The Wedding Date (Gay SPH)

By Max Swan. “You fucking asshole, Kyle,” Janice’s voice screamed from the living room.  “I knew you were cheating on me.” “Babe, babe, she means nothing to me, honest,” Kyle said, trying to soothe his girlfriend. In a bedroom not far from this loud argument, a recent new flatmate to Kyle’s apartment, a skinny white college student named Daniel Lewis, stirs.  He groans as the fight has been going on for about thirty minutes now, and the poor teen has

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Thrift Store Encounter

By fantaseeboy     For several weeks, I’d stopped into the upscale thrift shop at different times on Saturdays and Mondays, my days off. I was trying to discover when the store was the least busy. Once the research was complete, I stepped into the store on Monday morning at 10:00 am. Aside from the familiar heavy-set middle-aged lady behind the counter, I was the only person in the store. She greeted me with a friendly smile and asked if

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 67

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This Reader has his first Gay experience with a younger guy… When I was 30, I had my first gay experience with a young man who just turned 18 meet him at a party in the neighborhood where all the females had already left. I was talking to the slim, tall young man with black hair and blue eyes and just a little peach fuzz on his

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The Landlady (Gay Themes)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This story contains adult sexual content and should not be read by those under 18, or considered minors in their country or locale. If you are under 18: CLICK HERE This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it.

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