The Penis Competition
By Minime20.

Mary wanted the ladies attending to dress how they wanted. Smart, casual, dominatrix, etc., the men had one simple requirement, upon arriving at Mary’s house, they were to remove all clothing other than underwear and understand they were present at the party to serve!
Clarissa (C) and Hannah (H) brought along their housemate Dan. He was submissive to his housemates, hoping they wouldn’t share the many nudes they had of him, the many photos of him dressed in women’s underwear and without any clothes. C and H had come prepared for a fun night. They knew Dan would be in for a humiliating and exciting night and struggled not to tell him everything in the car prior.
After plenty of drinks and time, Mary called the group to hush for all the men present to relax around the fully clothed ladies.
“OK, ladies, now it’s time for our main event, gentlemen. Please bring yourselves up to the front here, and line up.”
The thirteen semi-nude guys gathered before a large fireplace. The women present took their places in an arch around the edge of the room, standing or sitting on the available furniture.
Mary excitedly took her place at the right of the group and addressed the crowd: ‘right boys, first off, I order you to remove your underwear, put underwear in your mouth as a gag, and cover yourself up until instructed!’
H and C watch as Dan nervously slips his silk panties down his legs, pops them in his mouth, and covers himself with his right hand. Some other guys have done the same with their boxer shorts and use both hands to cover up! Wolf whistles around the room, some appreciation of the male bottoms on show too.
“Oh, some lovely bums there, let’s hope for some equally lovely dicks too!” comments Mary’s mum, holding her iPad up to record the show!
Mary then speaks to the room again. “Now then, ladies. It’s time to see who has the biggest dick and who hasn’t! H and C will assist me with recording the vital data we will be discovering tonight, with a wonderful visual representation with the a-board over there!”
Some laughter and applause as H directs everyone to a large display board with all 13 guys’ names on it and various categories yet to be filled in. C stands left of Mary holding a tray of items ready for use.
Mary continues, “Boys, time to turn and face your audience, please. Time to get the fun started!”
The boys rotate on the spot and stand, awaiting their next command. Photos were taken, and videos were running on phones and iPads. Mary walks to the furthest end from Dan, who is currently covering his erect penis through excitement and nervousness!
Mary starts the show. She instructs each guy to remove their hand/hands and place them on their head, revealing their penis to the room. With the assistance of C, Mary would then use the items of the tray to measure flaccid and erections, and H would write down the results. Mary would use a tape measure, and where an erection was needed, she would give the penis in question a good rub, like getting a genie out of the lamp!
The first bloke was four inches, thin, and had a small tuff of bush. “A small one to start with, ladies. Mr. Chipolata!”
There’s an outbreak of laughter and wiggles of people’s pinky fingers. He was told to stay where he was for now but would most definitely be moving down the line as he would be nearer the other end.
H and C nodded in agreement, but H shouted, “The best was yet to come!”
This caused some laughter and discussion.
Dan could feel the tip of his penis had pre-cum dripping into his hand, desperate to ‘think’ his erection down, but the humiliation made him struggle to control himself.
A few more blokes were assessed, eight inches, seven, six, nine, and another eight. Each moves up or down in size order. Some partners of those on ‘show’ enjoyed knowing their men weren’t the smallest. The biggest of the night then appeared—thirteen inches! Absolutely huge! A standing ovation for him
“King Dong himself, what a wonderful sight to see!” Mary cried out over the applause.
Some crowd licked their lips at the site as he went to the end of the line.
The next guy was four and a half inches, another wad four. The group laughed at both as they were called Mr. Gherkin and Mr. Mini-Pepperoni.
Dan (in the back-to-back humiliations) couldn’t stop himself and cum into his hand. He quickly felt the tip of his penis disappear as he guessed he was quickly shriveling back to his flaccid state. A few more guys were in the six to eight inches group. One other was ten inches. Finally, it was Dan’s turn.
Mary winked at H and C as she knew what was coming, or almost!
“And finally, ladies, our final boy whom H and C tell me has the perfect ending to our show. Well, first of all, lovely pink silk panties seem to be completely bald of hair from the waist down, and time for the big reveal! Dan, put your hands on your head!’
Dan, at that point, placed his left hand on his head, shut his eyes, and quickly lifted his right hand and placed it on his head, letting the cooling cum transfer onto his head.
A huge outburst of laughter as Dan stood there shriveled up. Mary takes out the tape and measures.
“Flaccid, ladies, smallest of the night. Half an inch! Oh my gosh!” Mary said.
“Oh, how cute he looks,” calls out Mary’s mum.
Laughter and chatter from everyone else’s. C notices the cum on Dan’s head, looks down at his penis and works out what’s happened.
“Sorry, ladies,” C shouted to the audience. “It looks like Dan got very excited, and he has already cum in his hand! So I don’t think he will get another erection for a while,’ C explains to the room.
Mary waits for the laughter to quieten and speaks, “Oh, that’s a shame. Maybe later for the premature cummer! Do we know where he measures up to?”
H speaks, “Well, he is standing at the right place. Dan proudly stands at a dinky two-point-two inches when he’s hard!’
Cackles of laughter as C nods in agreement. Dan feels some cum drip down his neck.
“Well, here we are, ladies,” Mary shouts. “King Dong wins the biggest dick. What a beautiful thing it is too. I am taking him upstairs. And at the other end, it’s ‘Dinky Winky!’ Not just a small dick, not even a little one. But a baby penis is on show! Dan and our other little penises have some chastity cages to wear for the rest of the night! H and C have brought along Dan’s custom-made cage. Bless him!”
Mary continues, “Do now what you want with these naked men. There are plenty of items you can use around the house!”
Most of the men are led away by partners up to rooms. Dan is led outside to the car by H and C.
“Dan, having the smallest penis tonight means nothing to you. As you already cum, I guess you will be fine. You are to stay in the car now,” H instructs.
C and H lock the car and return to the party, leaving a naked Dan behind.
The rest of the party goes to plan, sex everywhere, drinking games, dancing, and some women join in and get naked.
Morning arrives, and as everyone begins to leave fully clothed, H and C open up the car and let some of the guests take photos as he sleeps in the back seat. H and C decide to wake Dan up at home and will let him watch the video footage in his room so he can play with himself.
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website.