The Airport
By Max Swan.

That’s not to say I just stayed at home and moped about. I always had this ‘thing’ that I wanted to see in my own country before I went overseas. I live in the USA, a vast continent with various landscapes and climates to explore. I could go on like a tourist ad describing the beauty of this land, but I don’t want to bore you. Let me say I love living in the USA despite its faults.
The sad thing (and I guess this probably happens in all nations) is that many Americans haven’t even seen what this land offers, choosing to spend their holidays abroad rather than locally. However, I achieved my goal and traveled around my country by car, seeing everything close and personal. That’s why I can speak with some authority about it.
I worked in LA as an IT technician at a large company. My family lived in Miami, virtually on the other side of the country. Therefore, I would have to fly to see them for Christmas or special occasions. I had to fly for the first time, which was cool because, as I said, I had never needed to.
I was always self-conscious about my penis size (or lack thereof) and confessed I have a tiny dick reaching a small three inches when erect (on a good day). When it was soft, it buried in my pubic mound, and my nuts weren’t that big either. Therefore, I was always worried that I had a noticeable lack of a bulge in my pants. I had begun to experiment with stuffing my underpants to see if I could simulate the appearance of someone with an average size penis. I wasn’t trying to look like I had a huge cock as that would be too obvious.
I just wanted to blend into the crowd, and if someone glanced at my groin, I would look like what they’d expect to see. That was my plan anyway, so I began stuffing my pants with a sock. Eventually, I found that if I folded a sock a certain way, I could put it down the front of my underpants, and it looked like I was an average guy. The only problem was that the socks moved around during the day, so I used a large safety pin to hold the sock in place.
It worked a treat; honestly, I always wore those socks, and no one even noticed. I also found that people treated me differently, or maybe it improved my self-confidence. I was more cheerful and open, so people responded to me differently. I’m not sure, but it was a great experiment for me then. I don’t care anymore, as I am proud of my tiny dick. I don’t stuff anymore.
Also, I wasn’t doing this to try to pick up, like those men that stuff in a nightclub to make it appear he has a huge cock. I was doing this to look at what I thought was normal in my everyday life. So I’m working in LA, and as events turn out, I’m forced to go back home quickly, and for the first time, I have to fly in a big plane across the USA to get home as fast as possible. I was looking forward to the flight because it was a new experience, so I packed and left for the airport and checked in as any air traveler.
When I checked in and dropped my luggage off, I walked toward the waiting area. Still, everyone else had to go through the security checks before entering. I stood before the metal detector and put anything metal I had on me into a tray with my backpack, wallet, keys, and so on, and then went through the metal detector.
It went off.
A thickset woman in a security uniform approached me, told me to check my pockets, etc., and then had me go through the scanner again.
It went off again.
I was beside myself, as I had no idea why the scanner was going off, as I had no metal I knew off on me. I don’t have any metal screws in my bones or anything like that, so I didn’t understand why I was getting a reading. Then she waved that hand scanner over me, which looked a bit like a table tennis paddle, and sure enough, it beeped.
Right at my groin.
Then it occurred to me that I had stuffed a sock in my underpants like usual and was using a big metal safety pin to hold it in place. I blushed bright red right there and then, which just made me look guilty.
“Sir, there’s a metal item in this region. Do you care to explain?” the female security officer asked.
“Um … I-I … it’s kinda embarrassing,” I said, glancing around.
She nodded but looked at me with narrowed eyes and a deep frown. “We can go to that room where you must show me the metal item. Otherwise, I can hold you for the ‘Federal Police’ to question you?”
I had read in the papers how airports across the country had tightened security since the terrorist attacks in the USA. Still, I didn’t think it would affect me for the life of me. I’m no terrorist or criminal; I’m just an everyday man. So not wanting to bother the Police, I decided to cooperate.
“Sure, take me to the room, and I’ll show you.”
I followed her and another male officer into a room where again she scanned me and got a beep at my nuts to show the other officer why the more invasive search. He looked like he was her boss or something. They looked me over as if I was some thief, and I admit I felt my body tremble.
“Please drop your trousers, sir,” the male officer asked me, so I complied.
Sure enough, there was the safety pin for all to see, but worse, you could tell it was holding something inside my underpants. Airport security guards being airport security guards, immediately thought I was smuggling something inside my undies. The male guard remained cool; no cold would be a better description.
“That pin is holding a package in place. What’s in the package?”
He stared at me coldly, making my heart suddenly race and thump in my chest. He wasn’t playing games—he was serious.
I went bright red with embarrassment, which must have made me look even guiltier.
“It’s nothing… It’s just a sock,” I said.
“Sir, I will have to order you by the Airport Security Act of 2009 authority that you remove your underpants immediately as I believe you are carrying a prohibitive substance on your person. If you do not wish to comply with my request, the ‘FBI’ will be called to continue this investigation,” he said in that stern cop voice you hear in TV shows in similar situations.
The way they looked at me scared the shit out of me. So now, I was scared as hell, on top of being very embarrassed. What could I do? At least if I can get it done, I can still make my flight. So begrudgingly, I pulled my underpants down and took them off. The female security officer guffawed at the sight of me but then held herself in check.
However, they both stared at my groin so intensely. I said in annoyance, “Why don’t you take a picture? It lasts longer.”
You see, I’m a chubby man, so when I’m soft, my fat pubic mound swallows my cock, leaving nothing but a small hole with my nuts under it. It’s quite a sight. I also keep the area shaved bald, highlighting it even more.
Then he said, “Sir, please give me your underpants.”
I handed them to him (he was wearing those blue rubber gloves), and he removed the safety pin and unfurled the sock, expecting god knows what to be inside it. Drugs, I thought. The female guard never stopped looking at my dick the whole time. After he had turned the sock inside out and found nothing sinister hidden within but some lint, he looked at me confused.
“Sir, why are you traveling with a sock in your underpants?”
“Um… To make me appear… (I looked down at my exposed nuts and back up at him)… b-bigger … you know?” I stammered in absolute shame.
“Bigger?” the male officer said, not quite getting it yet.
“Yeah, Fred, he means he stuffs a sock in his underpants to make it look like he has a big dick, or maybe in his case, to look like he has a dick,” the female officer said, not hiding her amusement anymore.
The male officer became a bit embarrassed himself and threw the sock and underpants at me. “You can get dressed now, but I’m afraid you cannot keep this pin.”
He held it up to me. I just nodded. I didn’t need to be told twice, so I put my clothes back on and then stuffed the sock in my pocket. When I was dressed, they thanked me for my cooperation and told me sternly not to do it again (use a pin in my underpants at an Airport) if I wanted to avoid the same embarrassing scenario, and lastly, I was dismissed. I walked out of the room, but I heard them burst into laughter from outside, which made my humiliation complete. I learned my lesson, that’s for sure. That was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
The End.
*This story has been edited to fix spelling, punctuation, formatting errors, & basic grammar, but the narrative and plot have remained the same. Even with the limited editing done here, it doesn’t mean any possible major flaws in this story were fixed (That’s the author’s job). The opinions/views expressed in this story (and in any comments) are those of the author and do not represent this site. We support freedom of speech. This story was submitted directly to this website. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.