This is perfect for our project. Don’t move.”

I looked up to see that they were both holding their phones up and taking pictures of me. I begged them to stop, but they told me to shut up and behave.

Rosie pulled down her top to reveal more of her young perky tits:

“Do what you’re told, dad, and you might get to see more of this. I might even let you touch them.”

At the same time, Chelsea reached forward and gripped my little balls so tightly in her hand that I let out a squeal of pain.

“But if you disobey us or complain or argue with us, we will really hurt you.”

I could hardly speak, but I nodded and, in a hoarse whisper, told them I would do anything they said.

They pulled my knickers down and took pictures of my tiny erection.

Rosie got a ruler from her pencil case and held it against my dick: “Seven centimeters. Wow. That’s even smaller than we thought.”

They both wrote in their notebooks.

They looked at me again. I felt totally pathetic and aroused standing before them, holding up my pinny, my trousers round my ankles, my lacy knickers around my thighs, and my 7cm erection sticking out.

They stopped writing, picked up their phones, and pointed them at me.

“Okay, dad. Now we’re going to film you while you masturbate.” Ordered Chelsea.

Rosie smiled at me: “Come on, dad. Show us how you jerk your tiny willy and cum.”

Embarrassed as I was, I needed no more permission. I was dying to masturbate. I held the front of my pinny up with one hand and, with the other, jerked my dick in my finger and thumb. I rubbed it vigorously while my daughters watched and filmed.

Rosie did a voice over as if she was recording a documentary:

“Sex Project 1. Here we see our pervert submissive dad jerking his tiny seven-centimeter dick in front of his own daughters. He gets turned on by being teased and humiliated, and spanked by his wife and daughters. He’s going to get spanked after this. We’re going to put him over our knees and spank his bottom until he cries like a baby.”

At that, I began to feel myself cumming. I stroked myself more slowly to delay my orgasm and looked shamelessly at my daughter’s bodies and their beautiful, cruel faces.

Rosie continued: “Well, this is very interesting. The thought of us spanking him appears to be making dad cum already. This is remarkable.”

It was just at that moment that Laura walked in. She stood there watching what was going on, and as I looked up at her face filled with scorn and anger, my little dick spurted cum all over my hand, my knickers, my silk pinny, and onto the kitchen floor.

There was silence as the girls continued filming.

I felt the need to explain: “Hello Laura, darling. I was helping the girls with a project for university. It’s sex education.”

Laura just shook her head and curled her lip at me:

“You pathetic little dick excuse for a man. Shut up and come here.”

She ordered me to kneel in front of her.

I trembled with fear as I did.

“Okay, girls. Carry on filming. Your project needs to show what happens to your dad when he’s been disgusting and pathetic and what he has to do when he makes a horrible little mess.”

She sat down and made me get a tea towel to lay over her lap so I shouldn’t get any of my mess on her skirt and tights. Then she bent me over her lap and spanked my bare bottom while our daughters watched and filmed. She was furious, and I ended up crying and begging her to stop. Eventually, she did. I kneeled before her sobbing and said I was sorry. The girls were still filming.

“I think you need to apologize to your daughters as well. Poor girls. They expect you to behave like a parent, not some dribbling wanking pervert.” I nodded and looked up at my daughters.

“Sssorry girls.”

They both shook their heads.

Rosie pushed my head away roughly: “No, dad. That’s not good enough.”

Chelsea turned to Laura: “Mum, the only thing dad understands is being spanked. And because we don’t get to spank him, he thinks he can disobey us when you’re not here. Until you let us punish him, he’s going to carry on perving at our bodies, looking at our tits and making us watch him jerk his nasty little babydick.”

Laura smiled and nodded.

“I totally agree. You’re both adult women now. Your father needs to know his place in this family. Come here, Chelsea. Sit next to me, and I’ll show you how to spank your father properly.”

Chelsea sat next to her mother, and I was ordered to lay over her young lap. I winced as I felt my daughter’s hand strike my already tender bottom. Laura instructed her on inflicting pain with the palm, and soon I was bawling and begging her to stop. Then I was made to suffer the same experience on the lap of Rosie.

Later I was made to finish washing the dishes and clean up the mess I’d made.

I sobbed quietly at the kitchen sink while Laura asked the girls to tell her honestly about their university project.

“Well, mum, it’s true that we are doing a sex education module at university. But this is an unofficial project we’re doing with some of the other students,” Admitted Rosie.

Chelsea backed her sister up:

“Yes, mum. After the lecture, we talked with some of the girls on the course about our parent’s sex lives. We told the other girls about you spanking dad and teasing him that he has a tiny willy, and most of them didn’t believe us. Apparently, all of their dads have got very big dicks, and they hear their mother’s making lots of noise when they have sex. Lucy says her dad’s dick is almost a foot long. She says he walks about the house naked, and she says it goes hard when she sits on his lap. I told her she was totally exaggerating, and she said she didn’t believe a single word we said about our dad getting spanked. So we all agreed to do a project researching the real sex lives of our parents and provide evidence. That’s why we were filming and taking photographs. Look.”

They both showed Laura the pictures and videos they’d taken of me.

Laura thought it was hilarious: “What a clever idea. But where are you going to show one another these projects? I think it might be best if you don’t do it at university in case any of your professors catch you and get the wrong idea.”

The girls admitted that they hadn’t considered that.

Laura had already thought of a solution:

“Well, why don’t you invite your friends over after college on Friday and do it here? How many of you are involved? Six? That’s fine. Let’s make it a sleepover. You can show your pictures and videos on the television. We’ll get food and drink in. And your father can make up for his behavior by acting as a maid to you and your friends. It’s the least he can do, really. We’ll get a nice new pinny for him to wear. In fact, I’ll buy him a proper French maid outfit with a little lacy maid’s cap. And you can show your friends how you spank him.”

They all seemed delighted at the prospect. I knew better than to protest. My bottom was still very sore.

The prospect of being in the same room while my daughters showed their friends those pictures and videos filled me with a deep sense of dread and humiliation.

But as I imagined myself in a French maid’s outfit with a lacy bonnet serving a group of young women, my dick stiffened, and I realized that I was looking forward to Friday after all.


The End.


*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Just remember, even with the limited editing we do, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed.

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