Rule Book For Humanity

By Manny. The rule book was discovered by Bill Jefferson one day walking home to his apartment from the bus stop. The rule book allows the user to re-write rules governing the universe, or the user can create their own. Bill was eager to play with this silly book but wanted to warm up when he got home. This arctic cyclone bomb was brutal. Bill was warming his shower up to hop in after being out in the cold for

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 212

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader went to a doctor about it… I wondered how I should talk to my doctor about my small penis since I’m self-conscious about my size. My brother (16) and I (18) had our appointments at the same time, so while he was going first with the doctor, I was in the waiting room thinking about how I will go about this. When it was my

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Little Penis Pete: The Office Bitch 3

By Minime20. Read Part 1 Here.Read Part 2 Here. ***** Part 3… Monday had arrived. Pete pulled up his suit trousers, fastened his belt, and tried to walk normally out of the bedroom. The thong he was wearing felt so strange. He couldn’t believe how well his penis and balls sat in them and that his discomfort was the back as it went up his ass crack, leaving his whole bottom exposed. Sonya was waiting by the front door, “Here

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My discovery of SPH

By Minime20. I had been visiting my lifelong friend Hannah. She had been my neighbor all through childhood, and we had been catching up on life now we were ‘grown-ups.’ Hannah over-shared about her love life, and noticing that I remained very silent about my exploits, she probed me for an answer. She asked if I was a member of all the various parties in LGBTQ etc., and she kept on at me asking what was up. I finally admitted

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High School Reunion

By Babydicklover. My name is Michelle, and today is my 10-year high school reunion. The student council felt inspired to host a festival like a carnival on the football field. Primarily, I’ve heard high school reunions are boring and not worth the effort, but this piqued my excitement. It will be nice to see some old friends since staying in contact with folks you are far away from is challenging. My boyfriend, Kyle Maverick, picked me up, and I was

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A 25th to shrivel up for!

By Minime20. Billy’s roommates (Alice and Hannah) and sister (Claire) had been planning the party for over a month. Twenty-five-years-old needed a big party but more importantly to the three women, payback for Billy! Claire had been humiliated by Billy on her 25th when he projected a slideshow of Claire’s nude photos he’d hacked into on her phone. Billy had pranked Alice and Hannah many times, like locking them out of the flat in their underwear after faking a fire

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By bisquate. The Judge walked into the court room, empty, but for two barristers and a man in the dock. He was short, with short dark hair, and looked sullen. His hands were cuffed behind his back. “Thank you for your patience,” said the Judge. “I have come to my conclusions regarding your sentencing. Taking into account the egregious nature of your crimes and their nature, and the verdict of guilty found by the Jury for your crimes of three

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Extended Stay (Sissy/forced Bi Sex)

By charmer949. I’m still pissed off because we must stay here for a month. It’s day thirteen, and I’m stuck–well, we’re stuck–at the Common Inn, a less-than-ideal extended-stay motel on the edge of Smallville. If my blowhard husband knew how to properly do his job, we’d have been home last week. He needs someone to come along in his life who will put him in his place. Mr. All High and Mighty. Ham–I call him behind his back. He’s gone

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A Wimp in her Closet

By flickofthedick. After a year abroad, Amy returned to a mix-up with the apartments. She found a vacant room in a dorm for a few weeks through sheer luck until the situation could be resolved. Still, life as a dormitory resident was quite a transition after the freedom and independence of exchange studies. Still, the dorm was a blessing in disguise because that’s where she met Andy. It didn’t take long to notice something about him worthy of deeper investigation.

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Our Readers SPH Experiences 211

By Our Readers Our readers share their moments of small dick zen.   This reader has wrestled with his insecurities… Back in high school, I was on the wrestling team. I have several instances of SPH during this period, some of which I’d like to write about later. This particular story was the first instance. During practice, we would wear shorts and a t-shirt. When changing clothes in the locker room, I was always highly private, typically dressing away from

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