Create a Picture Album of YOUR Pics

Finally, we bring you the ability to create your own picture album, featuring your small dick and kinky nudes photos. Other people can comment directly on your pics and you can reply. This is the feature you’ve all been waiting for. You have to be registered and logged in to create and upload images to your album, but this isn’t necessary if you want to view and comment on albums only. Click this link to go to the Albums page

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News: Site Changes.

Hey, to all our small dick club members and friends out there. As you may have noticed recently the site had become very slow and prone to crashing. The problem is all the images we’ve been trying to host on the site (nearly 40,000), so from this point on we’re going to cull the images we show. All these images are chewing our bandwidth within an inch of death. So from now on we will NOT be hosting general SPH

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News: SPH Club is no more

Our tumblr blog SPH Club has been terminated by tumblr for some very soft reasons. This is the third time we’ve had an sph blog terminated on tumblr and we’ll not be going back. In short, we’ve had enough. So if you’re looking for our latest sph captions then look no further than our SPH Pics page. So, to tumblr, who seems to have something against SPH, we say:   To our near 5000 followers on SPH Club we apologise

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Here’s Why Size Doesn’t Really Matter

  By Nico Lang   Even if you don’t have a small penis, you might think you do. In a June 2007 report in the urology journal BJU International, researchers found that while an overwhelming majority of female respondents (85%) were happy with their partner’s size, 45% of men exhibit symptoms of “penis anxiety,” wishing their member were bigger. Only 0.6% of guys have what is medically classified as a “micropenis” — measuring less than 3 inches — but many

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