The Horny Step-Daddy

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This fictional story is the artistic expression of the author who wrote it. The Small Dick Club strongly believes in freedom of speech, and the right of artists to be heard, especially if what they say pushes the boundaries of what is acceptable in society. If you think you won’t like the content of this story, then don’t read it. It’s that simple. The Small Dick Club wishes to advise readers that any similarities in these stories to actual or real people or events is purely coincidental and unintended. That any story marked as a ‘true story’ shouldn’t be taken literally, as we have no way to verify if stories submitted to us are true. The Small Dick Club takes no responsibility for the imaginations and literary creations of authors who post their stories here.
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by irfreak700

Henry stepped out of his bedroom that morning with his little 4 inch dick poking through his pajama bottoms. He had a raging “stiffy” because he’d been up since 4 am listening to his step daughter Allison and her new boyfriend fuck ferociously in the bedroom next to his. They’d been going at it for most of the night and didn’t quiet down till a few short minutes ago. It was now 9:30 am.

What made it even hotter for Henry is that his step daughter’s new boyfriend was a 6 and a half foot tall, chiseled black stud, who, judging from Allison’s ear piercing screams last night, must have a cock the size of a python, and it was so satisfying to listen to him punish Allison’s poor young pussy with it. Henry lay awake in the early morning hours, tickling his tight ball sack while he listened to Nathan (Allison’s boyfriend), pounding away, smacking her firm round ass and grunting “yeah, you stupid white bitch”.

Henry realized that touching yourself while listening to your daughter, even your step daughter, getting fucked is a little strange, but he and Allison have a complicated history. Henry and his wife married by the time Allison was a senior in high school. He never knew her as the sweet, darling little girl she was, but only as the cruel, bratty, temptress teen she’d become.

From the moment he met Allison, he harbored a deep secret attraction to her that he earnestly struggled all this time to suppress. But despite his efforts to hide it, he was sure Allison sensed his forbidden desires, She had a wisdom beyond her years and there was a palpable sexual tension between the two of them. She loved torturing him and she quickly found his weakness and exploited it using her feminine wiles (as they say).

For instance, she seemed to figure out early on, even before her mom did, that Henry was a cuckold at heart. He remembered one night when he and Allison were finishing dinner and she blurted out, “Mom says you have a small dick. Is that true? I can’t believe she married you. You know she likes big cocks don’t you?” She then held her hand up in Henry’s face, making an inch wide gap between her thumb and forefinger and said “Do you have a tiny pee pee Henry? Do you?”

That hand gesture became a reoccurring joke with Allison. She used it anytime she wanted to get in a little dig at him. Then there was the time she left her bedroom door wide open while she was on top of her bed nude masturbating. Henry was walking by, he paused in her doorway. She looked at him completely unfazed and said with a sinister little giggle, “I thought you might like to watch.”

Over the years, Allison’s mom had developed an ongoing affair with another man and spent more time away from home and the two of them. Henry didn’t mind. For one thing, he loved the fact that his wife was screwing another man, and second, it gave him and Allison more time alone to play their little game. While his wife was the one having the affair, his step daughter Allison was the one who really knew how to twist the knife and humiliate Henry like he wanted. Like he craved.

Henry had many fantasies of Allison, but being the consummate cuckold, none of them involved him fucking her himself. In fact, even though he played with himself while thinking about Allison, he would always deny himself the pleasure of an orgasm. But all that would change this morning. Henry waited for Nathan to leave before stepping out of his bedroom and into the hallway where he found Allison looking out the window. Her big firm round ass and curvy thighs were still glistening with Nathan’s jizz. Looked like he dumped one helluva load on her.

Allison looked down at his pitiful throbbing four inch pee pee, poking through his pyjamas and laughed. “Did we wake you?” she asked.

Henry didn’t say a word. He marched over and stood directly behind her, his mind dizzy with sleep deprivation and horniness. Allison leaned forward against the window, pushing her ass out, tease the tip of Henry’s penis. She started flexing her buttocks and Henry watched her thighs ripple. “If you clean me up, I’ll let you fuck me,” she said.

Without hesitation Henry dropped to knees and clutched her ass with both hands. He wanted to scream, “Bitch! Slut! Fuck whore!” but all he could make where little whimpers and grunts. He removed her panties and pealed her ass sticky cheeks open. He pried them open as far as he could and noticed that her pussy was still a wide gaping hole from Nathan’s monster size black cock.

Nathan’s jizz was leaking out of her in a constant drip. Henry buried his face in her ass and licked her cunt and asshole like a wild dog, still making those funny, unintelligible grunting noises. He kept prying open her ass cheeks, almost like he was trying to rip her in two. There was also that thick, musky odour, the kind a girl gets from fucking her brains out all night that drove Henry to the edge of madness.

“Fuck Henry, what’s gotten into you?” Allison moaned.

Henry kept slurping up her ass and pussy, working his way up and down her thighs. Even Allison started breathing heavier. She started sitting down slowly, resting on the floor on top of Henry’s face. “Get it, Henry! Get it!”

She helped him remove his pyjama bottoms to free his little pee pee. Then grabbed her soft, silk panties and dangled them over Henry’s tight ball sack as she smothered his face with her ass.

Henry’s little dick bobbed up and down at the sensation of her panties. “You like that? Those are my panties.”

She wrapped them around Henry’s sack and tightened them. Henry thrust his tongue in her asshole and flicked it around. Allison heaved with a deep moan. He’d never made a woman do that before. He kept flicking his tongue, plunging deeper inside. “Oh… fuck yeah Daddy!” Allison gasped.

Henry rolled her onto the floor. His face was soaked with Nathan’s jizz so he untied Allison panties from his ball sack and towelled his face off with it. It didn’t help much as they were already soaked in jizz. “Fucking little whore!” he suddenly screamed at her.

Henry picked Allison up over his shoulder and carried her into his room and threw her on the bed. He started spanking her ass.

“That’s it daddy, spank it! I’ve been a naughty little whore, spank it!” Allison panted.

Years of sexual frustration now ready to explode, Henry mounted her from behind. His dick felt very loose in her pussy, not tight like he’d hoped for. So he pulled it out and wedged it between her ass cheeks. Gripping her cheeks together hard around his cock he began to fuck her as hard as he could.

“Fuck me daddy! Fuck me!” Allison yelled with a giggle.

And it didn’t take long before cum spurted out of Henry’s little dick and on to Allison’s back. Henry rolled off of her, limp and exhausted.

Allison sat up. She was quiet for a few moments and finally said, “Wow Henry you lasted like ten seconds, that must be a new record for you. Now lick your cummies off my back like a good little boy.”

Henry sighed and licked all his cum up cleaning her from his moment of release. She got up and started to walk out, but not before pausing in the door way and turning back to him, making the inch long gap with her thumb and forefinger. “Sadly you showed again that you can’t fuck like a real man. That’s cos you got that tiny boy dick. Why Mom ever married you is beyond me. Oh I know why, you’re loaded.”

Then she laughed and walked out heading for the shower.

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