The Beach

By raceman1962


Dan’s mind was whirring in sexual turmoil as he replayed his wife’s description of her afternoon at the beach. Dan would often comment that he thought it was unwise of his wife to go to the beach alone and this encounter simply solidified his warning. Granted, the stranger did nothing, but sit near his wife, but he knew how men think.

Once he was satisfied that she was in no danger, he asked his wife several probing questions about the encounter. Jill was getting a little annoyed at his persistence, and he knew her well enough to stop his inquiry. One of her answers kept repeating itself in his head, however. “He was bigger soft than you are hard.”

There it was the agonizing truth that Dan had always feared. He always felt a little cheated in the size of his cock and secretly wondered if Jill might enjoy something…well, something bigger. It was a crazy worry, and the rational part of his brain knew that he had nothing to fear, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the thought.

After Jill’s story, he was embarrassed to find his cock semi-hard, and he had an overwhelming urge to masturbate. Like a troubled schoolboy, he excused himself to the bathroom and stroked to orgasm in record time.

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Jill was glad that Dan had stopped his inquisition. She was very uncomfortable with the situation and regretted telling her husband about it. Although she was a little frightened about the experience, she was more concerned about her physical reaction. On the drive home, she couldn’t get the picture of that powerful bulge out of her head. Her well-endowed chest was flushed with sexual excitement, and her nipples were painfully hard. When she arrived home, she quickly ran upstairs to change and was shocked to discover that her modest one-piece swimsuit liner was literally soaked through at the crotch.

Over the next few days, Jill tortured herself over her reaction to “the animal” as she now thought of the man at the beach. Why was she feeling like this? She loved her husband with all her heart and would never betray him. Why couldn’t she just forget it ever happened? In fact, nothing had happened. A man with a skimpy bathing suit had made her feel uneasy. So what? What was the big deal? Deep inside, she knew. “He was bigger soft than you are hard.” The phrase kept repeating itself in her head.

Jill was a virgin when she met Dan and lived a fairly sheltered life, having never seen another man naked, so she never gave size much thought. Jill had a few girlfriends with a lot more experience, and occasionally she would recall them remarking on how endowed their lovers were, but she never gave size much thought until this point. Now she kept wondering, “what if there is a difference?” Jill felt foolish for even entertaining such thoughts, but her curiosity got the better of her as she started surfing the web.

Jill was surprised to find so many sites out there regarding penis size. Jill had no idea what an average man was supposed to be or that it could vary so. Jill was curious how big Dan was but knew he would wonder why she wanted to measure him. Jill thought about how she could measure Dan and recalled how he enjoyed it when she would stroke him to get him excited. Jill knew that Dan would fill her one hand nicely with a little sticking out, so she opened her desk drawer and grabbed her ruler, and gripped it to see where her hand reached. Jill was surprised to read that her fist measured 3 inches and that if Dan was average, she could have filled both of her hands with his cock.

Unfortunately for Dan, Jill just realized that her husband was no bigger than 4 ½ inches. Far less than what her friends probably experienced if they were just with an average guy, let alone men as she saw at the beach. Jill never before compared what she had with her friends, but knowing this fact made her a bit envious. She almost felt like blaming Dan for robbing her of this experience, but she knew this was silly. She would orgasm from sex but found that it required so much focus and energy to make it happen for her.

Jill read with much interest stories she found on a website where women would describe their experiences with their first big cock. Jill found their stories made her wet, and she began wondering how her body would react to something bigger. Jill knew she could not cheat on her husband, so she closed the web browser and committed to not giving this another thought.

Unfortunately for Jill, the nagging feeling deep in her womb would not go away. She even thought of buying a toy to satisfy her yearning but decided to resist any temptation and to shift it out of her mind. After all, she and Dan had a very satisfying marriage, and who knows if the stories that she read were really true.

Probably written by a man, she thought.


The next weekend, Dan was leaving on a sales trip, one of several her husband had to take every year. Jill gave Dan a tight squeeze as she said goodbye to him and as soon as the door closed, one thought kept pounding through her head. Moving as if she were being controlled by some strong force, she packed a small bag and walked to her car.

She was going back to the beach.

During the short drive, Jill almost turned around several times. She had no idea why she was doing this. To her, sex and love were inseparable, and she couldn’t imagine sex with anyone but Dan. Still, she was so curious. How could a penis be that large? How would something like that feel? Would I like it? Would it hurt?

Even more surprising was how Jill was dressed this time. The last time she was at the beach, she wore her usual conservative one-piece swimsuit, but underneath her cover-up, she had on a bikini that she last wore for her husband on their last vacation. Jill normally dressed down her attributes, but in this bikini, Jill left very little to the imagination as it showed off her natural 36DD breasts, round bottom, and toned legs.

Jill reached the secluded parking lot and sat in her car for a long time. She almost started the car to leave but somehow couldn’t bring herself to do it. She caught a glimpse of her eyes staring back at her in the rearview mirror. It brought her back from her contemplation. “What is the big deal? I’ll lie out, catch some rays and go home.” She rationalized that there was little chance the “animal” would be there, and at the very least, she would enjoy a nice afternoon in the sun. After about twenty minutes, she opened her car door and made the long trek to the isolated beach.

Jill made her way around the large dune that hid the entrance to the little cove she liked and froze. There he was, the same spot, same revealing swimsuit. She suddenly felt weak, and her legs started to tremble. Again, she almost turned back, but some strange force pushed her toward the beach.

She set up her chair about twenty yards from “the animal” and tried to get comfortable. Her hands were shaking as she adjusts her sunglasses and peeks over at the man. He hadn’t taken notice of her arrival, but she somehow felt that he knew why she was there.

For about half an hour, Jill tried to relax. The sexual tension she felt was almost unbearable as she adjusted her bikini and fidgeting in the chair. She felt so naked in her bikini and hoped no one else she knew would see her like this. Just as she started to think that the whole thing was just a silly compulsion of hers and that nothing was going to happen, the man shifted in his chair, looked over at her, and smiled. Jill jerked her head straight and pretended not to notice. She could feel his eyes crawling all over her tight, exposed body. Her pink nipples were very erect and pushing painfully against her top. She felt the all-too-familiar tingling of arousal in her lower abdomen and a heat building between her legs. With the arousal came a tinge of guilt. She pressed her thighs together, but that only put more pressure near her clit, adding to her arousal.

Suddenly, the cell phone in her beach bag rang. The ring startled her. It was Dan.

“Hey, honey. What’s going on,” Dan asked Jill.

“Uh, nothing. Uh, I’m just at the mall. You know, running errands,” Jill responded nervously.

His words seemed to be drowned out by the action she was witnessing. “The animal” was moving. He lifted himself out of the chair and walked purposely over to her.

Undercover of her sunglasses, she looked between his legs and stared at the cruel bulge that had been torturing her mind over the past few days.

“Honey, are you listening to me?” Dan’s voice on the line was demanding.

In her free ear, he whispered with authority, “I knew you’d come back.”

Jill sat frozen. The man reached for her hand and gently pulled her from her chair. She half resisted his advance but allowed him to lead her toward a secluded area in the dunes.

“I’m sorry, honey. I’m lost in these errands. Can I call you back,” Jill pleaded with her husband as the man pulled her along.

“Sure, honey. Call me back la…” Jill hit the end button.

Once they were out of plain sight, he turned Jill to face him. He reached out and took off her sunglasses. She was trembling with fear and excitement as she watched him silently start to lower his suit.

Jill looked down and gasped as he slowly revealed his now growing shaft. Inch by impossible inch, he pulled down the thin material until his hard cock sprung free. It was longer than the ones she saw on the websites and thick as her wrist. Jill felt faint. She knew that this would soon be between her legs.

He guided her hand towards his cock and wrapped it around the shaft. She marveled at how powerful it felt beneath her fingers. Without prompting, she moved both hands around his length and was stunned to see that there was still about what Dan has been giving her left uncovered.

He casually placed his hand on Jill’s thigh and slowly dragged his fingers up her legs. When he reached her bikini-covered slit, he spread his index and ring finger, so they glided up her slit with his middle finger in the middle dragging along as it found her clit. He had a smirk on his face as he found Jill getting wet. His seductive style told Jill that he had done this before, probably many times. Jill was fascinated and couldn’t take her eyes from his organ as she stroked and played with it while he was playing with her body outside her bikini. She lightly felt his heavy balls and traced her finger lightly up and down his shaft as he cupped each of her heavy breasts.

He gently pulled her hands away and placed her arms at her sides. He then started to slowly lower the straps of her bikini top. Jill just stood still and allowed herself to be exposed to his eyes.

The man stared intently at Jill’s breasts as he exposed more and more of her. He knew she was built, but when her hard nipples popped out, he let out a moan of appreciation. Jill’s breast needed little support to maintain their perkiness, and the stranger’s hands traced the outer roundness of each breast. He liked how hard her pink nipples were getting as she thrust them towards him, wanting him to touch them. He knew he was in command of the situation and wanted her totally naked for him.

He took his hands and dragged them slowly down her breast towards her stomach. He continued moving lower until his thumbs were at the thin ties of her bikini panties. He played with the waistband of her bikini, teasing her since he knew he was in command. He lifted the waistband slightly and got a view of the top of Jill’s heavy dark brown bush. Jill always kept it trimmed for her swimwear, but she had a rather prominent bush that hid her slit well. Her new friend wondered how it would look shaved but kept his thoughts to himself as he admired his latest conquest. He slowly moved his hands back to the sides of her bikini panty and, with a quick tug, ripped the material and pulled her bikini panties away, totally exposing Jill’s pussy.


In the bright light, he could clearly see her glistening slit as he bent down to further inspect Jill’s pussy. He was surprised to find under that bush a very tight and thin labia. He had wondered if her lips would be thick or if she had an innie. Jill felt his hands grab her ass cheeks as he enjoyed tracing her innie with his tongue, adding to her arousal. When she felt his tongue against her clit, she felt herself get close to cumming, so she stepped back as she did not want it to happen so quickly. No other man but her husband had ever seen her naked like this, and she could have cared less if someone was to walk by. All of her focus was on the animal.

He slowly stood up and stood face-to-face and stared into Jill’s eyes. He grabbed each wrist and put them by her side. Jill stood compliant, knowing that she wanted him to go further. The tip of the man’s cock lightly brushed against her bush, and Jill shuddered with desire.

He reached for a beach towel and spread it on the ground. He then had Jill kneel on it and positioned his cock in front of her face. Jill rarely performed oral on her husband, but seeing this man’s large cock made her want it, something she never felt before. He was too large to get much into her mouth, so she used her hands to stroke him and was enjoying feeling something so powerful into her hands. She was hoping that he would not cum since she desperately wanted to feel him inside her. He commented that she was not bad with her mouth, but now he wanted to show her how good he was at his, and he laid her on her back. While at her feet, he looked up and enjoyed the view of this hot, naked woman and looked forward to what was coming next. He reached for her ankles and separated her thighs, so she was now fully exposed to him.

He could tell from her ring on her finger that she was married, so he was surprised to find her so tight. Even though her legs were spread, she did not gap at all. He could see a glimpse of her clit swelling and knew he was going to enjoy this. He could see her getting wet as he slowly moved up her legs until his mouth found her awaiting pussy again. He looked up as he licked around her labia and saw her eyes glaze over as she grabbed the sides of the blanket like she was fighting, screaming out loud.

While his tongue was tormenting her pussy, his hands reached up to pull on her hard nipples, making her moan out loud.

He brought one hand down; so that he could feel how tight his new lover was going to be and inserted his middle finger at the entrance of this married pussy. Jill’s eyes opened wide as his finger almost felt as big as her husband’s cock as he started to explore her tight opening. He was surprised to find a vice-like pussy and asked, “Does your husband ever make love to you?”

Jill just squirmed at his touch and was moving her hips to meet his licks and his finger deep inside her. He knew she was wanting more and decided that the time was right.

The man reached out, turned her around, and gently put pressure on her hips to raise her ass in the air. Jill sank to her knees on the towel. She leaned forward and placed her hands on the ground, and spread her legs slightly. She had never acted so lewd in her life. It was almost as if she were someone else. Normally, Jill would only do the missionary position with her husband, and on a rare occasion, she might be on top, but she had never experienced this position with her husband.

The man positioned himself at her opening and started to slide his cock head up and down her slit. Jill moaned in response and began to move her hips in rhythm. She felt the stranger position the head right at her opening, and her hands gripped the towel again in anticipation.

Jill felt the pressure of his cock trying to force her open, but it was not easy. She had never taken anything this large in her life.

“Be gentle. I am not used to anything this big. I am afraid it … it … won’t fit … I can’t take it … I’m not big enough…” Jill stammered.

“Hold still!” The stranger commanded.

Slowly, the stranger pulled back on her hips as he worked his way in. Finally, the head was completely inside. Jill moaned loudly as she felt herself being stretched.

Incredibly, with just the head inside her, she felt on the brink of orgasm, but she wanted to hold off a little longer. It was very hard for Jill to do since the stranger’s added thickness caused her clit to be more exposed. With each move he made, it stroked and teased her clit. Normally, her husband would have to use his fingers to tease her clit during sex, but with a larger cock it could not help but do it with each stroke.

The stranger took his time and guided more of his large cock inside her. With each inch, he would let her pussy adapt to it and then pull back and go a bit further with the next inch. Jill wondered when he would finally get it all in since she was so close to cumming.

After a moment, he bent over her, cupped her heavy breasts, and played with her nipples. Jill was squirming but was careful not to go in too deep, but it was hard since he teased her tits so well. After a while, the stranger whispered in her ear.

“Are you ready for the rest of it?” The man asked softly.

“Yes…yes…God yes!” Jill moaned.

The man started moving his hips back and forth, edging his cock in ever so slowly with each stroke. Jill’s breath was coming in short bursts, and she began to pant like an animal in heat.

“I take it by how snug your pussy is that you are used to smaller cock. Is your husband a little on the small side?” The stranger teased.

Jill asked him not to mention her husband, but the stranger wanted to know that he was her biggest lover and liked tormenting the wives he would conquer. He told Jill she would never feel the whole thing unless she plays nice and answer his questions. He then reached in front of her breast and teased them while Jill squirmed over his large cock.

“One more time, does your husband have a small cock?” he asked.

“Yes…uh….yes….uh”. Jill groaned out her response in time to his thrusts.

“Always wanted to be fucked with a big cock, haven’t you?”

Jill had never been talked to like this, but she was beyond caring.

“Yes….yes…please don’t stop…oh God…it feels incredible…don’t stop!” She pleaded.

The stranger had marvelous stamina, and he seemed to know exactly what Jill was feeling. He was playing her like a fine instrument.

“C’mon baby…wrap that sweet pussy around my cock…I’m gonna make you come like you never had before!”

Incredibly, Jill could not hold out any longer and started to come hard. She yelled so loud that anyone within 100 yards could have heard her screams of ecstasy. Wave after wave of pleasure racked her tight body. Jill thought she was almost at the brink of passing out, having never felt this level of pleasure before. It was like a huge release was triggered, and her body was getting what it had always craved and wanted. Her body loved the discovery of this large cock.

The man picked up his pace and started fucking her with long hard strokes. Jill slammed her ass back at him with every stroke. It was a frenzy of lust and desire until finally, the stranger buried himself deep within Jill and began to cum. She could feel burst after burst of come splashing against her walls.

Finally, after a full minute, they both collapsed on the towel, panting and trying to catch their breath.

Jill was splayed out, legs apart, come dripping from her swollen pussy, and she didn’t care. She felt totally uninhibited, as if some barrier had been broken deep inside her.

The stranger looked at her and smiled. He knew what she was feeling.

“Ever come like that before?” He asked.

“No…never,” said Jill in a quiet voice.

They laid together quietly for about 20 minutes. Jill lost in thought about what she had done and how good it had felt.

She felt the man’s cock start to swell again against her back. “Oh God…not again…I can’t take anymore…” she thought. He slid his left knee between her thighs, spreading her legs and giving his hand full access to her pussy. He began to stroke the length of her glistening slit, and he spent a few seconds rubbing her clit. No matter her objections, he knew she was ready again.

The man rolled onto his back, and Jill, despite her doubts, squatted over his swollen member. Slowly, she eased down onto him, his cock filling her as she’d never been filled before. She put her hands on his chest and slowly eased up and down on his shaft. After a few seconds, though, she was thrusting herself onto him, riding him hard as the tip of his thick head pounded her cervix. The sound of her pelvis slapping against his, the feeling of his hands on her breasts, the sun beating down on their naked bodies, the large cock inside of her; all of it culminated in another spectacular orgasm.

Jill could take no more, and with her legs shaking, she pulled herself off of his cock, slick with their combined juices. She gathered her things and started to walk off the beach in just her cover-up since her bikini was now in the hands of the stranger.

“Hey..!” The stranger called. “Would you like your bikini back? What’s your name? I’d like to call you and do this again, sometime. If you ever want to feel a big one again, just let me know.”

Jill waved him off and continued to walk away. She’d got what she came for, and it was to be her little secret. Forever.

The End.


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